Wellness Final Exam Study Guide

75 questions – 30 questions Health (Ch# 1, Ch#5) , 45 questions Physical Education (volleyball, flag football, tennis)

Test questions are matching, multiple choice, and true/false


1. There are 6 players on a team.

2. A game consists of 25 points. Varsity must win by 2 points, JV 1 point. Varsity must win 3/5 games, JV 2/3 games.

3. You change sides of the net after each set (game).

4. You are allowed 3 hits per side, but may not hit it twice in a row. A block does not count as a hit.

5. The ball is in if it hits the line.

6. If two people hit the ball at the same time, it counts as 1 hit and either one may hit the ball again.

7. The ball may touch the net on the serve and also while the ball is in play; players can not touch the net.

8. When serving, you may not step on or over the service line until you have made contact with the ball – if you do it is

called a foot fault.

9. The server has 5 seconds to serve the ball after the referee has blown their whistle.

10. If the ball hits the ceiling:

- can’t go on the other team’s side of the net

- can be played if your team hits the ball on the ceiling and it comes down on your side of the net- but not serve

11. You rotate clockwise and serve from right back position.

12. Rally scoring is used which means you get a point when the other team makes a mistake.


1. Scoring: love – 15 – 30 – 40 – game

2. When the score it tied say “all” – ex. 15 – all except when tied at 40 say deuce.

3. The points after deuce are called “advantage”. If you get the point “ad in”, when opponent “ad out”. If it ties up again it goes back to deuce.

4. You must get two points in a row from deuce to win.

5. The first person to win 6 games wins the “set”. You must win 2 of 3 sets to win the match and must win the sets by at least 2 games. Ex 6-4, 6-2,

6. You start serving from the right court and alternate right, left, after each point is scored.

7. If the ball hits the net and lands in the correct square, it is a let serve and you get to re-do it.

8. A missed serve is called a fault. If you miss two serves in a row it is a double fault and the other team gets a point.

9. You change sides of the net after odd number games – 1, 3, 5, etc.

10. The same person serves the entire game in a doubles match. Then a player from the other team serves an entire game, etc. until the match is over.

Flag Football

1. Line of scrimmage is the imaginary line across the tip of the football.

2. Offsides is when a player crosses the line of scrimmage before the ball is hiked.

3. A lateral pass is a pass thrown backwards or sideways.

4. Wide receivers are on the outside on the line of scrimmage and go out for passes. A tight end lines up just inside the

wide receivers and also goes out for passes.

5. A center hikes the ball.

6. Running backs are not on the line of scrimmage, and are usually handed the ball to run with it.

7. Safety are on defense and are the last players to stop a touchdown.

8. Linebackers are also defense and back up the defensive lineman.


Chapter 1 – know definitions:

  1. body language: using facial expressions, hand and foot movements, touching, posture, and the presence or absence of eye contact to communicate.
  2. life skills: abilities that help you maintain and improve your health, need your entire life
  3. depression: the feeling of being sad, unhappy, or discouraged.
  4. short-term goal: achievements that are reached in the near future with effort.
  5. Emotions: feelings, such as happiness, sadness, fear, and anger.
  6. Peers: people of similar age and status
  7. abstinence: choosing to not engage in any risk behaviors
  8. self-respect: a high regard for oneself as a result of behaving in responsible ways.
  9. environment – surroundings, everything around you

2. How the 3 parts of health are related (physical, mental, social) – they all affect each other.

3. Healthful ways to deal with anger: exercise, talk it out, artistic outlet, get enough sleep, etc.

4. Steps in setting up a behavior contract – know in order

a. identifya health goal you want to achieve

b. tell how the goal will affect your health.

c. make a specific plan to follow and a method of recording your progress.

d. evaluate your results

5. Symptoms of post -traumatic stress syndrome: constant worry, fear, or stress after a frightening experience.

6. The 5 stages of dying – denial, anger, bargaining, depressing, and acceptance

7. 4 parts of health literacy: Effective communication, self-directed learning, critical thinking and problem solving, and

responsible citizenship.

Chapter 5 – know:

8. Know 6 parts of skills fitness: balance, agility, power, speed, reaction time, coordination

9. Know the 5 parts of health fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and

healthful body composition.

10. When your heart becomes stronger, it can pump more blood with each beat.

11. *** Norepinephrine and beta-endorphins help ease pain – your body produces more of these when you exercise,

helps give you a sense of well- being and reduces pain.

12. Training principles:

- warm up

- workout:

- Specificity: choose activity for its desired benefits; ex. Want to strengthen abs, do sit ups/crunches

- Overload: added activity that increases the body’s ability to do work; run 800 meters to train for 400.

- Progression: gradual increase in intensity; ex. Run 400, then 800, then 1200, then mile.

- Cool down:

F = Frequency – how often you exercise

I = Intensity – how hard you exercise – heart rate in target zone

T = Time – how long you exercise – at least 20-30 minutes

T = Type of exercise – do exercises that will help you improve on what you want to work on