West Los Angeles CollegeSLO Addendum

Course Name and Number / English 102
Course Title / College Reading and Composition II

Course Objectives (as stated in the Course Outline of Record)

1.Critically evaluate works of literature, demonstrating familiarity with key concepts such as the intention of the author, character, plot, setting, denotative and connotative meaning, diction, style, mood, tone, point of view, figurative and literal language, image, simile, analogy, synecdoche, metaphor, symbol, allusion, allegory, irony, and parody.

2.Identify standard plot structures in literary works, such as Freytag's Pyramid and The Hero's Journey.
3.Demonstrate understanding that textual interpretation and appreciation varies with different eras and cultures.
4. Interpretpoems, plays, short stories, screenplays, and novelsfrom the perspective of different schools of critical thought.
5.Recognize and identify key characteristics of major literary genres.
6.Write cogent college-level essays that are stylistically and technically adequate, use literary works to support a thesis, and require multiple in-text citations and a Works Cited in correct MLA format.

Course SLO
One sentence that describes a major piece of knowledge, skill, or ability that students can demonstrate by the end of the course
Finish the sentence, “At end of the course, the successful student will be able to… “ / Assessment Method
Major assignment, project or test used to demonstrate or apply outcome
Remember to have a mix of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods. / Criterion Level
Reflects satisfactory performance on the SLO
  • At least X percent of students achieve this course SLO.
  • All students achieve at least the Y level on this SLO.
  • At least X percent of students achieve the Y level on this course SLO.

1. Critically evaluate works of literature using literary elements or terms and incorporate this knowledge into his or her ownwriting. / Essay, summary, journal, reading log, portfolio, quizzes and tests, evaluation of library and Internet research sources. / At least 75% of students should accomplish this goal after a rewrite.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of how textual interpretation varies with different readers and different historical contexts. / Essay, summary, journal, reading log, portfolio, quizzes and tests, evaluation of library and Internet research sources. / At least 75% of students achieve this course SLO.

Mapping to Program SLO and Institutional SLOs

Please indicate with an “X” in the appropriate boxes below, the Course SLO mapping to the corresponding Program and Institutional SLO(s).

Course SLO / Program SLO / Institutional SLO
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I
#1 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
#2 / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X


  1. Pursue continued literary interests resulting in increased levels of self-reliance and belief in one’s ability (writing effectively). (Theme: Self-reliance, efficacy, writing)
  2. Listen and speak (actively, effectively) by questioning, clarifying and supporting one’s ideas and the ideas of others. (Theme: listening and speaking)
  3. Read effectively for gathering information, for meaning, cultural understanding and enjoyment. (Theme: reading)
  4. Write effectively, using the conventions of standard English, a clear focus, appropriate support/evidence and logical organization. (Theme: writing)
  5. Read and analyze a variety of literature to explore the “human condition.” (Theme: literature)
  6. Collect and organize research data, using credible sources to write a convincing/persuasive document. (Theme: research)
  7. Analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to assess the validity and usefulness of an argument.


A.Critical Thinking: Analyze problems by differentiating fact from opinions, using evidence, and using sound reasoning to specify multiple solutions and their consequences.

B.Communication: Effectively communicate thought in a clear, wellorganized manner to persuade, inform, and convey ideas in academic, work, family and community settings.

C.Quantitative Reasoning: Identify, analyze, and solve problems that are quantitative in nature.

D.Self-awareness/InterpersonalSkills: Apply self-assessment and reflection strategies to interpersonal, work, community, career, and educational pathways.

E.Civic Responsibility: Apply the principles of civility to situations in the contexts of work, family, community and the global world.

F.Technical Competence: Utilize the appropriate technology effectively for informational, academic, personal, and professional needs. Use competent technique in a musical performance.

G.Cultural Diversity: Respectfully engage with other cultures in an effort to understand them.

H.Ethics: Practice and demonstrate standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and fairness; apply ethical principles in submission of all college work.

I.Aesthetics: Use multiple modes of inquiry and approaches to experience and to engage with the arts and nature; develop and express personal creative visions throughout all aspects of

one's life.

Course SLO Acknowledgements

Division Chair / Date
SLO Coordinator / Date
Dean / Date
Curriculum Committee Chair / Date
Academic Senate President / Date
VP of Academic Affairs (initial) and College President / Date

SLO Addendum Form Approved 9/25/12