WG 4 meeting in Vienna COST Action 636 Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle
3rd meeting for COST Action 636
WG 4 “Analytical Issues”
Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle
25-28 September 2006 in Vienna, Austria
Gudrun Abbt-Braun / University of Karlsruhe / DEAntigoni Achilleos / University of Cyprus / CY
Marijan Ahel / Rudjer Boskovic Institute / HR
Henrik R. Andersen / DTU / DK
MarinaCoquery / Cemagref / FR
Liliana Cruceru / National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology / RO
Rolf-Alexander Düring / Institute of Resources Management, University of Giessen / DE
Juliane Hollender / Eawag / CH
Oliver Gans / Umweltbundesamt / AT
Cedric Guignard / CRP – Gabriel Lippmann / LU
Ester Heath (Chair) / Jožef Stefan Institute / SI
Dolores Hernando / University of Almeria / ES
Anna Ledin / Institute of Environment & Resources / DK
Zaharie Moldovan / National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopic and Molecular Technology / RO
Erwin Rosenberg / Vienna University of Technology / AT
Frank Sacher (Co-Chair) / DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser / DE
Stefan Weis / Umweltbundesamt / AT
Luc Zwank / CRP Henri Tudor, Centre de Ressources des Technologies de l'Environnement / LU
WG4 discussed during the meeting in Vienna fourissues:
1)“Sampling issues”as a special topic of this meeting
2)Interlaboratory studies
4)Action plan for 2007
Ad1) Sampling
Within “Sampling issues” we had three interesting presentations:
-Dolores Hernando: Application of integrative samplers for trace determination of contaminants in water
-Marijan Ahel: Sampling strategies to study organic contaminants in municipal waste waters
-Luc Zwank: Monitoring in surface water streams – scientific criteria vs legal obligations
Participants presented their experience, trouble shooting and difficulties regarding sampling. A great discussion was opened after the presentations.We all agreedthat more time could have been allocated to this important issue and thesuggestion was to organize a common session on sampling for all COST participants in the future.
Ad2) Interlaboratory study
We had three presentations within this session:
-Liliana Cruceru: Interlaboratory study – protocol documentation and statistical interpretation of the data
-Henrik Andersen: Experiences from a previous intercomparison exercise on steroidal hormones in waste waters
-Ester Heath: Status report and proposal for next steps
We accepted that interlaboratory studieswill be performed under the coordination of Ester Heath and Frank Sacher. Standard reference samples will be preparedby DTU under the supervision of Anna Ledin. Statistical evaluation of results will be performed by Liliana Cruceru and co-workers.
It was decided that the interlaboratory study should cover at least the three compounds 17β-estradiol, estrone, and 17α-ethinylestradiol. Results for additional compounds as estriol or 17α-estradiol could be reported as well and will be evaluated if sufficient data are provided. Influent and effluent of a Danish municipal wastewater will be selected as matrix.If feasible, filtered and non-filtered samples should be included in the exercise, i.e. in total 4 samples should be analysed. Effluent samples should be spiked, influent samples not. The pH of all samples will be adjusted to 3 by a phosphate buffer to guarantee sample stability and avoid deconjugation. Only concentration levels of the free hormones should be determined. 1 L of sample should be provided to allow for at least two replicate analyses. DTU will think about possibilities to check for homogeneity and stability of samples. Number of participants should be limited to 25. Interested groups from outside the COST action could join the action to participate.
Before the meeting in Vienna a request for additional money to cover the shipment of the samples to the participants around Europewas submitted to the COST office. While waiting for a reply, we will prepare a draft protocol. If funding becomes available, we expect to have samples analysed and evaluated before the next COST 636 meeting in September 2007. An invitation e-mail will be sent out to all COST 636 participants before end of October.
Ad3) Preparation of publication
Anna Ledin presented some information about her contacts with IWA. She received a positive reply; however, more detailed input is necessary to get a formal decision. Since we could not decide on whetherto prepare a book or a special issue journal, Anna Ledin will prepare a draft concept for discussion in Karlsruhe. Ester Heath, Frank Sacher, Juliane Hollender, and Henrik Andersen volunteered to help with this issue. We plan to have defined main contributions (chapters or papers) before the next meeting. Support was also promised from the IWA side by Maria Fürhacker and Bo Jacobsen.
Ad4) Action plan
Regarding Sampling, we decided to give more attention to this subject during the autumn 2007 meeting. It was suggested that this issue, important for all WGs, should be planned as a common session for all WGs.
Forthe future we agreed that, if we get financing, we should have the first round of the interlaboratory exercisecompletedbythe next COST 636 meeting. If the exercise goes well and if the COST Office finances the shipment of the samples, a second round willbe organized,whichwill be open to other workgroups (e.g. WG3 for bio-tests).
Regarding publications, we agreed to first define the content of acommon publication. We expect to have this accomplished before the Karlsruhe meeting.
We decided to continue with Topic Issue at every WG4 meeting. A long list of interesting subjects to be included in discussion includes are: analytical methods for pharmaceuticals and or EDC, advanced analytical technologies, quality control for research laboratories, sum parameters, degradation products, analytical methods for identification of sources, concepts for identification of new emerging compounds,….
For the next meeting of WG 4 it was decided to talk about the interlaboratoryexercise, the IWA book or journal, and to organise a session together with WG 3 about effect-related analytical methods. For the autumn meeting in 2007 a session on analytical methods for endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) should be included.
All agreed that the meeting was an overall success and well organised and we wish to the opportunity again to thank again Norbert Kreuzinger for hospitality and good organization.
The next WG4 meeting will be together with WG3 in Karlsruheend of March 2007 and organised by Frank Sacher and Verena Höckele.
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