Mr. Chris Brandmeyer

Mrs. Amy Haar

Mrs. Larisa Kloeckner

Mrs. Lisa Ross

Mrs. Nicole Wilkins


SCHOOL YEAR 2015 - 2016

Dear Parents,

Greetings and welcome to Wesclin Middle School. Enclosed you will find much information to assist your child in making this a productive and happy school year. Please review this information carefully with your child and complete and return the form on the last page. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at school.

Communication between home and school is vital for the success of your child. If you are frequently in contact with your child’s teachers, your child’s progress will be greatly enhanced. Too often, parents are not aware of their student’s progress, and it is difficult for us to continuously maintain lines of communication. Calling, e-mailing, or leaving a message is the best approach.

We are very pleased to have the privilege of teaching your child this year. Each student is unique and special in his/her own way. Our goal at Wesclin Middle School is to challenge each of them to think, to be creative, and to strive for knowledge as they continue their journey to adulthood. We cannot teach them everything they will need to know for the future, but we do hope to give them some tools, skills, and knowledge that will enable them to lead happy and productive lives.

We hope this school year will be a pleasant one for both you and your child. Working together as a team – students, parents, and teachers – will ensure that this will become a reality.

Sincerely and with thanks for your cooperation,

Mr. Brandmeyer

(618) 224-7355 ext. 1210

Mrs. HaarMrs. Ross

(618) 224-7355 ext. 1209(618) 224-7355 ext. 1211

Mrs. KloecknerMrs. Wilkins

(618) 224-7355 ext. 1206(618) 224-7355 ext. 1207

Guidelines for Fifth Grade Success

For All Classes:

✓Pay attention to class instruction; listen to the teacher rather than the other students in the classroom.

✓Follow the directions on written work and those given in class.

✓Check the homework board and whiteboard for additional instructions if necessary.

✓Keep track of the homework assignments by frequently checking the homework board---not just at the end of the day!!!

✓Turn in all assignments on time. Students will not be given permission to call home for forgotten assignments or other items (exception: medications).

✓Be honest in your academic work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Instances in which cheating is involvedmay result in zeros given for the particular assignment to any student involved in the act. Be proud of your own work, and if you are having problems, be sure to ask for help the appropriate way.

Reading – Homeroom Teacher:

✓Study the vocabulary words for the story frequently. Be sure to know the word, its definition, and how to use it in a sentence.

✓Reread the story. This can help develop the skills we will focus on for each story.

✓Go over the questions at the end of the story. This helps build comprehension skills and is good practice for reading materials that may be on the test.

✓Complete all the workbook pages and class assignments that are assigned.

✓Literature thought to be of significance will be read in class. Students should read for approximately 15 minutes each day to acquaint them to various forms of writings.

✓Students should keep a novel from the classroom library or home with them at all times.

Spelling – Homeroom Teacher:

✓Study the spelling words for the assigned unit before the test on Friday (or last day) of each week.

✓Complete the weekly word activities. This may include writing the words 5 times each, creating a crossword puzzle with all the spelling words, using the words in a descriptive sentence, creating an image for each of the words, or other activities that show your understanding of the words’ definitions and/or correct spelling. If you have a new way to complete the weekly word activity, simply ask the teacher to ensure that it meets the requirements. The weekly word activities will be due on Thursday of each week.

✓Complete the assigned workbook pages for each unit. These will usually be due on Wednesday. Two out of the four pages of the unit will be randomly selected for homework points.

✓Remember that spelling is a part of every subject. If you do not know how to spell a word, use your dictionary to help you.

Language Arts – Mrs. Ross:

✓We will be covering the parts of speech and various styles of writing throughout the year. Each grammar unit will be followed by a writing unit.

✓Each day we will be correcting a sentence for D.O.L. At the end of the week, the D.O.L. sentences will be graded for one daily grade. The point total varies each week and depends upon the amount of errors.

✓One component of the Common Core ELA standards is vocabulary. Each day there will be a word of the day that is presented. The student will place it onto an index card. We will discuss the part of speech, pronunciation, and use it in sentences. Every two weeks the students will have a multiple choice quiz over the last ten words. The index cards are a great tool for studying the words.

✓Tests will be announced one week in advance. The student will bring home a study sheet that contains page numbers to use for extra practice. We will also do in-class packet reviews of the skills.

✓Be creative in your writing while still following the formal rules of writing. This will become easier as you practice writing more frequently.

Math – Mrs. Haar:

KNOW THE BASIC FACTS (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). If you are unsure of some of them, be sure to keep practicing them. You will be assessed on a weekly basis in class. Knowing the basic facts will make it much easier when we begin long division, higher level multiplication, and fractions.

✓Listen carefully for instructions.

✓Pay close attention to problems being demonstrated on the board. Write them in your math notebook.

✓Always show your work, unless the teacher says otherwise.

✓Once you finish a problem, check your answer.

✓Practice some of the problems on your own to study for tests.

✓Review and practice problems are usually given several days before the actual test. Be sure to complete these and keep track of any questions you have.

✓If you do not understand what is being taught, be sure to ask immediately; if you wait to ask, you may confuse yourself.

Science – Mr. Brandmeyer:

✓Pay attention during instructions and discussions.

✓Be sure to know the vocabulary terms for each section. Vocabulary is a large part of every science test.

✓A study guide will be given several days before each test. Use this to study and review it multiple times!

✓Keep an open mind about the topics we discuss. If you wish to state an opinion, please do so tastefully. Your opinion is always welcome and appreciated.

✓During lab, follow the directions of the teacher and/or the written lab plan. This is for your own safety.

✓Horseplay during lab will not be tolerated. Such activity not only puts your safety at risk, but also the safety of those around you. Disregarding this rule will result in a zero grade for the lab.

Social Studies – Mrs. Wilkins:

✓Follow along with chapter readings in class. We will be taking notes throughout each chapter. These notes will help you prepare for the chapter test, so make sure you use your social studies notebook and stay organized! Your notebooks will be graded for completion and neatness.

✓Specific concepts, people, and places will be emphasized prior to each test during a review game. Use this information to study and review it multiple times!

✓Projects will be assigned throughout the year. You will be given time in class to do research and organize your projects. Use this time wisely! Work not completed in class must be finished at home. Projects are an important grade and worth as much as, if not more than, tests.

✓Current Events will be due every Friday (or the last day of the school week). You will be expected to read, watch, or listen to a news story every week and write a paragraph summary and reaction to what you have learned.

Procedures for Fifth Grade

Below are listed requirements and procedures for the fifth grade. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Please review them carefully with your child.

1.Eight-Pocket Folder: This folder is an excellent tool to help the students stay organized. Each pocket will be devoted to a separate subject (Reading, Spelling, Math, English/Writing, Science, Social Studies, Give to Teacher, Give to Parents). Please check the folders daily and keep them organized.

2.Roster Number: Each student will be given a number based on his or her order in the gradebook. Students should write this number on every sheet of paper they turn in. The number is to be written in the upper left hand corner, unless a place is already indicated on the assignment.

3.Formatting Papers: Every assignment turned in must have the following information on it unless other lines are provided.

5B-###(Your roster number)Your Name




4.Agenda or Assignment Book: Each student is expected to have an agenda or assignment book of some type. You are to write down all assignments daily. Homework will be listed on the Homework Board every day. Be sure to keep this updated throughout the day rather than rushing at the end of the day. Assignments will also be posted on the class website after the conclusion of the school day.

5.Home/Class Assignments: Any assigned work given is expected to be completed on time. There is no excuse for not completing homework on time. The only time you will be excused for late work is when you are absent on the day it was assigned. Any time a graded assignment is missing or less than 50% complete, the student will be referred to the office and serve a Thursday homework detention. Please refer to the Wesclin Middle School Handbook for a detailed description of the detention policy.

All homework for all classes must be submitted during the first Homeroom session of the day it is due. If issues arise in meeting this deadline, let the teacher know immediately.

6.Book Orders: Throughout the year, there will be several opportunities to purchase books through various book clubs. If you make a purchase, please send cash or a check made payable to Scholastic Reading Club (not the teacher). Online ordering is also available. Separate information will be sent regarding setting up an online account.

7.Student Absences: If a student is absent for any reason, please contact the school secretary. For each day absent, the student will have one day to make up the assigned work.

8.Consequences: All students are expected to follow the classroom rules set up by Mr. Brandmeyer. The rules are as follows:

---Respect the rights and feelings of others.

---Be prepared for class with the proper supplies, assignments, and attitude for learning.

---Use proper manners and common courtesy at all times.

---Follow the rules stated in the Wesclin School District Student Handbook.

Ignoring the rules may result in the loss of certain privileges such as recess, incentives, and other class activities. Infractions may result in a strike being issued. A student receiving three (3) strikes in one quarter will be ineligible to attend the reward party at the end of the quarter. Strikes may be issued for late/missing assignments, three tardies, and/or, behavior issues. An email will be sent home with notification that a strike was issued.

9.Beginning the School Day: Listed below are the procedures you are expected to follow in this classroom at the beginning of the school day.

-Enter the classroom respectfully. Put your book bag, coat, supplies etc., in your locker.

-Give any papers that must go to the office to the teacher.

-Turn in any necessary homework assignments. These will usually be listed on the board each morning.

-Get your materials ready for your first class. (Books and papers on your desk, at least 2 pencils sharpened, etc.)

-After being dismissed to use the restroom and get a drink (around 8:10) return to the classroom and begin working on the assigned morning exercise posted on the board. Students that return after the bell, will be given a classroom tardy.

-Listen carefully for any further instructions from the teacher (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, special announcements).

-Have a wonderful day.

10.Class Website/Weekly Update: To access the classroom website, go to and click on the “Middle School” tab. Click on the gray “Teacher Pages” tab on the left side of the screen and select the desired teacher. Additionally, parents/guardians that have provided an email to use through the TeacherEase program, will receive an update of upcoming events and assignments at the end of each week.


The information contained in this packet has been discussed in detail with your child during class. Sign and return this response sheet. If you have any questions, please feel free to write them down below and I will be glad to answer them for you. Thank you so much for allowing me to teach your child this year. I look forward to working with you to make this year successful.

I, ______, have received the

(parent/guardian name)

procedures, rules, and guidelines presented by Mr. Brandmeyer to my

child, ______.

(child’s name)

If I have any questions regarding these policies, I will contact my child’s teacher.

Date: ______Signed: ______

Questions or Comments: