West Walton Parish Council
Planning Meeting
Elgin Energy presentation regarding the proposed Solar installation at Rose & Crown Farm, Walpole St Andrewon Tuesday 8th April 2014 at 6.30pm in West Walton Village Hall, Mill Road, West Walton.
Present:Chairman Cllr Richard Mayhew
Councillors Cuthbert, Cummings, Gray, Groom, Kidger, Knowles, B Ward and D Ward
Elgin Energy – Colm Murphy, Philips Planning Service – Al Morrow and Ed Hodges
Three parishioners – Mrs Knights, Mr Gray and Mr Williman.
50/14 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Holden and Jewson & County Councillors Agnew
51/14 Discussion regarding planning application No 14/00283/FM 30mw Solar PV Installation at Rose & Crown Farm, Walpole St Andrew.
Colm Murphy, Al Morrow and Ed Hodges gave a presentation regarding the installation and running of the proposed Solar Facility at Rose and Crown Farm. Councillors discussed the proposed transport route, installation period, looked at the information boards and photomontage images of how the proposed facility will appear.
52/14 To suspend the meeting to allow for any public participation regarding the above planning application.
The public in attendance discussed any points with the representatives from Elgin Energy and Philips Planning Service.
The meeting closed at 7.15pm
The meeting was followed by the Annual Assembly and the minutes are recorded separately.
(Cllr Kidger gave apologies for the Annual Assembly and Ordinary Parish Council meeting)
Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of West Walton Parish Council on Tuesday 8th April 2014 following the Annual Assembly in West Walton Village Hall, Mill Road, West Walton. The meeting commenced at 8pm.
Present:Chairman Cllr Richard Mayhew
Councillors Cuthbert, Cummings, Gray, Groom, Knowles, B Ward and D Ward
One parishioners – Mr Williman
53/14 Apologies - To consider accepting apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Holden, Kidger and Jewson & County Councillor Agnew
54/14 Public Participation - To suspend the meeting to allow public participation
Nothing was raised.
55/14 Minutes - To approve the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 11thFebruary and 18th March 2014
- 11th February - Cllr B Ward proposed the minutes having been previously circulated as a true record of the meeting held on Tuesday 11th February 2014, seconded by Cllr Cummings. Agreed
- 18th March - Cllr Groom proposed the minutes having been previously circulated as a true record of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th March 2014, seconded by Cllr D Ward. Agreed.
56/14 Matters dealt with since the last meeting
Items are all on the agenda.
57/14 Declarations of Interest - To record declarations of interest in any item to be discussed
Cllr Gray declared an interest in Finance 59/14 A.I) v.
Cllr Groom declared an interest in Finance 59/14 A.I) ii.
58/14 Planning Matters
14/00283/FM - 30mw Solar PV Installation at Rose & Crown Farm, Walpole St Andrew. No objections.
14/00420/F – Installation of Solar PV array adjacent to existing at The Poplars, Lynn Rd, WH. Support.
14/00225/F – New entrance to garden centre at Worzals Farm Shop, Walsoken. Support.
14/00200/F – Development of existing vacant site for 8 properties at Trafford Estate. Support, road width needs to be widened for access.
14/00205/F – Development of existing industrial site and paddock for 8 properties at Salts Road, WH. Object for the following reasons:
- Contrary toPlanning Policy CS06 and CS10 -priority to be given to retaining local business sites. The sitecurrently contains a carpentry business providing the opportunity for local employment.
- This is ahigh density development which will have an adverse impact on this area of the village.
- The accessand exit to and from the siteare inadequate.
- Theproperties in the locality are all bungalows, if thedevelopmentis to proceed, the properties should be either bungalows or chalet bungalows to keep a consistentstreet scene/appearance.
- The proposed wooden cladding is not in keeping with the surrounding properties.
- A section of the rear garden of 227 School Rd, approx. 12m x 12m, has been included in the proposalfor this development.
Planning Appeal Ref APP/V2635/A/14/2214689 – Land West of 41 River Road, West Walton.
The Parish Council fully supports the proposed planning application for the following reasons:
- The land in question has been a problem for the Council over many years because of overhanging and overgrown hedge and vegetation, and is on a difficult part of the road with of the sharp bend.The applicant states the he will maintain the hedge and improve it, which is a bonus to the road users with improved visibility.
- The planning applicationbeing considered was supported unanimously by the whole Council because it is for one dwelling only, set back from the road, retaining the majority of trees adjoining the arable land at the rear, and in keeping with the two with other properties inthe vicinity.
- There was a small dwelling on the land which, it is believed, stood for about 100 years. There was an application for development in the 1980s for two dwellings which the Parish Council objected to and there was an outline application in September 2012 for one dwelling off set on the plot and the plans showed that there could be a possibility for a secondary application for a further dwelling which raised an objection.
- This application shows a single dwelling positioned centrally in the plot (which the council made reference to in the objection comments in September 2012 preferring a centrally sited single dwelling)and, as mentioned before, is in keeping with other properties in the area.
- The proposed development will be an asset to the village as the current state of the plot is a disadvantage to the area.
- The development site is away from the parking congested centre of the Village.
C)Pre-planning consultation
Pre-application consultation for two proposed wind turbines at the old orchard near Harps Hall, Harps Hall Road, Walton Highway, PE14 7DL and the Parish Council makes the following comments:
- The Parish Council would like to see much better visual images than the tiny, illegible map and the photomontage image provided on the pamphlet, i.e. an image of the site as it is now, a betterimage of the site with the turbines in situ, a readable location map, images of the site viewed from local residents properties and other populatedand open view locations in the parish.
- The Parish Councilrequires evidence that the local residents have been properly consulted.
- The Parish Council would like to know how many residential properties will be visually and audibly affected by the turbines within a 3 mile radius.
- The Parish Council requires further information on the impact on the landscape, character and visual amenityto the local area that the two turbines will have.
- The Parish Council requires further information regarding the turbines affect on the wildlife in the area and passing through the area.
59/14 Financial Matters
- To approve payments as listed overleaf and to accept receipts
- CGM LtdGrass Cutting 5th & 19th March227.62273.14
- KLIDBDrainage Rates Allotments218.22218.22
- WW Village HallHall Hire Oct to March120.00120.00
- NALCAnnual Subs262.34262.34
- Mr GAD GrayCemy/PF Maintenance333.58333.58
- E.ONAnnual energy Charge2098.362518.03
- ICOData controller fee35.0035.00
- Mrs E BatemanClerks Salary & expenses370.88370.88
- KLWNBCCemetery Rates0.000.00
Cllr Cuthbert proposed all payments be made, seconded by Cllr Cummings
Allotment Rents from Bateman A, Bateman R, Cuthbert, Hall, Jackson, 6,244.50
Jewson, Johnson, Kooreman, Newby C, Newby R,
Roberts, Wright.
P BarnesInterment fees60.00
- To look at the Books of Account
Cllr Gray looked at the books of account.
- To Review the Financial Regulations – periodic review
Deferred to May meeting
- To appoint Internal Auditor for the Accounts year end 31st March 2014.
Councillors agreed to appoint Mrs G Barnes to carry out the internal audit.
60/14 Correspondence
1.National Grid- Walking survey
- EACH – request for donation
- NRCC- broadband service information – invite to a parish council meeting
- E.ON – changes to terms and conditions
- Department for communities and local government – Consultation on draft transparency code for PC with turnover less than £25K
- NCC – questionnaire regarding street lighting for proposed development at English Brothers, Salts Rd, WH.
- PCSO – Crime figures since 14th Jan – 2 x burglary, 1 x theft, 1 x criminal damage, 1 x theft of motor vehicle.
- T Blackmore – offer to tender for grass cutting of playing field etc.
61/14 Commemoration of the First World War
- There has been no correspondence from Norfolk Community fund regarding the application for a grant towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial. Councillors agreed to carry out the necessary works as quoted by Ivett & Reed.
- Cllr Gray advised that there is one book of minutes missing that covered the First World War period. Cllr Groom stated that this had been lost in a fire in a solicitor’s office many years ago, when the councils’ documents were stored as the clerk at that time worked there. Cllr Gray has gleaned information from other documents and will be writing an article on the War Years covering both World Wars.
- Mr Williman has been supplied with stories from residents with ancestors involved in WW1. There will be photos of existing buildings that were around in the war period.
- Mr Williman is organising a committee for a fete and exhibition on 18th & 19th July.
62/14 Charities – to discuss the Mary Dale Charity
Mr Williman is involved with the WW1 commemorations and would like to return to the Mary Dale Charity in August. Agreed.
63/14 Playing Field & Parking Issues
- To discuss information received from Mrs Dormor regarding the car parking situation at Marshland High School
Mrs Dormor advised the Clerk that there are issues with parking on the playing field carpark. There were concerns raised by staff regarding the lack of CCTV at the site and concerns regarding vandalism and accidental damage. Councillors discussed but felt the matter needed further consideration and will discuss again at the May meeting.
- To receive any faults reported
None reported
64/14 Cemetery
1.To receive applications for memorials and receive reports of faults
No applications and no faults reported.
- Mr and Mrs Burns requested they are permitted to put a bark border around the grave of the late Mr and Mrs Melton for ease of maintenance. Councillors agreed for a bark border but it must be level with the grass.
Councillor Groom asked the Chairman to consider shortening the meeting due to the length of time councillors had been at all three meetings. It was agreed to defer all other agenda items to the May meeting
65/14 To Review the Standing Orders of the Parish Council – May Agenda
66/14 Review of Child Protection Policy and Equality Policy – May Agenda
67/14 Allotments- May Agenda
68/14 School House - update on progress to date, invite Kelly Wilshire to the May meeting. May Agenda
69/14 Village Hall – to receive a report from the representative
70/14 Villagers’ concerns – to receive villagers concerns reported to Councillors
71/14 Highways – To receive reports of road and footpath faults
72/14 Streetlighting – To receive any reports of streetlight faults
73/14 Next Agenda – to receive items for the next agenda
74/14 Date and Time of next meeting – AGM on Tuesday 13th May 2014 at 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.25pm