Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name: / Christian Sonier / Unit Name and #:Course: / Computer Maintenance / Dates:
Monday / What are we learning?
Daily Objective: Students will learn about networking
TEKS/AP/Standards: 130.273 6(A),(B),(C),(D)
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities: Identify various types of networks.
· Topologies
o Mesh
o Ring
o Bus
o Star
o Hybrid
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods: Upon learning about and going over the lesson, students will begin working on the TestOut modules pertaining to the lesson that was covered on today.
Checks for Understanding: I will be able to check for student understanding by analyzing the student’s progress on the TestOut modules.
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Computer and access to TestOut module. Paper and pen to take notes.
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: Review over lesson dealing with networking.
Tuesday / What are we learning?
Daily Objective: Students will learn about networking
TEKS/AP/Standards: 130.273 6(A),(B),(C),(D)
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities: Identify various types of networks.
· Topologies
o Mesh
o Ring
o Bus
o Star
o Hybrid
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Upon learning about and going over the lesson, students will begin working on the TestOut modules pertaining to the lesson that was covered on today.
Checks for Understanding: I will be able to check for student understanding by analyzing the student’s progress on the TestOut modules.
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Computer and access to TestOut module. Paper and pen to take notes.
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: Review over lesson dealing with networking
Wed/Thur / What are we learning?
Daily Objective: Students will learn about networking
TEKS/AP/Standards: 130.273 6(A),(B),(C),(D)
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
Setup and configure Windows networking on a client/desktop.
· WorkGroup vs. domain setup
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Upon learning about and going over the lesson, students will begin working on the TestOut modules pertaining to the lesson that was covered on today.
Checks for Understanding: I will be able to check for student understanding by analyzing the student’s progress on the TestOut modules. Students will begin working on their networking lab.
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Computer and access to TestOut module. Paper and pen to take notes.
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: Review over lesson dealing with networking
Friday / What are we learning?
Daily Objective: Students will learn about networking
TEKS/AP/Standards: 130.273 6(A),(B),(C),(D)
How will we learn it?
Setup and configure Windows networking on a client/desktop.
· WorkGroup vs. domain setup
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Upon learning about and going over the lesson, students will begin working on the TestOut modules pertaining to the lesson that was covered on today.
Checks for Understanding: I will be able to check for student understanding by analyzing the student’s progress on the TestOut modules. Students will complete their networking lab assignment today.
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Computer and access to TestOut module. Paper and pen to take notes.
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: Review over lesson dealing with networking.