Whānau Ora Update
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora in the Headlines
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Kia ora tatou! You will have noticed over the past week or so increased public discussion over Whānau Ora, following the release of the Auditor General’s look into the first four years of Whānau Ora.
If any of you missed the Auditor-General’s review, you can read it here.
Te Puni Kōkiri also issued a statement, welcoming the reports and the dialogue regarding Whānau Ora. You can find this on the Scoop news portal here – it is well worth a read.
The report has observations on what mightbe improved, but also acknowledges Whānau Ora has been a success for many families who now have a plan to improve their lives. Whānau Ora is an innovative approach for all parties, so it is not surprising that there is still work to do.
One of the areas that has received positive attention is the analysis the Ministry of Health produces comparing Whānau Ora related general practice services to non-Whānau Ora general practice services. Although it is not possible to say that Whānau Ora alone is producing these improvements, these are promising results.
The next report – covering the quarter through to December 2014 will be published soon and available on the Ministry of Health website.
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
DHB Annual Plan Reminder – Final Drafts Due 26 May
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
The due date for final submissions of Annual Plans is fast approaching and relationship managers have been busy working to support DHBs with content for the delivery of Whānau Ora.
If you have any questions or require further support, please get in touch with Laura Fair in the Māori Health Policy team 04 816 2071 or .
26 May is the final date for the second drafts and we will provide feedback by 1 June.
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau-centred Care in Whanganui
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
These updatesprovide a monthly snapshot of highlights and developments in the Māori Health sector, with a focus on the work that’s taking place inpartnership with Whānau Ora collectives and DHBs.
With that in mind we also keep an eye on the broader aims of Whānau Ora as well and will occasionally link to or feature stories that exemplify those principles in action.
Whānau Ora forms part of He Korowai Oranga, the Māori Health StrategyAchieving the strategy’s aspiration of Pae Ora, or Healthy Futures, together requires much broader concepts of the health and more integrated approaches to working together.
The Ministry’s website provides some great examples of this type of thinking.
This story from the Whanganui district outlines the way the Whanganui DHB and the Whanganui Regional Health Network PHO are working together to tackle some of the challenges in their community.
It’s a great example of how a region can work in innovative ways to take a whānau centred approach to service delivery.
Hopefully the story inspires you in the work you’re already doing in your region, as well as inspiring you to share some of your stories and examples with us.
As always, if you have an story to share or know a story or initiative you’d recommend wecover, drop us a line anytime at:
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Mahere Updates
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Mahere, the Whānau Ora Information System, is continuing to progress well.The new branding is now in place - you can see examples of the key design elements here.
The team is currently reviewing the Expressions of Interest they received for members of the Technical Advisory Group. The intention is to have four agency representatives and four representatives from collectives. This should be announced shortly.
Training to support testing of Mahere is currently being completed. The team is now preparing to hold the user acceptance testing and security testing over the next few weeks.
Following that the team will begin to focus on the Train the Trainer course, currently scheduled for early June, as the system begins to be rolled out.
Thanks to everyone who is supporting this work. There is a lot happening and things are progressing well – we will continue to keep you updated.
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015
That’s all for this month. We welcome any feedback and suggestion you may have for additional topics or stories we could profile. Send us an email with your thoughts anytime at:
Whānau Ora Update No. 31 – May 2015