Education and Training Centre Library

Annual Report 2012-13

The library offers a multidisciplinary service to all Trust staff, both clinical and non-clinical and aims to support best practice for all staff roles. By offering a study space, physical and electronic resources, accessible resources onsite or from home, a staff enquiry service, training and literature searching, the library offers a unique service within the Trust and can help support your work practice and your CPD.

1Library News

  • Library Quality Assurance Framework
  • Chester University collaboration
  • UpToDate accessible via Athens
  • Fiction collection
  • Promotional materials and marketing push

Library Quality Assurance Framework

A self-assessment exercise was carried out in August 2012, in line with NW NHS Library Quality Assurance Framework (LQAF)guidelines. The purpose of the self-assessment was to see how far existing library services match the LQAF assessment criteria, so that an overall compliance level can be awarded in the near future. The final grading was awarded, and the library received a score of 81% compliance, against a regional average of 89%.

Chester University collaboration

On-going efforts to work more closely with other libraries and universities have led to us taking some stock from Chester University to be kept in the library and for access by all staff and students on placement here. It is hoped that this collaborative working will continue and lead to a more synchronised library service offering.

UpToDate accessible via Athens

We are still responsible for the subscription to the UpToDate clinical tool, which has seen steady use. This is now also available using your Athens login, so can be accessed offsite as well as through links on the Trust intranet. The library has sought to train and become more involved in support UpToDate for Trust staff.

Fiction Collection

The joint fiction library purchased with WUTH has been successfully installed in the library, and an email was sent to all staff to publicise it. Further marketing will be needed to increase usage, but it is a good collection of recent titles and has resulted in very positive feedback from users.

Promotional materials and marketing push – future activities

A bid for extra funding was used to purchase some pens, notepads and bookmarks for the library, advertising the service and containing contact information. These will be used as part of on-going efforts to promote the library and raise awareness, for example holding a stand outside the staff restaurant to speak to staff and answer enquiries. A bigger marketing push is required in the next year, and an updated marketing plan is being designed to address this, including forming links with other trust departments such as Research and Clinical Audit.

2 Statistics: Library Income and Expenditure 2012-13

1 / INCOME (£) / Recurrent / Non-recurrent
or project
1.1 / MPET: Medical and Dental Education Levy
1.2 / MPET: Non-medical education and training levy
1.3 / MPET: SIFT levy / 2640
1.4 / Other SHA funding (SHA C/L)
1.5 / NHS R&D levy
1.6 / Own NHS Trust or PCT or TPCT
1.7 / Strategic Health Authority
1.8 / SLAs with other NHS organisations
1.9 / Higher Education institution (medical)
1.1 / Higher Education institution (non-medical)
1.11 / SLAs with other HE/FE organisations
1.12 / Charitable Trust
1.13 / Other (HCLU funding bids) / 1200
1.14 / Income generation / 1250
1.15 / Total Income / 72,481 / 5,090
1.14 Income generation from fines, ILL services and photocopying/printing
2 / EXPENDITURE (£) / Recurrent / Non-recurrent
or project
2.1 / Staff (gross costs) / 36,985
2.2 / Materials: Books and other non-journal print materials / 1,277
2.3 / Subscriptions (journals, eJournals, eBooks) / 28,363
2.4 / Other (printing, marketing, stationery, maintence) / 4,305
2.13 / Overall Total Expenditure / 70,930

3 Statistics: Library Services: a comparison of years 2011/12 and 2012/13

1 / STOCK / 2011-12 / 2012-13
1.1 / Number of print journal titles received / 6 / 6
1.2 / Number of electronic journal subscriptions / 27 / 27
1.3 / Book stock / 4127 / 4224
1.4 / Other items held / 432 / 432
1.5 / Additions to book stock / 203 / 107
1.6 / Additions to other stock / 92 / 0
Comment / Stock has remained mostly the same, a reduction in new book stock as we were adjusting to budgeting changes, and a drop in CD-ROM/DVD use, as well as their high costs, led to 0 purchases. A lot of weeding of stock is planned, as well as new purchases, so this should be fairly different next year.
2 / LOANS FROM STOCK (BOOKS/CD-ROMS) / 2011-12 / 2012-13
2.1 / Loans to own readers / 3320 / 2734
2.2 / Loans to libraries in local document delivery networks / 194 / 29
2.3 / Loans to other libraries / 0 / 0
Comment / A drop in loans to own readers, of significance, means a push to promote the library and raise awareness is essential. Loans to other libraries dropped, but isn’t of as much concern as loans to our own users.
3 / PHOTOCOPIES FROM STOCK (ARTICLES) / 2011-12 / 2012-13
3.1 / Copies made by staff to own readers / 45 / 40
3.2 / Copies to libraries in local document delivery networks / 212 / 172
Copies made by staff for other libraries / 2 / 0
Comment / A small drop of little significance, though a promotion push should still improve the figures. Drop to other NW libraries.
4 / INTER LIBRARY LOANS RECEIVED (BOOKS) / 2011-12 / 2012-13
4.1 / ILLs from libraries in local document delivery networks / 28 / 22
4.2 / ILLs received from British Library / 2 / 1
4.3 / ILLs received from other libraries / 1 / 3
5.1 / Copies from libraries in local document delivery networks / 67 / 57
5.2 / Copies received from British Library / 14 / 0
5.3 / Copies received from other libraries / 31 / 12
Comment / ILLS articles and books are similar enough to last years figures, to be of little note other than general aims to improve figures.
6 / INFORMATION SEARCHES & ENQUIRIES / 2011-12 / 2012-13
6.1 / Total number of mediated literature searches / 14 / 12
6.2 / Number of procedural/directional enquiries handled duringsample week / 87 / 64
6.3 / Number of information resource related enquiries handledduring sample week / 32 / 21
7 / USER EDUCATION & INDUCTION / 2011-12 / 2012-13
7.1 / Library staff hours spent on user education per year / 19 / 35
7.2 / Number of library users receiving education per year / 19 / 57
7.3 / Library staff hours spent on user induction per year / 25 / 18
7.4 / Number of library users receiving induction per year / 153 / 142
Comment / Similar enough figures, though a lesser known service so increased awareness should increase figures if the librarian can spend enough time on literature searching. Increase in sessions for staff, some longer in length but still needs improving. Increase in users more to do with a drop last year as new librarian was still finding his feet.
In summary the library is moving along fairly consistently, but has great potential to be of more service to staff and a push to raise awareness and improve the facilities by removing older stock and adding to study space should be highly beneficial to the Trust.

4Charts: Library Membership and Usage 2012-13

5Charts: 24-hours Access Membership and Usage 2011-12

6Library standards – Customer Charter

The library has a customer charter (available from Library intranet site), which sets out the standards we expect to adhere to in delivering an effective multidisciplinary multi-faceted library service. There are some measurable standards stated, which we have set against a standard week of practice to show how they are being upheld.

Sample week: 5th – 9th August 2013

  • Telephone enquiry ext. 4734– call back within 2 hours if message left during staffing hours.
  • 100% (2 messages were left during the week, both were followed up 30 minutes later)
  • Answer general enquiry within 3 minutes during staffing hours
  • 100% (23 enquiries were made to the library desk, all were responded to immediately, if the answer took longer than this was explained after an initial response)
  • ILL – respond to request within 1 working day, or if more complex then within 3 working days
  • 100% (of 10 article requests, all were given some form of response the same day)
  • ILL - Supply 85% of articles and books requested within 7 working days
  • 70% (of the 10 requests made 3 of the articles were requested from libraries that were unable to supply, after a delay, and two came then from the British Library but took longer to arrive through the post, and the other article we were ultimately unable to source – which is very rare).
  • Reply to requests for standard mediated literature searches within 2 working days, complex literature searches within 5 working days.
  • 50% (Two searches were requested. The librarian didn’t work one of the days, and then didn’t address all of emails until two days later due to other work, leading to a need to prioritise workload better).

N.b. The standards on the customer charter are up for review and may be altered in time for the next Annual report.