Westwood Land Owner’s Association

Board of Directors Monthly Meeting

Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2017

Magnolia TX, 77354

Regular Meeting: The Board of Directors of the Westwood Land Owner’s Association

(WWLOA) convened in a regular monthly session open to all

Members of WWLOA at the Westwood LOA Office at 7:05pm.

Quorum Present: Mr. Rick Bridges, President

Ms. Julie Vanderhorst, Member at Large

Ms. Diana Maichetti, Treasurer

Ms. Denise Dowling, Secretary

Call to Order: President Rick Bridges called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

President made note that Vice President Debbie Sulzer was absent due to conflict.

1. Consider and Approve:

a)  Minutes of October meeting Diana motioned to approve, President 2nd, approved.

Pat Troy asked for a comment noted in October minutes attributed to him be removed. President motioned to strike Pat Troy’s comment about bid and have the minutes amended to show this. Member at Large 2nd motion to amend minutes and submit amended meeting minutes at the next monthly meeting. Motion to amend and resubmit approved.

b)  Financial report not given, accountant out of country, will submit at next month’s meeting.

c)  Courtesy report, President moved to accept, Treasurer 2nd, approved

2. Constable report: Officer Janie said the crime rate is up and moving our direction. President will be meeting with Constables and Sheriff’s department to increase patrol units for this area.

3. Operations report: Office is doing good, lots of payments (30) of the 209 letters. Majority are paying them. New office employee named Monica Burkholder.

4. ACC report: Board has approved a new ACC member named Mr. Mike Hanson. Committee is reviewing the ACC guidelines to suggest improvements. President asked ACC chairman Pat Troy what is the committee's recommendation to the inquiry for a tea and event shop. ACC chairman said the committee recommendation is to approve the submission of the application.

5. Drainage report: Member at Large gave drainage report. Member at Large is trying to get resolution from county for drainage. Drainage committee meeting will try to have another meeting for doing scopes of work soon.

Old Business:

1.  Emergency 911 service for pools is required by state law and needs to be active year-round, not just during pool season. Member at Large noted that the estimate for AT&T is wrong. Table issue to confirm correct pricing and to clarify some questions about Kings 3. President asked Oona to redo numbers and check with AT&T about prices, also wants Vice President to consider this. President motioned to table issue, Member at Large 2nd, passed.

2.  Plastering pools; Oona spoke with pool guy, no need to replaster pools. If there was a problem with the pools, he would let us know. Rick, no vote needed.

3.  New LOA Attorney: Greg Cagle, would like to meet with us, Treasurer has information and his resume. Treasurer will send out email with info and resume to consider.

New business:

1.  Holiday Bazaar: Member at Large asked if non-residents can also do booths, Office manager said anyone can do a booth. President motion to approve signs for Winter Festival, Secretary 2nd, approved.

Open forum:

1. Janis Bloecher, section 2 - Concerned about how sections 1 & 2 are looking per deed restrictions. What is the LOA going to be doing about RVs, campers, tires, trash?

President asked Janis to take pictures and bring to WWLOA office and Joel will go over and submit letters.

When will the deed restrictions be revised, will the board ever revise them?

Treasurer said that the board would like to redo deed restrictions, but it requires a 51% yes vote from every section. Will take time to get updates done to give to the residents for their input.

ACC chairman said it appears that the ACC guidelines are as enforceable as the deed restrictions. When the ACC updates the guidelines, they can address some of those issues.

Mr. Justin Alley, section 3- issue of cars going around the school buses while the kids are getting off the buses. President asked Janie about having a patrol during bus drop off times. Two major spots are on Weisinger and McDaniel.

Chris Hattley- Mahogany Way speeders. Officer Janie said we know about the areas, we just can’t be every place all the time. President asked office manager to consider getting a culvert with a rock area for the constables to park to get speeders on Mahogany Way. Pat Troy asked can we have the radar guns available to be used for officers who are on duty. Member at Large suggested getting Marion Maston do a post on Facebook page to get residence aware about the speeding problems.

President to talk to ACC chairman about board decision to have any work done on behalf of WWLOA, the ACC will write the scope of work. Office manager can get bids, and the summary of work. That way the bids we get will all be comparable. Rick asked Pat Troy to write up ACC paperwork for new roof and paint for WWLOA building.

President motioned to adjourn, Treasurer 2nd, motion to adjourn at 9:14 pm