I.Personal Information

Name ______Male _____ Female ______

Address ______Phone ______

City______State _____ Zip ______Email Address ______

Date of Birth ______Driver’s License # ______

II.Church Affiliation

Church______Denomination ______

City______State ______Attending Since ______


Is there any reason that would have difficultly in performing any essential elements of the position for which you are applying? Yes ______No ______

If yes, please explain______


In case of emergency, who should be notified?

Name ______Relationship______Home Phone ______

Address ______Business/Cell Phone ______

IV.Legal Violations

Have you ever been convicted of any offense other than minor traffic violations? Yes____ No ____

If yes, please explain ______

V. Previous Camps

What other camps have you attended? ______


VI.Positions Desired

_____Kitchen Helper_____Registrar_____Lifeguard

_____Dish Room/Washer_____Banker_____Arts & Crafts

_____Dorm Counselor_____Counselor_____Tribe Leader

_____ Nurse_____Exploration Leader_____Music Leader

_____Class Instructor (Apprentice)_____Outdoors Sports (Fishing, Archery & Boating)

VII. Skills and Training

Certification – Please list all current certifications and dates of expiration

______Basic Water Safety______Standard First Aid

______Water Safety Instructor______Advanced First Aid

______Emergency Medical Technician______CPR Training

______LPN – Licensed Nurse______Other


*Answer the following:

1.What is the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian?


2. When and how did you become a Christian?


3.Desribe your relationship with your parents, spouse, or children.


4. List three affirming attributes you posses.


5. Give three personality traits, which you are working at improving, and how do you attend to achieve these goals?


6. What role has Christianity played in your life?


7. Describe what II Timothy 2:15 means to you?


* If you need additional space to finish your statements, please use the back page.


(1) To give an awareness of God’s creative power as revealed in the great outdoors.

(2) To provide opportunities for enriching Christian fellowship.

(3) To bring persons into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

As a part of the Summer Staff at the Abram-Price Encampments, please describe what you would do to live up to this statement?



Please list people who are not related to you and who you have known for at list six (6) months.

I certify that everything is correct and truthful. I understand West VirginiaBaptistState Convention Camping Committee will contact references.

Signature ______Date______

Return your application to: WVBSC Camping Committee

P. O. Box 283

Hilltop, WV25855