Carers ‘Well Carer’ Health Check


Planning the Health Check


Communication needs of the carer (interpreter, signer, reader)

The carers wishes re being seen alone or with the service user

Support or advocacy for the carer

Timing the Well Carer Health Check


Carers have busy lives – respect their routines and time constraints

More suitable after any immediate crisis has passed

May not be just a one off conversation

Conducting the Well Carer Health Check


To be completed in conjunction with the carer

Staff to be ‘carer aware’ and good at ‘hearing’ information

To be undertaken in a relaxed setting - ‘good bedside manner’

Use guidance notes and Key Question template

Recording the Well Carer Health Check

Use the Form supplied with the protocol

Complete all sections fully getting the carer to confirm and agree action points

Give carer copy of completed form

File form as relevant

Update any electronic records

Book for review


Carer may reveal information that the person cared for is not aware of

Only shared with patient (cared for) with carers consent

Well Carer Health Check


Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other (please specify)……………………….

Surname……………………. Forename……………………………



Postcode…………………Date of Birth…………………………….

Telephone No. Home……………………………………..Work………………………………..

Ethnic Origin…………………………………


Have you ever suffered form any of the following conditions listed below:


Epilepsy Y/NBlindness/Glaucoma Y/N

Diabetes Y/N Strokes Y/N

Heart problem Y/N Asthma Y/N

Cancer Y/N High cholesterol Y/N

High blood pressure Y/N Hayfever Y/N

Have you ever had any other serious illnesses? IF YES WHAT WAS THAT ILLNESS AND WHEN………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


PLEASE LIST MEDICATION THAT YOU TAKE ON A REGULAR BASIS AND WHY………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


EXERCISE – Do you take any exercise, if yes what e.g. walking swimming?…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

DIET – Do you eat a healthy diet?……………………………….…………



BLOOD PRESSURE………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ALCOHOL – How much do you drink a week?…………………………………………………..

DO YOU SMOKE – If yes how many per day?……………………………………………………..

If ex smoker how many did you used to smoke and when did you give up?………………

FLU VACCINATION – Do you have regular flu vaccinations?…………………………………..

  1. Do you have any concerns about your health as it relates to your caring role/tasks? I.e. are you worried that you might become ill or have an accident due to caring (physical tasks, emotional stress etc?)



  1. Do you need some support with caring so that you can attend to your own health needs?



  1. Do you have any concerns about actually performing any clinical tasks that maybe associated with your caring role? I.e. are you ok dealing with blood, giving medication, assisting with infections, cleaning wounds etc?




  1. Do you have sufficient information for you to understand the medical condition of the person you are caring for and how to help them best manage that condition?




  1. Do you have any other concerns around the health and well being of the person you caring for? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. Do you feel that you need any other non-medical support to enable you to continue caring? I.e. benefit advice, how to get a break etc. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  1. Would you like to have a FREE carer’s information pack?……………………………………..
  1. Would you like to be referred to a local carers organisation where you can get to know other carers and receive a FREE bi – monthly newsletter?…………………………

1. / Health Concerns about themselves or the person they are caring for / Refer to someone who can have a discussion about their concerns. This maybe GP/Nurse or agencies.
2. / Social Care Needs/Health Equipment / Refer to social services re getting services or respite etc.
3. / Awareness or support with carrying out clinical tasks for the person they are caring for / Practice Nurse support or referral to local Red Cross for training/advice.
4. / General information about the illness or disability of the person they are caring for / Organisations/Leaflets/Computer
5. / Other Concerns / Organisations/Leaflets/Computer/Specialist
6. / Support / If the patient- carer wants formal support refer to social services re a carer’s assessment or, if they just want some informal support refer to Greenwich Carers Centre.
7. / Carers Pack / If you are an Information Pack’ holding station’ then give a pack to the patient. If not, give patient-carers details to the GCC and request a pack is sent.
8. / Carer specific support (emotional, practical, guidance) / Refer to Greenwich Carers Centre or give them a GCC leaflet if they say “no” or “not at this time”.

Carers Health Check Risk Assessment Action Sheet