We're not Sealed out; we're Sealed in


God said to Noah, "Pitch it within and without, both sides, pitch it."

Then I was studying over what pitch was made out of. I went back and got it, and went back into an old dictionary, begin to find out what pitch meant. Into the Greek, I find out that pitch meant one thing, meant to... a substance. But how they got pitch, they beat it out of another tree. It was like a resin, and they beat it out, and boiled it, and then poured it on. And it become pitch.

What a beautiful thing, of the wood before it's cut down, a certain type of timber, being human, Christ in His humility, being human. And the Church, His ark today, coming into His Church, which is no more than His own spiritual body here on earth... That Christ was cut down, and life was beat out of Him, that it might be applied to the Church.

Now, this soft gopher wood, when they poured this hot pitch over it, it soaked it up right quick, inside and out, and made it a sealed. Amen. Oh, you see it? A seal: soft, soaking in the Word of God, Christ pouring the Holy Spirit, het up. Amen. It won't run when it's cold. It's got to get hot. What we need today is an old fashion, Holy Ghost meeting, het up, poured down.

They took that soft gopher wood, the big ladle, and poured it on, and the gopher wood real soft, ready, then from the inside and out, that pitch went through and cased it over like steel. No water could seep in it at all. It was a protection.

And every man that comes and receives Christ, and coats him by the Holy Spirit, becomes so one minded till he sees nothing else but Christ. He doesn't care for the world anymore. You can bump him, bounce him, kick him out, do everything you want to, but he's cased over. In other words, he's sealed. Seal up all the cracks, that's what they did with the pitch. And the Bible said what...

You know what the sealing is for this, have with this ark today? Ephesians 4:30 said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed (or pitched, cased over) until the day of redemption." Amen. All sealed up, every little portion of wood, every little outlet, every little hole, every little crack, every little pore in the wood is just sealed and cased in with the Spirit of God. Oh, how marvelous.


Now, we are resurrected today. Why can we have such a time over the things of God? Because we're resurrected. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He justified; those who He justified, He has glorified." Then we are now resurrected. We are resurrected from the inside out, not from the outside in. Oh, do you notice, not sealed out this way, but sealed in. Oh, my, if the church could just see it. See, we're not sealed out; we're sealed in. Them days, when sin was--was abomination before God, and there was no appropriation to take it away, we were sealed away from it. Now, when that ripped in two, and that seal was broke by a sin-offering being made from us, now we're baptized inside and sealed inside. We are resurrected. We are now resurrected, already resurrected. How do you know? The Bible said so. Amen. We are now resurrected. We are now raised with Him in spiritual resurrection. What does the word "quickened" mean? "Quickened" means "resurrection." That's right. We're already resurrected right now, setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, enjoying the Easter Seal. Amen. That's God's true Easter Seal. How are we? By one Spirit baptized into the Body, and sealed eternally. We are now raised spiritually. What did we raise from? From a life of sin; we were once sinners and loved the things of the world.

Now, there's many people say that they have been raised, but their life proves different. Your life proves what you are. "By their fruits you shall know them," Jesus said. That's the reason we never could go upon making a man speak in tongues and say he's got the Holy Ghost. We don't believe that. There's no Scripture for that.

No, sir. Men speak with tongues and go on out and live like the world. And women speak in tongues and bob off their hair, wear makeup. Huh. You couldn't say that was the Holy Ghost.

Surely not, certainly not, certainly not. A man smoke cigars, and go out here and live with the next man's wife, run around, carry on, say that's the Holy Ghost? No, no, "By their fruits you shall know them. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruits, neither does a good tree bring forth corrupt fruits."We are sealed by the Holy Ghost, God's true Easter Seal. We are sealed into the Body of Christ, eternally sealed, not a seal for a space of time, but for eternity. And now that person that's received that, is raised from the dead, from a life of sin. What is it? His Spirit has been raised; his--his ambitions are raised; his life has been raised; he is a new creature. And he comes together with fellow citizens, like we are this morning to pray for one another, and to help one another, to encourage one another, and to set and gather in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, sealed by the Holy Ghost. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost," Scripture said. That's the Scripture. Now, you see we're sealed by the Easter Seal, the Easter Seal of resurrection, which confirmed that His life and what He had said was true.Now, we find out it's a complete work; it's a finished product. God's resurrection is a finished product. The Holy Ghost is God's Seal of a finished product.


The Holy Spirit seals you in as an individual. Then you're a son and daughter.


And tonight we're safely, completely resting in the atonement that our Lord made for us, knowing this, that when the judgment comes, that we'll float above the judgment. We'll be taken out of the world and will not have to stand the judgment, for our Lord promised us in St. John5:24, "He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall not come into the judgment; but has passed from death unto Life."

Not a wandering soul when we die; we're in the Presence of God. Not a wandering through a endless eternity, lost, to know we have to return back and be judged according to the deeds done in the body, but, Father, tonight we have settled that at the altar, and our sins has gone on before us, and been justified by the Blood of Jesus Christ, with the proof of it, God poured back the Holy Spirit upon us, and we're sealed now unto our eternal destination.


a seal signifies is ownership. See? The seal has a mark on it, shows ownership. When you are bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ and sealed by the Holy Ghost, you no longer belong to the world or anything pertaining to the world. You are owned by God.

And another thing is: a seal is a security. Seal means you are secured. Now, you that don't believe in eternal security, I don't know, but now... But a seal signifies security to its destination. Woe unto that guy that would try to break that seal. And the Holy Spirit Seal cannot be broken. You all have heard me say that people said, "The devil made me do this." No, no, the devil didn't do it. You just wasn't sealed in, so then (You see?), 'cause when you're sealed in, he's sealed out. See?Now, you went out to him. He couldn't get into you, because the only way he'd get into you is come through the same process that you have. He'd have to be saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost; then he'd be your brother. So, see, so he--he didn't do it, no, no. You just went to the borderline and come back lusting for the things of the world. He never went all the way over into Canaan (You see?), across Jordan, the death to self. See?


1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


... grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until your redemption. (till you're redeemed)

You're sealed in there; you're beneath the Blood. You don't go out no more. And then what are you? God's son in God's family, sealed in by the Holy Spirit. The Devil couldn't get you if he had to; for you are dead; your old husband part is dead, and you are buried, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. How's he going to get you? How you going to get out? You're there. Glory. Now, I'll leave that alone; just enough so you'll know what I'm talking about.

Then a new creation, not to a denomination, but to the Word. You're a creation of the Word. Because the foundation stone was laid in you before the foundation of the world, predestinated to be sons and daughters of God.

And upon this come stone upon stone in each age to vindicate that Word that's coming up, just exactly as Jesus did in His age, which is the Capstone of it all. In Him laid every age.


Now, then, you are a son of God in the house of God; you are a part of God's economy. Romans 8:1, "Then there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." For they are dead to the world, alive in Him, and living in this present day, making the Word that God has used them for, foreordained them, placing their names in this Bride Book. And when the Waters comes upon that seed that's in the heart, raises it up to the Bride of Christ.


Number one, coming to you, your mental faith, right here, comes the Holy Spirit, coming down into your mental faith making it a spiritual faith. Then the spiritual faith only recognizes the Word.

Now, and number two--three: Then you'll have spiritual, you'll be--have the Holy Spirit, and will seal all these things into you, as that Holy Spirit covers this. From your faith up to the Holy Spirit seals you in with Christ; then you become one. Amen…

…You become one. See, you and Christ live together. "At that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." See? Then that's a sealed unit of the Lord God. Now, and then they are vindicated and placed. When that time takes place, they become vindicated sons and daughters of God.


…when you accept His sacrificed Blood, then He gives us life the life of the Token, and it is a promised seal. Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of your redemption." Then being baptized into Him, 1st Corinthians 12, we become part of His Body.


"By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body." We're baptized into the Body of Christ, by one Holy Spirit. We're not shook in, we're not joined in, we're not baptized with water in. We are baptized with the Holy Ghost, into the Body of Jesus Christ. How long does it last when you get in There, until you misbehave yourself? Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Argue with Him, not me. That's what It says. I'm reading It. All right. "You're sealed until the day of your redemption," until the day that Jesus comes for you. Then think of it!

You are then not yourself, you are a new creature, for the Greek there means "a new creation." You've been recreated again. The power of God comes upon you, and you become created, a new creature; which brings the whole physical being, spiritual being and everything, in subject to the Word of God. Not no other way!

2 Cor 1:22 See Eph 4:30, Eph 1:13-14, 2 Tim 2:19

Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.


A seal of promise! Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Ghost of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Not till the next revival. "Until the day of your redemption!" Being baptized into It, according to I Corinthians 12. And in Him is the fulness, and no sin is recognized in Him. "He that's borned of God, does not commit sin. The seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." How can he, when the Token is there? The Token is the sign he has been accepted.


Now, look at the age that we're living. Now, to my opinion, this is the age of the turning time. It's a time when men are either will come into the Kingdom of God or be sealed out of the Kingdom of God. And I believe that the antichrist seals a person. We're taught in the Scriptures in the Book of Revelations, "If any man receives his seal or his mark, or the letter of his name (and so forth) is doomed," is sealed out the Kingdom of God. And the Spirit of Christ, when once sealed with That, is sealed in the Kingdom of God. And just as sure as you can be sealed out with one, you can be sealed in with the other.


There's not one thing, as your pastor and your brother, there is not one thing that I can guide you towards this morning but to Jesus Christ. There isn't a thing that I know. Just think of the things that's prophesied to come before the rapture takes place,everything that I know of is done fulfilled.

You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" That's to come in the tribulation. The Church will be gone then. Won't have to mark these, these done gone. See? The marking is going on now. The marking is the showing forth, the brand. Flee to God, flee to Him quickly!


That makes the difference between the believer and the unbeliever. There were those sealed by the Kingdom of God; and those marked by the mark of the beast. And the ones that was marked by the mark of the beast could not take the seal of God. The same thing's coming in today, and we see it right before our own eyes.


Now, there's been all kinds of ministries. God in this last days, I believe, has given us everything He's got in his book. Everything that He's promised, we've seen. And still, it seems like the people can't grasp it. Those who are ordained to grasp it, will grasp it. Only those. It blinds one; opens the eyes of another.


Look at the last days, it'd be so close it'd deceive the very elected if it was possible. Oh, my. The reason the elected won't be deceived, you know why? Is because they are the Word. See? Just like the Life that's in the root (I said awhile ago), it can't deny itself.


Now, there's not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be. Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day the last day will arrive.