West Berkshire Unison Branch Rules

West Berkshire Unison Branch Rules

West Berkshire Unison – Branch Rules


The branch shall be called “The West Berkshire Unitary” Branch of UNISON and is referred to throughout the rules as “the branch”.


(a)Branch rules shall be in accordance with National Rules, decisions of the Annual Delegate Conference and National Executive Committee.

(b)Any member may have a copy of the current Rule Book.

(c)The branch shall submit by 15 March each year, an annual return of branch income, expenditure, assets and liabilities in respect of the previous financial year ended 31 December. The return shall be in a form prescribed by the National Executive Council.


(a)To support and pursue the Aims and Objectives contained in the UNISON Rule Book, and the Objectives agreed by UNISON’s National Executive Committee annually, and in particular:

(b)To achieve the aims and targets set annually through the branch assessment.


Eligibility for membership shall be in accordance with the Rules of the union.


The following tests shall apply:

(a)The member must have been in membership of the union for at least 4 weeks prior to the member knowing he/she had a need for representation or legal assistance.

(b)No arrears of subscription.


(a)There will be an Annual General Meeting of the branch, normally held in February, to confirm the election by ballot of branch officers and members of the Executive committee, to receive the branch accounts and report on branch development from the Executive committee. The AGM may comprise one meeting or a series of aggregate meetings based on sections or geographical areas in order to maximise the active participation of members.

(b)The AGM will determine the basis of representation in the branch and the number of stewards and other representatives to be elected in each work group or work place.

(c)Other general meetings may be called by the Executive committee or by 20 members of the branch or 5% of the membership, whichever is the greater.

(d)The quorum for the annual general meeting and any emergency general meeting shall be 20 members.


(a)The branch shall elect the following officers annually in accordance with rule 6c:

  • Branch Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Auditors
  • Minutes Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Membership Officer
  • Young Members Officer
  • Labour Link Officer
  • Equality Officer(s)
  • Health & Safety Officer
  • Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator
  • Education Co-ordinator
  • Environmental Officer
  • International Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Communications Officer
  • Retired Members Officer
  • Black Members Officer
  • Social Care Lead Officer

It is recognised that it may not be possible to fill all these roles.

(b)These posts may be combined or shared where necessary.

(c)Election of branch officers:

(i)Branch officers may be nominated by the Executive committee or any two members, with the exception of the Labour Link officer who will be elected by the members who pay the political levy only.

(ii)Nominations will be invited 4 weeks before the AGM and nomination forms will be made available through the branch website. All nominations must be received in writing at least 2 weeks before the AGM.

(iii)Each nominee will be notified and given the right to withdraw not later than one week before the AGM.

(iv)If there is more than one candidate, a vote will be held.

(v)The vote will be conducted at the AGM via the membership present in accordance with the procedure and timescales contained in the Code of Good Branch Practice.

(vi)Where no valid nomination has been received before the deadline, nominations may be called for and candidate/s elected at the AGM, or endorsed by the Executive at a committee meeting.


(a)Representation on the Executive committee will be as follows:

  • Branch officers
  • One representatives of each self-organised group
  • All stewards and workplace representatives.

(b)The Executive committee shall administer branch business in accordance with UNISON rules and guidance. It will be responsible for the general organisation and development of the branch and for policy and decision making on matters affecting all members within the branch between general meetings.

(c)The quorum for the Executive committee shall be five members of the committee.

(d)The Executive committee will establish arrangements for the individual representation of members and any difficulties may be referred to the regional organiser in the first instance.

(e)The Executive committee may delegate power to act to an individual or to sub-committees and steering groups. No decision may be made on behalf of the Executive committee unless there has been a specific delegation.

(f)The Executive committee shall meet no less than six times per year.


(a)All meetings will be conducted in a fair and democratic manner.

(b)All meetings will be advertised widely as far in advance as possible (in the case of the AGM, all members will be notified in writing at least 4 weeks before the meeting (or first aggregate meeting). At least one week’s notice will normally be given of committee meetings, although less may be given in an emergency.

(c)The procedures to be used at the meeting will be explained clearly.

(d)The branch will maintain records of all meetings and other appropriate records to enable the branch to function.

(e)Retired members, as defined in UNISON rules, are entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and condition of members in employment.

(f)Unemployed members, as defined in UNISON rules, are entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and condition of members in employment.


Communications to the media on behalf of the branch shall be made only by officer(s) authorised by the committee and shall normally be the Chair, Secretary or Communications Officer, subject to liaison between them on particular issues, to avoid the possibility of conflicting views being given. Where appropriate, media communications may be made through the Regional Organiser.


(a)Affiliations to relevant constituency Labour Parties will be decided by the APF membership and funded from APF subscriptions.

(b)Affiliations to trade councils shall be determined by the AGM or Executive committee.


(a)The branch shall keep a bank/building society account in the name of the branch and will maintain a financial record of all assets and transactions in accordance with UNISON guidelines.

(b)The Executive Committee shall maintain records of its financial transactions, assets and liabilities using the national online branch account system (OLBA).

(c)The Executive Committee shall each year develop an appropriate annual budget as part of the joint branch assessment process in accordance with the Union’s objectives and priorities.


Donations shall be agreed by the AGM or Executive committee in accordance with the union’s policies and objectives and subject to provisions of national rule. In exceptional circumstances where the welfare of a member is of concern the Chair and Treasurer in conjunction with the Branch Secretary can agree such donations if no more than £100 .


Rates of expenses for members attending meetings or carrying out other activities on behalf of the branch shall be agreed by the AGM in accordance with the Scheme for Branch Expenses contained in the Branch Finances Handbook. These willnormally bethe actual expenses incurred,e.g. food or transportcosts (second class rail fares or car mileage if public transport is impractical), but may also include the payment of allowances (e.g. accommodation andfull day subsistenceallowances).Each of these will be subject to the limits as specified and in line with the National Rates and receipts must be produced where possible.If requested, the Branch Secretary and Treasurer may authorise payments in advance of expenditure.


Any honorarium paid to a branch officer will only be made in accordance with the Scheme for Honoraria Payments in Branches contained in the Branch Finances Handbook. Honoraria may be paid as agreed retrospectively at the AGM or the Executive committee on an annual basis. The committee may also agree to authorise a present or token honorarium in appropriate circumstances e.g. retirement from the committee after long service or to recognise some exceptional act of benefit to the union. This sum shall not exceed £200.


(a)The branch secretary will be responsible for the employment, direction and supervision of any staff employed by the branch consistent with employment law and current good practice.

(b)In the event of any first stage hearings of staff disciplinary or grievance matters, the branch secretary will be joined by another senior branch officer other than the branch chair.

(c)Any appeal arising from a first stage grievance or disciplinary hearing will be heard by the branch chair and two other senior branch officers not involved at the first stage hearing.

(d)The outcome of any disciplinary or grievance hearing will remain confidential and the outcome only will be reported to the Executive committee on its conclusion.


(a)Branch rules must be agreed by two thirds of members present and voting at a quorate branch meeting.

(b)Branch rules must be approved in accordance with UNISON’s procedures.

(c)Any changes to branch rules must be agreed and approved in the same way.


The branch shall make use of the Staffside Secretary or other post whilst such a post exists within the structure of West Berkshire District Council. The branch may make a financial contribution towards this post, the amount to be determined at the Annual General Meeting or quorate Executive committee meeting.


The branch has the authorisation of the membership to seek a Branch Support Worker to assist in the smooth running of the Branch Office, when deemed necessary. UNISON Regional Office may be asked to advise in the role of such a worker, in connection with key branch officers including the Branch Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Branch Support Worker will be furnished with a clear list of duties. The Branch Support Worker will be based in the Branch Office and the main duties will include maintaining the branch membership records, dealing with member queries and administrative support in ensuring effective communication within the branch. Recruitment will also form part of the role.