WestburyHigh School


Instructor: Sahar Saidy


Conference: 5TH Period

Westbury H.S. 713-723-6015 ext 347

Tutorials: A& B Lunch on ODD days.

Room: C221

Course Goals:

Welcome to Chemistry Class!Chemistry is an inquiry- based course that examines matter and the changes it undergoes. We will cover the essential topics to give you a firm foundation for classes you may take later and for the chemistry you experience in everyday life. The most important thing I can do for you is teach you learning skills, NOT STUFF. The course will attempt to give you a deeper understanding of the science processes that go on around you. This class will include oral work, written work, group projects, outside assignments, laboratory experiences and tests. This class will give you learning strategies to help you become a more effective reader and independent learner. Each student will be required to do a project counting as a major grade that is inquiry based. The project will involve research and real world application of scientific principles.

Course Outline:

First Semester / Second Semester
First Six Weeks
  • Chapters 2, 3, & 4: Safety, Scientific Methods, Measurement, Density, Significant Figures, Accuracy versus Precision, and Dimensional analysis
  • Chapter 10: State of Matter
  • Chapter 5: Periodic Table
  • Chapter 14: Chemical Periodicity
Second Six Weeks
  • Chapter 5 :Atomic Structure
  • Chapter 28: Nuclear Chemistry
  • Chapter 13: Electron Configuration,
  • Chapters 16: Chemical Bonds
  • Chapters 6 & 20: Chemical Names and Formulas
Third Six Weeks
  • Chapter 8: Chemical Reactions
  • Chapter 7 : Moles
  • Chapter 18: Molarity
  • Chapter 9: Stoichiometry
  • Final exam review
/ Forth Six Weeks
  • Chapter 17&18: Aqueous Systems & Solution
  • Chapter 20: Acids and Bases
Fifth Six Weeks
  • Chapters 12: Behavior of Gases
  • Chapter 11: Thermochemistry
Sixth Six Weeks
  • STEM Project/ Individual Research
  • Final exam review


Chemistry –Addison Wesley

Grading Policy:

  • Class work– 40%
  • Homework-10%
  • Common Assessments/Test/Lab Report/Projects – 40%
  • Quizzes-10%

If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ask me about your missing work. You have 5 days to do your make up.

If you do NOT turn in your works ON time, it will be taken off 5 points for each passing due day.

If you make LOWgrade in your Test or Work, you can make up the work during after school tutorial.

Classroom Supplies:

  • Composite Notebook
  • 3-ring binder with four dividers labeled: Notes, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Labs
  • Notebook paper
  • 1 Folder
  • Pen (blue/black) & Pencils
  • TI 30 solar calculator. .

Expectation of Students:

  • Follow all rules listed in the Student Handbook(Dress Code, ID etc)
  • Be in the class ON time.
  • Come prepared with your supplies and be ready to work.
  • Respect teacher, classmates and visitors.
  • Raise your hands if you have question AND Leave your seat with permission.
  • Homework is due when you walk in the door.
  • No Food, Drink, Headphone, Cell Phone and other electronic devices allowed to be used in the classroom.
  • Safety above all.

Student Success:

Students who are successful in Chemistry have a willingness to complete assignments with comprehension, have good attendance, and actively participate in classroom activities.

The goal of the administration and faculty is to prepare our students for life outside the walls of WestburyHigh School. Please contact me if there are any questions concerning this class.


Sahar Saidy

Science Educator

We have read this sheet. We will abide by the rules of the class, school, and district.

Print Student Name / Student Signature
Print Parent Name / Parent Signature
Parent Day Phone # / Parent Evening Phone #
Parent Email