Committee Meeting 7.30 Wednesday 16th January 2013 at The Rest and be Thankful, Wheddon Cross.

  1. Apologies:-Shelagh Dean

Present:- Jaye Jones, Julia Holtom, Alison Kent (Chair). Barbara Wigley, Nic Wigley, Val Roberts.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting, 17th October 2012 were read and agreed.
  2. Matters Arising

a) Charging for the escorted rides – it was agreed that there would be no charge ( see Events below)

b) AGM – this went well despite the speaker being unable to come due to the flooding. Barbara and Nic had put together a quiz from the GHR– many thanks. Food was good, thank you to Shelagh. Venetia Cragg had made a suggestion of making a donation to the BHS fighting fund. It was agreed to make a £100 donation. ACTION AK to draft letter, NW to make out cheque.


£1,117.97p in the bank. £12 waiting to be put in.

£100 from membership, £42 in since the AGM due to reminders sent.

43 members. (26- 1 year, 17- 5 years) only 5 members do not have e-mail.

£20.60 from the raffle, donation of £3.80

Expenses. AGM - £21.00 hire of hall, £12.00 wine, £65.00 food and advert.

There was a discussion over the importance of placing an advert. The West Somerset Free Press has been used in the past. Free adverts are available on Horse Events UK.

ACTION. AK to check Constitution to see if we have to place a public advert for the AGM.AK to do a Chairman’s Chat to contact new members. AK to organise BHS affiliation cheque

  1. Rights of Way

5.1 ENPA – Rob Coates is the new Access & Rights of Way Officer.

a)Bere Farm. VR reported that it is signed from the West. People to be encouraged touse on a regular basis.

b)CowCastle. JH had alerted AK to the bad damage caused by the floods. AK reported that ENP have temporarily closed the path to horses as unsafe...They are intending to make the path good again, the materials are in place. SCC still has not approved the fords.

c)East Harwood Gallops. AK wrote to ENPA on behalf of WSEBA expressing concerns over safety of riders on adjacent bridleway. Planning Committee refused permission.

d)Bryant’s Bridge, Brompton Regis, Laurence Smith (SCC) is looking for historical evidence to establish if this path has bridleway status.

e)Recent heavy rains have caused havoc with many ROWs.

f)Holes Square, Timberscombe. Wendy Cook has contacted AK re resurfacing a steep bridleway track that runs adjacent to Blackball House, her home. Shewants to concrete track with outer 2 strips, leaving middle for horses.

Kendle Farm, Exton. ENPA are paying for the diversion.

Wydon Farm, Minehead Without. Diversion on list to be completed soon.

Greenland, Exford. Gate not on definitive path, has been suggested that it should be moved, but not thought necessary.

Popery lane, Cutcombe. B/W on Coleridge Way is very slippery bedrock. ENPA are planning to experimentally resurface it using concrete with granite or gritstoneaggregate... BW worried that it could be very slippery

Wimbleball Access. AK had met with Claire Reed who is the project officer for proposed increased access around the lake. Proposals as follows:

g.1 B/W north of lake to Castle Hill. Currently a permitted BW, hoping to upgrade it to a Definitive B/W.

g.2 Upton Farm to lake side and back to road. Hoping to create a ROW.

5.2Devon National Trust

NT are trying to rationalise the network, and upgrade some F/P to B/W.


  1. BHS. Sarah Bucks, Regional Access & B/W Officer, is researching historical evidence for lost ways. There are currently 2 pilot schemes being run in Somerset and Hertfordshire.
  2. 2013 events

a)Escorted rides. No charge but ask for donations. Donations to go to access project suggested by ENPA.

A few places on each ride to be reserved for new members. All riders have to be a paid up member. 10 is the max number.

First ride to be held at the end of May.ACTION BW to organise , J.H/JH to help. MB to be asked if she would take a ride.

b)Evening eventsNeil Giddings to be asked if he would give the cancelled AGM talk on Wednesday 20 March. ACTIONAK to contact.

c)GHR 2013

Sponsorship of Check Point for Pleasure Ride £100 agreed.

d)Map reading and Navigation

JJ to ask if riding club would be interested in a fun event. AK to ask WSEBA members in the Chairman’s Chat. ACTION AK / JJ

e)Working Party followed by a BBQ

ACTIONAK to ask ENP for a suitable project. This would be a summer event.

f)Posters were handed out to members for distribution.

  1. AOB

BW asked for info. about the number of User evidence forms required for a Definitive Map Modification Order. Mary Wilkinson is currently collecting user evidence forNew Road inCutcombe Woods.

Meeting ended at 9.00 pm

Next meeting April, Wednesday 10th at the Rest and be Thankful.