January 2017
Welcometo worship…!
If this is your first visit, and you have no other place of worship, then we hope that you will return and make our fellowship here your spiritual home.
Toilets can be found either side of the main entrance doors, where you came in for worship. There is a toilet for the disabled accessed from the front foyer.
The front foyer is also an area where parents with babies and toddlers can sit and still be able to hear the worship meeting.
Loop System (Ground floor only) is available for those with hearing difficulties; please turn your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position.
The Young People leave the morning meeting for their own groups. If your child(ren) would like to go with them, you are welcome to take them if you feel it is helpful for their first visit. Their meeting concludes at 12 noon.
10.30 am
Morning meeting
‘Kid’s Alive’
11.00am – 12noon
(Young People )
4.30 pm
‘Church in the Street’
Will be held at the
Old Market Square.
(weather permitting)
5.30 pm
Evening Meeting
followed by a
Coffee/Tea Fellowship
& Youth Fellowship
The flowers which grace our hall and enhance worship
week by week, have
been gifted by the
following people: In
some cases the dates
have been chosen as a
reminder of a memorable
event in their family
1st Sue Webb
(In memory of her Grandparents)
8th Jenny Watts
15th Pat Welbourn
22nd Jeff Rhodes
(In memory of his wife Carol)
29th Gwen Whitehouse
Thank you all for your generosity
Monday Home League
2.00pm This is a weekday devotional and educational fellowship open to both men and women. Everybody will be made welcome.
6.30 pm Singing Company
8.00 pm Songsters
10.00 am CAMEO. ‘Come and Meet Each Other’ where you can meet others and share in craft activities, friendship and refreshments.
12noon Lunch Club.An opportunity to meet with those over 50 yrs. of age for fellowship.Plus a low-cost meal each week.
2.00 pm Over 50’s Fellowship a time of fun, chat, singing and quizzes with the occasional outings in the programme.
6.45 pm Young People’s Band
8.00 pm Senior Band
10.00am Parent & Toddlers Group
The ‘Shining Stars’ Book of Remembrance
A book remembrance has been created and will be open during the second Sunday of each month for prayers and remembrance. The book can be found, upstairs, in the Bramwell Booth Room.
Bible A Month
Thank you to all who give of their loose change on occasions for this venture.
A Bible Verse for the New Year
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life,
to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;
to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:22 – 24 NIV
WHAT’S on in January 2017
10.30am Commitment Meeting
followed by a Corps Buffett lunch together,
tickets required.
2.00pm Total Praise (all music sections)
Sunday Evenings- Coffee/Tea Fellowship
You are invited to join us, in the Community Hall, for a cup of tea or coffee. This is a lovely way to finish our Sunday’s worship together.
If you wish to confirm the availability of dates for any occasion please contact Corps Secretary Sharon Page by email at the following address.
We would respectfully ask that, where possible, any information which you require to be announced during Sunday’s meetings is either handed to CSM Tom Selby by Thursday at band practice, or sent by email to Tom at the following address: