Westport Fishermen’s Association 14th Annual
Run for the Water
8K Road Race & 5K Family Fun Walk / Run
Horseneck Beach - Saturday May 5, 2018 @ 10am
COURSE: Loops through scenicHorseneck Beach State Reservation with ocean and river views. Water stations along the way.
FEE: $25.00. Race day is $30.Child 14 & under $15. WFA memberdiscounted fee is $20.
Online Registration at Early bird registration discounted fee of $20 until March 31 and referral promotion available online only.
AWARDS: Top 3 female and male 10K runners receive cash awards & medals!!
Family 5K Fun Run prizes for top individuals and other categories.
T-SHIRTS: Short sleeve T-shirt guaranteed for all participants who pre-register by 4/26.
REFRESHMENTS: Pre & Post race food and refreshments for all runners.
Mail in registration: Must be postmarked by 05/01/18.
Name: ______Age:___ DOB:___ /___/_____ Gender: M F
Address: ______Phone:______
City: ______State:______Zip:______
E-mail:______T-Shirt Size: Child S M Lor Adult S M L XL XXL
Check One: 8K Race___5K Fun Run____ Team Name: ______Amount included: _____
Mail to: Westport Fishermen's Association, PO Box 83, Westport Point, MA 02791
WAIVERS AND DISCLAIMERS: In consideration of the foregoing, I for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns, waive and release any and all rights, claims and courses of action I have or may have against the Westport Fishermen’s Association, its Primary Sponsors and its affiliates their agents, employees, officers, directors, successors and assigns, Second Wind Race Timing, the Town of Westport, Horseneck State Beach Reservation, and any and all sponsors, their representatives and successors, that may arise as a result of my participation in The Event and any pre- and post- event activities. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and my physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose including commercial advertising. I agree to the above waivers and disclaimers.
______Assigned Bib #:______
Sign and date (if under 18, parent or guardian signature)