Westfield Medical Practice

Patient Reference group

Meeting Record

Chair / Susan Bates-Patrick
Minute Taker
Attendees / Staff / Dr Babu, Dr Alam, Susan Bates-Patrick, Kumal Rayat, Lesley Rhodes and Alison Walker
Patients / Terry Minshull, Barbara Minshull, Samuel Meame- Kajue, Thomas Claxton, Ralph Claxton, Diana Smith-Harris, Eugenie Copeland, Kath Nichols, Mohammed Shafi and Salma Shafi

Patients and staff introduced themselves.

Sue talked about house- keeping arrangements (fire exits, toilets, refreshments)

Ground rules

Agreed the following ground rules for the session:

1.  Respect other peoples views

2.  Give other people chance to talk and listen to what they have to say

3.  Don’t be afraid to talk up

4.  Be honest and open

5.  Turn off your mobile

6.  No discrimination

7.  No question is a silly question

Terms of reference was given out to all members.

Minutes were discussed from the last meeting.

Matters arising:

Spokesperson for group

Two members of the group volunteered to act as spokesperson for the Group. KN and DSH. The main contact spokesperson would be KN.

Arrange a meeting to meet both spokesperson to discuss practice profile ect.

Patient survey

Copies of questionnaires were given to all members to have a look and to give any feedback they may have.

The feed back received:

1)  Opening times – to identify the difference between reception opening and surgery opening times.

2)  DNA - develop a question to add to questionnaires regarding DNA’s. To get some feed back from patients.

3)  Equality monitoring - have an option ‘prefer not to say’

4)  A statement at the beginning of the questionnaires to state that the information given will be treated as confidential and personal details will not be share with a third party.

Sue will make these changes to the questionnaire.


Agreed as a group that the DNA numbers were still quite high so the group would like to review and discuss in more detail at the next meeting. Sue will go through Practice protocol for DNA’s at the meeting.

Online appointments and prescriptions

Sue informed the group on the introduction of the new online appointment and prescriptions system the practice was introducing very shortly.


Dr Babu gave a talk on the myths of the flu vaccine. Practice offered the vaccines for those members that were eligible to have the flu vaccine.

Future dates

Next meeting will be on Saturday 23rd November at 10:15am.


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