Attendees: Lisa Quezada, Beccie Hopper, David Silva, Stephanie Milstein, Ally Degataga, Carolyn Starnes, Debbie Rinaker, Carl Brown, Tina Bardavid, Lynda Coates, Jaime Lorenzo, Adrienne Enghouse, Cheryl Brewer, Debbie Robinson, Zennia Ceniza, Sarah Hillyer, Jay Ravarra, Diane Waldo.
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action/Follow UpApril 11, 2016 ONSC
Program Update / Carl presented a status update on the April 11th preconference staffing program and the work of the ONSC subgroup. Work group members: Debbie Robinson, David Baca, Carolyn Starnes, Carl Brown and Diane Waldo.The program focus will be on success stories.
- Formal invitation will be sent to ONSC members soon per Carl.
- Program agenda:
- Governance and oversight: OHA and NSAB co-chairs invited
- Sharing our stories: operational best practices & challenges in a HNSC: Lynda Coates and Julie Ostrom
- How we do it: panel stories on ADT, replacement staff, on call practices, etc.
SB 469 Updates / Nurse Staffing Advisory Board
- First meeting of the NSAB is Feb 24, 2016, 1-5pm at the Portland State Office Building. This is an open meeting so public attendees are allowed. Meeting agenda includes time for public testimony.
12/21/15 OAHHS/ONA meeting: Diane shared a joint meeting was held on 12/21 with representatives from both ONA and OAHHS. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss SB 469 implementation challenges. Several ONSC members were present as well as Carl and Diane. ONSC members who were present commented:
- It was good for the group to continue to come together; important to meet face to face.
- It was productive and a good use of time
- A face to face meeting helps move the process along
Roundtable / Zennia asked if hospitals used a ‘buddy system’ to cover breaks/lunch. Members responded that if a buddy system is used, it is often written into a labor contract. It is common practice in Oregon to see a buddy system reflected this way. Member request to have further discussion on buddy break. / Next ONSC meeting: further discussion on ‘buddy break’
Next meeting / Next meeting: Wednesday May 4, 2016
0900-1400 at the OAHHS offices
Tentative agenda:
- SB 469:
- Debrief and follow-up of 02/24 NSAB meeting
- Check-in re hospital implementation status
- Bring your questions
- Refresh of ONSC repository