WG3 Meeting #11, New York
Tuesday, April 28, 1998
The meeting opened with a discussion of philosophical direction of standard contents. We began with Figure 4.0-3, defining and refining several of the levels.
We tightened up the language by carefully considering the usage of “shall” vs “may”.
We revised the examples of several system descriptions. Most of 4.0 will be moved to annex and “homework” assignments were made to tailor examples to the table. We incorporated Tom McGean’s editorial comments and Pat Murphy’s comments as we progressed. Care was taken to assure that the table could be used for new procurements, overhauls and replacement orders.
With the exception of Adtranz’s Pierre Zuber, the working group remains committed to a standard with applicability to new and older fleets rather than only the most complex new equipment such as advanced propulsion systems. Several discussions concerning efforts toward more detailed standards in this area were deferred to after the first standard is accepted.
Wednesday, April 29, 1998
The meeting began with “homework” reviews and tests of the revised table definitions.
The main table was further revised, as the heart of the standard, for presentation at the full committee meeting in Chicago in June.
The group agreed that each designation in each of the three lines of the table would be described in "shall" terminology with examples of different types of M&D systems in the body of the text as notes. The Human Interface narrative was reviewed as a sample of that. By the end of the day, it was clear that too much work remained for the whole standard to be ready for review by the full committee by June.
The group decided that the Event Recorder section was close enough to completion to be ready for ballot if it can be done as a subset in advance of the rest of the standard. It needs to be made into its own stand alone module, incorporating certain other sections of the body of the standard. The balance of the meeting was spent editing the Event Recorder paragraphs.
Action Items: Jack will supply a static RAM and battery test to LS. LS to find out whether and how the Event Recorder standard may be balloted. Chris (& LS) to issue draft 3.5.
Available on the web will be two versions of draft 3.5 of the standard: WG3D35M - marked up (with all deletions and additions shown) and WG3D35 – “clean” (with changes incorporated).
Next meeting: Thursday, May 28, 8:30 – 5, at Metro-North’s Classroom 2, 7th floor, Hall B, Grand Central Station, New York City. Subject: Final Event Recorder wording.