Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 8 February 2017 at 7.00pm in the BACH (Brittons Ash Community Hall), Bathpool.
Present: Cllr Ellis (Chairman) Cllrs Besley, Cavill, Day, Gage, Haskins, Tully.
In attendance: Mrs P A Cavill, Clerk; Ms J Pearson, Clerk Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Council; 8 members of the public, County Cllr D Fothergill, District Cllr R Parrish, Mr K Tutill Chairman NP Steering Group, Mr T Burton TDBC.
015/17 Apologies
Cllr Thompson business, Cllr Ling personal.
016/17 DPI Dispensations
No dispensations had been received or granted.
017/17 Adoption of minutes taken on 11January 2017. The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting on 11 January 2017 as a true record, proposed by Cllr Tully, seconded by Cllr Day and all agreed.
018/17 Matters arising
The Clerk’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. No further comments or questions were raised.
The meeting was closed.
T Burton TDBC gave an update on the MH development, Taunton’s Garden Town status, and Neighbourhood Planning. Annex 1.
Report from SCC, County Cllr D Fothergill:
A balanced budget has been prepared. £140msupport from government has been removed over the past 6 years. This year a further £18m of savings was found. The precept has been increased by 1.99% plus 2% for adult social care. The budget will be put to Full Council for approval next week.
Comments about the WRR have been covered in T Burton’s update.
An announcement about the application for funds for the Creech Castle junction is expected shortly (works expected to cost in the region of £7.6m). Current thinking is for a roundabout with slip roads.
The tenders for bus services have gone out but those tendering are stating that a service every half hour is unviable. But two small buses will be used. J Perrott has reported lots of interest and possible start at Easter.
The roundel and sign on the Bridgwater Road have fallen through the system – SCC has instructed Persimmon, but Persimmon has failed to issue the work order. It was noted that there is a 30mph roundel when entering Hardy’s road off the ERR, at the Langaller end, but not at the other end by the football field. Street lights indicate 30mph, but this has to be reinforced by roundels.
Lights are flickering at Heathfield Drive flats – it was determined the lights were the responsibility of TDBC and Cllr Cavill offered to pursue the matter.
Cllr Fothergill was asked about SWP – a partnership, no longer just SCC – the license for trailers to bring rubbish to the recycling centre is causing major dissatisfaction. The request was made for SCC to convey to SWP that the parishes of WM and CF are first in the line of fire for fly tipping after people have been turned away at Priorswood for not having the correct license.
Dyers Lane cycle route is still planned, but need to secure funding before anything can happen.
Report from TDBC Cllr Parrish:
Although a ward councillor for the West Monkton ward, Cllr Parrish explained that he is also Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance and gave an update about events at Deane House. This largely centred upon the transformation work going on at Deane to upgrade and get back to a shell that can be offered to other hirers. The Police will occupy part of the refurbished Deane House, but there is still space available for other hirers. Technology will be upgraded, including thephone service. The DLO has successfully relocated to Chelston and is enjoying a much more modern system. West Somerset Council already rent out part of their Council building, Williton House, and the same will happen at the Deane House. Tenants at Williton House would remain if a single council were to be created.
Following the consultation period, proposals for the future are that both councils will be stood down and a new one covering the areas of Taunton Deane and West Somerset will be instituted by the Secretary of State. The judicial review sought by a few councillors about the consultation on the future of TDBC and WSC was dismissed by the High Court, nevertheless the costs borne by TDBC amount to £38k.
Informal Council meets next week to elect the next Mayor (who will serve first as deputy mayor).
The redundant Fire Service building was mentioned – it is neither an SCC nor a TDBC matter but one for central government.
Report from TDBC Cllr Cavill:
As ward councillor for the West Monkton ward, Cllr Cavill reported that the Deane House works are nowunderway, and so overspill working space may be required at BACH. Redrow and Persimmon are currently being chased over a number of issues relating to the fact that the MH site has not yet been adopted and important elements of finishing are lacking. The management company, Greenbelt, does not appear to have been fulfilling the maintenance of the public open spaces that was indicated by Persimmon. The problems with the Community Square Park have been well documented. In response to a question, it was noted that play areas for older children are included in the plan – the MUGA adjacent to Hobbs Lane has not been started. It was noted the older children’s’ ballpark area at Waterleaze has recently been refurbished, whilst outdoor gym equipment and a table tennis table have been installed at Farriers Green Park. The football pitches are under construction on the other side of the ERR between Hardys Road and the Canal roundabout.
In response to a question about the trial pedestrianisation scheme for parts of Taunton, it was explained that the NIDR has to be open first.
Report from Chairman Cllr Ellis:
Followingstrong representations to NHS England, Somerset Public Health, and the JSNA by WMPC for a reconsideration of the decision that the provision at the Crown Medical at Priorswood and the Creech St Michael Medical Centre were sufficient to cover the MH Urban extension: the Chairman reported she had received notification that NHSEngland has rescinded its earlier decision. NHS England has approved the application to apply for a pharmacy in the Local Centre. (The pharmacy has to be approved by the NHS before the normal commercial application to rent a retail unit can proceed). Four pharmacies had applied to NHS England, and the NHS has agreed to support one pharmacy.
Questions from the public
- It was reported by a resident of Bathpool that K Perry had volunteered to be Flood Warden for Bathpool. It was noted that the time given by the EA to attend with the pumping unit at Bathpool (pipes now in place) was too long: EA state 2-3 hours, residents state the water is up in 45 minutes. This was noted at the meeting with the EA.
- The post and rail fencing at Aginhills by the crossing on Milton Hill appears to be broken.
- The railings marking the edge of the culvert passing under A3259 at Prockters have not yet been mended since the RTA that damaged them. The ditch on Blundells Lane has been breached by cars driving onto soft verges and collapsing them into the ditch in two places.
The meeting was reconvened.
019/17 Items raised by the Public during Open Session
- David Wilson Homes site manager will be contacted ref broken fence.
- EA will be contacted about response time to get the pump to the pipes at Bathpool.
- D Quick, SCC will be contacted ref railings and Blundells Lane ditches to see how the repairs can be achieved.
- Cllrs were reminded that their collective comments on the proposed new council should be submitted before 28th Feb. Cllr Tully declared personal interest and would abstain from the collective response from WMPC.
020/17 NP Steering Group report
Mr K Tutill, Chairman, reported that the draft NP had been submitted informally to TD in January and comments were coming back from the various departments at the Deane. The original schedule had been to put this draft (work in progress) document out for public consultation on 13th Feb, and this date had been advertised. However, too many comments are missing for the document to go public. It has been agreed that more work will be done on the document before the 6 weeks’ pre-submission consultation with the public. After the 6 weeks’ consultation period, comments would be noted and amendments made if appropriate, then the Plan would be formally submitted to TD. This would be for another 6-week period, then response to comments, then to the Independent Examiner for 6 weeks, then response, then Referendum: probably about September.
The bulk of the work has been achieved within the grants awarded from Locality. There may be some further need for financial support from the two Parishes.
The Parish Council recorded its thanks to Kelvin Tutill for his excellent and even handed Chairmanship.
021/17 To adopt the policy documents published on for the year 2017/2018
Documents on the website revised for March 2018:
Data Protection Policy/IOC FOI scheme
Complaints/Disciplinary/Grievance policies (teams will be amended in May)
Disciplinary Procedure
Equality Policy
Grants Policy
Recruitment Policy
Training and CPD Policy
Working Party Protocol
Health and Safety Policy
Please note the following are revised and re-issued in May (2017)
Code of Conduct
Financial Regulations
Standing Orders
Please note the following are revised and reissued in October (2017)
Asset Register – text and pictorial
Risk Assessment
It was resolved to adopt the documents en bloc, proposed by Cllr Haskins, seconded by Cllr Besleyand all agreed.
022/17To adopt the CIL list complied in October 2016 and to resolve to regularly review it.
The document had been produced in October and Councillors had considered it. There were no further additions or amendments. It was resolvedadopt the CIL list as circulated and to regularly review it, in accordance with the action plan found in the Neighbourhood Plan. Proposed by Cllr Besley, seconded by Cllr Haskins and all agreed.
023/17 Environment
(i)Flood risk in the Parish particularly Bathpool – the meeting in January was noted, the briefing note issued by EA is now on the website
Cllr Thompson to present ideas for discussion to consider ways to work with the Environment Agency in the delivery of the Taunton Strategic Flood Plan – deferred to next meeting.
Appointment of volunteer Flood Warden: Kevin Perry, a resident of Bathpool, had volunteered. It was resolved to support K Perry as Flood Warden, proposed by Cllr Cavill, seconded by Cllr Tully.
(ii)To consider grant application: application from Baby and Toddler Group based at West Monkton Village Hall; details previously circulated to Councillors. Cllr Tully declared prejudicial interest and took no part in the discussion. The applicant had used the Grants Policy document from the website It was resolved to support the Baby and Toddler Group at West Monkton Village hall by paying for 6 months hiring of WMVH. This grant was a precedent for further support; the group would be expected to put itself in a more financially secure position. Proposed by Cllr Besley, seconded by Cllr Gage and all those voting agreed.
(iii) To consider request for replacement signage on Bridgwater Road at Bathpool, and to consider other areas currently without signage that are within the Parish. Parish Councillors had found that West Monkton had directional signs but no actual place sign. Monkton Heathfield had a place sign on Greenway. It was resolved to request place signs from SCC for Bathpool in the vicinity of the new Primary School and West Monkton on the green triangle at The Street.
024/17M H Development: To receive update on BACH (Brittons Ash Community Hall) Cllr Gage.
Cllr Gage reported that:
- a Booking officer had been appointed – Maggie Little; and bookings are taking off.
- The Dobles were making refreshments and checking up after hirings for the refundable deposit against damage. The deposit against damage had been agreed at £50.00 per event, but for events involving discos and alcohol the deposit would be £100.00.
- Blinds have been fitted – Table Tennis Club very appreciative.
- Installation of Baby Changing Unit has been arranged – not straightforward because the wall is a steel framed stud wall, and therefore need to spread the load.
- Broad band is expected to be installed shortly.
- Four more sets of keys have been ordered – specialist ordering as keys are security keys. An electrical contractor has been contacted regarding the external infra-red sensor light.
- A meeting has been arranged with Mi Space to discuss the snagging list. The toilet floors will be reported to Mi-Space as it is believed they were damaged (by marks) during the installation and need to be replaced.
- It was agreed the Parish Council would purchase a flip chart – WMPC would be the prime user, although if appropriate it could be made available to hirers.
- The meeting with the school to establish the user agreement is yet to be arranged: Business Manager Zoe will arrange a date.
- It was noted that the metal kitchen shutters rattled every time the front door and hall doors are opened. N Cavill will contact architect Richard Philipson how to acoustically insulate.
025/17 To consider and formulate responses to planning applications registered at TDBC (see TDBC website & weekly planning lists): 48/16/0076, 48/16/0085 AND 48/16/0086/LB; 48/17/0001/T; 48/17/0003; 48/17/0006/T and any others to date; To note that Planning decisions made by TDBC are to be found on TD website.
48/16/0076 Mrs F Wadsley: Replacement of climbing frame with ‘The Cub’ children’s facility at the Merry Monk, Monkton Heathfield (retention of works already undertaken). Likely issues- none listed. Parish Council comment: West Monkton Parish Council supports this application.
48/16/0085AND 48/16/0085/LB Mr T Garratt: Erection of pergola on the rear elevation with erection of greenhouse to the front of Orchard barn. Dyers lane, Bathpool. Likely issues: householder application – is there any adverse impact on the character of the building, street scene and/or surrounding area: will the proposals result in loss of amenity through overlooking, loss of light/outlook or other disturbance from the completed development? LB- does the proposal affect the character of the listed building? Parish Council comment: West Monkton Parish Council supports this application and supports the LB application, there is no adverse effect.
48/17/0001/T Mr D Galley: Application to fell two Ash trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (West Monkton 13) Tree Preservation Area 2001 at 70 Mean Way, Monkton Heathfield (TD897). Th application will be assessed on site. Parish Council comment: Map not visible on copy received, therefore no comment is made.
48/17/0003: Mr G Clifford: Demolition of dwelling and outbuildings, and erection of replacement dwelling with detached triple garage and detached stable block at Torrington, Goosenford (a resubmission of 48/16/0043). Likely issues – none listed. Parish Council comment: West Monkton Parish Council supports this application.
48/17/0006/T Mr D Galley: Application to fell two oak trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (West Monkton no 1) Tree Preservation Order 1986 at Quince Cottage West Monkton (TD345). The application will be assessed on site. Parish Council comment: West Monkton Parish Council supports this application.
026/17 Assistant Clerk: update
The Clerk reported that two further applications had been received. It was agreed that both candidates would be invited to interview on the same day, and a small committee comprising Chairman, Vice Chairman and one other councillor would do the interviewing. The questions to be asked, and skills assessed, would be agreed prior to interviews taking place. Clerk to be present as recorder/observer.
027/17 Annual Parish Meeting
The arrangements were confirmed. The annual meeting will be on Wednesday 22nd March 2017 at 7.00pm at the BACH. This year’s speakers will be:
Philip White from Hestercombe Gardens Trust;
Georgina Wood from the Canal and River Trust;
Ian Robinson, Headmaster, West Monkton CE Primary School,
Rev Mary Stiles, South Quantocks Benefice;
Audrey Mansfield, Village Agent.
Each will give a brief report. PCSO Claire Escott will attend if she can. Nibbles, soft drinks and wine to be served. Activities Room to be used: the hirer who had made a provisional booking will be informed the Activities Room is not available on that date – the booking is not confirmed, no payment received.
028/17 Allotments: Report from Cllr Haskins (rents)
Two rent cheques were handed in, the rest will be followed up. A total of three rents have been received to date. One of the tap boxes was broken. The fence is still standing, but something will need to be done soon (repairs to fence has been included in budget). Three allotments were not used last year, the tenants will be asked to commit to maintenance or relinquish their tenancy. The allotments plot is so small that allotment holders who fail to adequately cultivate their own plot, negatively impact on the neighbouring plots. As soon as the weather improves, grass cutting of the grass footpaths will commence.