West Bretton Junior & Infant School


Family Fun Night

FOBS would like to say a big “thank you” to all the staff, parents and children who gave their time to make the Family Fun Night a success. We raised around £450 which will go towards projects and equipment in school. A special “thank you” goes to Mr Hoyle for his tireless help in setting up, tidying away and help during the event itself.

Apologies for the inflatables being not quite as advertised; the bouncy castle man broke down on the motorway and we had to call in some extra help at the last minute! Thanks again to all involved. By the way, FOBS can now be contacted easily on their Facebook page.

Mrs Womersley would also like to say a big “thank you” to FOBS, and all her staff who helped in any way. It was also lovely to see the children enjoying themselves. Thank you to all the parents who supported the evening.

Open afternoon

We hope you enjoyed spending time with your children in school last Friday afternoon – the children certainly enjoy having you here.

Thank you to all parents who filled in questionnaires. Anyone who didn’t get an opportunity to fill one in, we will be putting a spare one in with reports so you can complete the form and return it next week.

Year 5/6 “Gravity” visit.

The Year 5/6 children visited Gravity at Exscape on Tuesday this week and learnt a little more about their science project on forces! They had a wonderful time, as did Mrs Sellens,despite her initial misgivings!

Wentworth Castle Gardens

Our Upper Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children visited Wentworth Castle yesterday. They had a wonderful day on their minibeast hunt, fact finding trail, climbing to the top of the castle turret and searching for leaves and twigs to make natural resources art work. The afternoon was topped off by a session in the adventure playground where the zip wire was hugely popular!

It was a very full, busy day for the children and they behaved impeccably - we are very proud of them.

New Starters

Our new September part time and full time children and their parents visited school on Tuesday afternoon as part of the children`s transition. We were very pleased to meet them and look forward to having them as part of our school.

Class 2 Visit to the Church in West Bretton

Mrs Stakes took years 1 and 2 to The Church in West Bretton on Wednesday last week as part of their topic on “Special Places of Worship”. Reverend Kelly met them there and they looked at the features both inside and outside of the building, and discussed what certain items were for. They were each given a communion wafer to taste, pronouncing it delicious!

Investor in Pupils Open Morning

This morning Mrs Womersley and children led a presentation to teachers from others schools wishing to undertake the Investors in Pupils award. We had been chosen as a school demonstrating excellent practice and were delighted to have been asked to host the event. The visitors were very impressed with our school and the children, who as ever, did the school proud!

Lower Foundation Stage

Our part time children enjoyed their first experience of school dinners as part of their transition to full time school next year. They were treated to a wonderful lunch served by Mrs Kaye and the other dinner time supervisors.

Next Week`s Calendar

Looking ahead to next week, a reminder of our Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 Summer performance at 2.30pm on Tuesday and the Key Stage 2 Summer performance on Wednesday a little earlier at 2.00pm. Both performances are here in school.

We have our annual Teddy Bears Picnic for the Upper Foundation Stage children on Wednesday afternoon in Mrs Hofton`s garden, and we are very grateful to her for organising this for us once again.

Lower Foundation Stage have a very exciting visit planned for next Thursday morning when they will visit Skelmanthorpe Fire Station .Many thanks to parents who have offered to help with transport and make this visit possible.

Again on Thursday next week we look forward to welcoming guests to our end of term Community Lunch when children will entertain our visitors after lunch with a short musical performance.

We look forward with mixed feelings to our Leaver`s Assembly on Friday morning next week at 9.00 a.m. Please join us if you can, as the assembly is open to all parents, not only those with children moving on to other schools.

And finally ………

There are no after school clubs next week. Our final Multisports session is tomorrow.

Would any children who won trophies last year and have them at home please return them as soon as possible as they will be required for next week.

Just a reminder that we will be finishing school at 2.30pm next Friday 17th July so please ensure your child is collected at this time.