HealthOut of Hours / Crisis supportNHS DIRECT / CALL: 111
WEB: / 24 hour doctor’s advice, assessment and signposting
PENRYN GP SURGERY / CALL: 01326 372502 / GP service for students
SEXUAL HEALTH LINE / 0300 123 7 123 / Free and confidential advice
GLASNEY LODGE / CALL: 01326 253503 (3503 from internal phones/Glasney flats) or
Campus Security - 07768 557779 / For urgent/immediate concerns and when needing immediate advice from Campus staff
HOME TREATMENT TEAM / 0845 2303 902 / Urgent out of hours mental health support and advice
SAMARITANS / Phone: 116 123 – FREE TO CALL!
/ Offers 24-hour confidential emotional support by telephone, email or face-to-face
Anxiety & Depression
STUDENTS AGAINST DEPRESSION / / S.A.D offers info and self-help plans along with tips and advice from students
GET SELF HELP / / CBT based worksheets and exercises
SILVER CLOUD / WEB: exeterfalmouth.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/ / online unsupported CBT courses (FREE)
0800 138 8889 / Freephone HELPLINE 10am – 10pm
SELF-HELP LEAFLETS / / Free self-help leaflets for a wide range of problems
PAPYRUS - Prevention of young suicide / / PAPYRUS - Prevention of young suicide
MINDFULNESS FOR STUDENTS / / Free audio guided practices
MIND / Call: 0300 123 3393 TEXT: 86463 / National mental health charity. Lots of info!
LifeSIGNS / WEB: Email: / Self-injury guidance & network support
Self-injury support /
TEXT 0780 047 2908
/ Self-injury support and resources including text and email service.
OUTLOOK SOUTH WEST / Call 01208 871905 WEB:
/ NHS & private counselling /CBT for a range of issues. Self-refer or via GP
CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably /
0800 585 858 / Working towards the prevention of male suicide
INTERCOM TRUST / Helpline: 0800 612 3010
Email: / Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender helpline & advocacy service
Eating Disorders and Body Image
B-EAT / / Support for eating disorders/body image
SILVER CLOUD / WEB: exeterfalmouth.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/ / online unsupported CBT courses (FREE)
Relationships / Sexual Assault / Domestic Abuse
THE WILLOW CENTRE / Email: WEB: Skoodhya.org.uk Call 01872 272059 / Sexual Assault Referral Centre for men and women
REACH / 0300 777 4 777 email: WEB: / Cornwall Domestic Abuse Service (men & women)
RELATE / Call 0300 100 1234; WEB: relate.org.uk also includes a wealth of advice, articles etc. / relationship help and counselling with free online chat available up to 9pm most days
CRUSE / Call 01726 73100 email WEB: / Bereavement support and counselling
Alcohol and drugs misuse
ADDACTION / Truro: Call 0333 2000 325 email Redruth: Call 01209 211 825 email WEB: / Free, confidential advice, information and support with drug and alcohol problems
FRANK / Call 0300 123 6600; SMS: 82111; Live chat available 2pm - 6pm; WEB: / National drug education service also providing details of local support. Includes a confidential email link on the 'contact' page of the website.