Lost Sheep Ministry News - December 2013--

Unto us a Savior is born; Jesus is the Christ. Christmas is about the birth of our Savior, Jesus. All who support the Lost Sheep Ministry extend our best wishes at this joyous season. He came as a servant to all of us but He is coming back as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Enjoy celebrating His birth.

The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go out, make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2.

We're Taking the Gospel of Jesus to Pakistan!

One of the countries to be visited during 2014 is Pakistan. Our first planning meeting for this mission trip was conducted in the LSM office on December 11th. Pastor Victor Paul and Sister Rita York provided much valuable information about the best time and place to visit. The months of September through November are the best weather months to support outdoor assemblies. Arrangements will be made for training Christian Pastors, Elders and Deacons during morning sessions and evangelistic services at night. Hundreds of Christian leaders can be expected to participate and thousands of seekers can be anticipated. The preliminary plans are to spend the first week in Lahore and the second week in Karachi.

Notes from Pastor Richard Robeson (just returned from the Philippines):

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? This is the question that kept creeping into my mind as Brother Bob and I moved from church to church and province to province in the Philippines.

Who am I that the Lord would send me to teach and preach. With each and every meeting our God continued to speak to those in attendance and we witnessed great outpouring of conviction and surrender in Spirit. I soon had a clear feeling that this was no ordinary trip but one in which our Heavenly Father truly had chosen and sent two Godly men to train and send out other pastors.

From day one to the very end there was no doubt that God wanted to use us to fan into flame the ministry of evangelism and discipleship throughout the churches in the Quezone province. With each and every stop, when all was said and done, the pastors and Christian leaders would give great thanks for sharing with them and teaching them to go and tell the good news. Even now through Face book and Email, Pastor Bob and I are hearing of continued work in evangelism and discipleship.

Only God knows the full extent of the impact from our time spent in the Philippines. When I stop to think about the eternal impact that would have been missed if I had chosen not to go. As Christians we do not have a choice. We have our orders. The clear answer is to go and make disciples.

Where are you going? What will you do? Who will you tell? It starts in your home. In your community. Where you work. God is there. He is with you. Speak and listen to the words He will give you!

In all the trip produced close to 150 new converts to Jesus Christ and the work of discipleship continues with the local pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. I know I will return soon. When I return is up to the Lord. In His Grip - Richard Robeson

Pastors Bob and Richard Robeson (FBC Dickinson, TX) just returned from a two week mission trip to Luzon Island of the Philippines. They arrived in Manila just as the terrible typhoon hit the central Islands. Southern Baptist Missionaries Greg and Jill Harvell hosted their trip.

Notes from Pastor Bob:

I am available to serve your church by conduction an eight session seminar on God's Renown.

A battle rages. The war is for God’s RENOWN among all the peoples of the earth. We exist for this battle. We exist for His RENOWN!

1. Creator God: A God Like None Other

2. Creation: All peoples for His glory

3. Covenant: A people for His glory

4. Christ Jesus: The glory and love of God

5. Commission: The people of God called and sent

6. Celebration: All peoples worshipping

7. Consumed: Church empowered for God’s glory

8. Consecrated: A life like none other

Discover the purpose for which you were created

Understand God’s design for the local church

Grasp the flow of God’s history

Celebrate God’s passion for worship among the nations

Discipline and ready yourself in key areas

Uncover essential truth from Scripture

Embrace God’s passion for the nations

Please contact me at brobobatlsm@gmail for available dates and arrangements.

Local Stuff (Texas that is):

Making Disciples of Christ is the passion of John and Mammy Overton. They teach about how to become Disciples of Christ to men recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction every Saturday afternoon and Monday evening.

Kamikaze for Christ: Sister Dana Poole has exciting news. The fruit of the spirit study that she has written is now being taught in the women's prison in Lockhart, Texas, by Elspeth George. We are also working on getting the others published and in the hands of Teachers in other areas. She will be going back to project hope in January to teach.

LSMInternational Dates:

  • Monthly evangelism mission trips are made to border towns of Mexico.

Countries to be visited by the end of 2014 :

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  • The Philippines (Just completed)
  • Nicaragua
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Vietnam
  • China
  • Canada
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Australia

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Meet our Staff:

Will Overton is a college student who supports Lost Sheep Ministries' Information Technology (IT) needs. He maintains our Web site at and he edits his grandfather's Discipleship materials. This is Will's passport photo. He is standing by to accompany Pastor Bob on some of his upcoming International mission trips.


LSM is having its training materials translated into major International languages of the world. LSM will provide training in the use of these materials along with copies of the materials to be taken worldwide to evangelize and disciple people groups. All LSM training materials are posted on to either be used on line or downloaded for local applications.

Recommended Reading: Simple Youth Ministry by Eric Geiger and Jeff Burton.

This book outlines how we must simplify our outreach to youth and focus on discipleship. The upcoming generation of young Christianswill determine the spiritual health of the Church. We absolutely must move beyond just trying to have high attendance by offering games, pizza and videos. We MUST target our high schools with effective, substantive discipleship. There is too much at stake to be intimidated into thinking that we can do nothing for our schools. We must shift from a "can't do attitude" to a "can do attitude." Most Christians know Philippians 4:13 but don't believe it!

Lost Sheep Ministries (LSM) was founded in February of 1992by Evangelist Bob Gibson. Our primary goal is to demonstrate our obedience to the Great Commandment by our obedience to the Great Commission. Pastor Bob may be reached at

This monthly newsletter will be forwarded by email only. Email addresses may be removed or added to distribution by notifying John Overton at . Our website is at this URL -

Tax Deductable Donations to LSM:

Lost Sheep Ministries is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Donations may be made to LSM, 2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-144, League City, TX 77573. Please designate if your gift is for a specific ministry else it will be used for general expenses.

Special Funds Needed: LSM is raising funds to purchase a motorbike to be used by missionaries to carry the Gospel to an unreached people group in the remote areas of the Quezone Province, Philippine Islands. If you will help us in this project, please designate your donation to Motorbike for the Philippines.

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