U.S. History Syllabus
Paul Rodrigues:
Janet O’Connell:
West Jessamine High School
859.887.2421 ext. 3610
I would like to welcome you to US History, and give you valuable information so that you can be successful in our class. This syllabus will give you information about your textbook, materials you need, grading policy and classroom procedures. If you have any questions that are not answered here, or need clarification, please contact me by email or phone. I look forward to a great year and hope you do as well.
Course Overview:
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of U.S. events from the age of exploration to modern times. The focus will be on the events that helped shape the economic and social institutions as well as their effect on the United States. The course will begin with a review of U.S. History through the time of Exploration to the present.
Text: The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
A Reading Study Guide and electronic version of the text will be used heavily
Standards Based Grading Policy:
According to school guidelines, students are expected to master each of the standards specified in the previously mentioned content areas for this subject. Grades for this course will be based entirely on the mastery of these standards as demonstrated on formative and summative assessments. No portion of the course grade will be obtained from bonus, additional assignments, etc. It is expected behavior that each student will prepare for these standards through completing the assigned reading, completing the standards based assignments, and participating in class discussion/activities.
Grading Policy:
Summative Assessments 80%
Unit Exams 70%
Final Exam 10%
Formative Assessments 20%
Class Activities
Attendance and Tardiness
You are expected to be present and participating in class every day. Per school policy, a student will be counted tardy if they enter the class after the tardy bell rings. Students are allowed one tardy per semester without disciplinary action. A lunch detention will be assigned for the second and subsequent tardies. A referral will be assigned for students exceeding 5 tardies per semester.
Class Policies
The school policies for make-up work, tardiness, dress code, cell phone use, etc. will be followed.
Electronic Devices
Refer to the student code of conduct for consequences regarding the cell phone policy.
Units and Exam Schedule (unit exam dates are tentative)
Unit Exam Dates to be announced
The Growth of the Nation
Civil War
The Gilded Age
The Progressive Era
1st Semester Final Exam Dec. (date set by administration)
Great Depression and New Deal
Post WWII-the 50’s
Civil Rights, 60’s, Vietnam
Nixon, Ford, Carter
Reagan to present
Final Course Exam
I will …
• respect others as well
as school and personal
• observe all WJHS
Code of Conduct rules
including (hats and
• be seated in my assigned
seat with materials ready
when the bell rings
• stay in my seat until the
bell rings
• follow directions the
first time they are given
I understand that I am to …
• ask permission to leave, sign out
and take hall pass
• turn in my homework and
assignments as directed by the
• find work I missed while absent
in the assignment notebook
• find missing handouts by asking teacher or peers
• get missed notes from my
shoulder partner
• arrange to get additional makeup
work before or after class or school
• arrange to take any tests I miss
before or after school
Class Rules/Guidelines
See WJHS Code of Conduct for school rules.
Supplies Needed: binder of choice with dividers for assignments and assessments.
Teacher’s Note
This course will be very active and will depend upon willing participants to be successful.
We can have fun learning together with respect for ourselves & others.
“America is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely true
and the opposite is probably equally true.”
-James T. Farrell, Introduction to H.L. Mencken’s Prejudices: A Selection
I have reviewed the U.S. History Syllabus and agree to uphold all classroom rules, procedures, grading policy and requirements.
Student Signature
I have reviewed the U.S. History Syllabus and agree to support my son/daughter in upholding all classroom rules, procedures, grading policy and requirements.
Parent Signature
Parent Contact information
Email (If this is your preferred method of contact)
Dear Parents,
It is extremely important that we keep communication open between you and the school. Please contact me by August 30, via email, phone, or in person, so that we can determine how to best communicate with each other throughout the course. Your son/daughter will receive classroom participation points for this contact.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Paul Rodrigues