WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship. This evening we will meet at 6:00 PM for a combined worship service at Cedar Hill CRC in Wyckoff.

PRAYER TIME BEFORE THE SERVICE: Each Sunday morning before the service, from 9:15-9:25 AM, we have a time of prayer for the Holy Spirit’s leading on the worship service. We meet in the Deacons’ Room. Everyone is invited to come. If you can’t be there right at 9:15, just slip into the room and join in! The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective! (James 5:16).

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP: Children age 3 thru Kindergarten are invited to join us in the Bethel room for a weekly Bible lesson and snack. Children attending for the first time must be accompanied by a parent. Please ask any usher for directions.

ADULT EDUCATION continues today in connection with the themes ofRead the Bible for Life. Part of the time will involve a video presentation, and the rest will be open discussion about what was presented there and how it applies to our lives. Jerry and Janyce Bandstra are facilitating the discussion. ALL adults are encouraged to participate in these lessons and discussions.

Jesus loved His disciples, and when He poured out His heart in prayer for them, He said to the Father: "Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth." (John 17:17) Jesus expresses so much in the line of His prayer! God, the Father, is the One who makes us more holy, more Christ-like. But the tool God uses to "sanctify" us is the truth of His Word. That is why studies have shown that the most mature and active Christians are those who spend time reading God's truth and listening to what He says to us in His Word. How is it going for you and your family in reading God's Word daily?This all-church initiative, Read the Bible for Life, is intending primarily to encourage and facilitate each of us to daily read God's Word--personally and with our family. The sermons and Adult Sunday School classes are intended to help us read and understand the Bible in a way that speaks to us and changes us today. The Bible is God's story of redemption in Christ, and our story is a part of that unfolding story of God. Keep working at spending regular time in God's Word (however much time is feasible for you). Just like with exercise, there are great benefits in diligently following through with this discipline!

The special offerings for January & February are as follows:

January 18 – Faith Promise

January 25 – Cadet Sunday

February 8 – Eastern Christian School/ Christian Education Week

February 15 – Faith Promise

February 22 - Benevolence


Pastor Rod--Teaching in Ukraine. As was mentioned earlier, Pastor Rodwas asked to teach in a Pastors' Conference inUkrainein February, and the shepherding elders encouraged him to do so. He is scheduled to leave on Monday, February 2, and return on Tuesday, February 10.He may also make a quick trip to visit theUkrainianmissionaries (connected with the Luke Society) whom we support inUkraine.This conference is sponsored by ITEM (International Theological Education Ministries), the organization with which he and his family served inUkraine. However, each of the 3 participating speakers is raising his own support for this mission trip (the total estimated cost is $1200). As was done a few years ago when Pastor Rod went on a missions teaching trip toUkraine, you are invited to contribute toward these costs to help train Ukrainian pastors. Checks can be made out to the church, designated for the Ukraine Missions Trip. Please pray for God to richly bless this conference for the building of His church in this war-torn country.


THE MEN’S SHELTERING PROGRAM is always in need of gently used clothes for the men. If you can help with this need, please mark them “Men’s Sheltering Program” and leave them on the stage in Friendship Hall. There are still a few open weeks available for families to sign up to prepare a meal, etc. Please look for the sign-up board in the Narthex and prayerfully consider how you can serve and thank you to all those that have already signed up. If you have any questions, please contact George Hoogenhuis, Art Hoogmoed or Peggy Keen.

RUTH CIRCLE: Our next meeting will be held on January 20, 2015 at 1:30 PM with John Van Lenten leading us in Lesson #5, Thomas. Ruth K. Wynbeek and Judy Van Grouw will be in charge of refreshments. Join us as we discuss different characters of the Bible with our dynamic leaders. Good fellowship, prayer and refreshments are always part of our meetings.

THE HANDBELL CHOIR will begin rehearsing for their spring performance on Wednesday, January 21st at 7:30 PM.

THE SMALL GROUP that meets in the church library will continue studying the Gospel of Matthew on Sunday, January 25th at 3 PM. Our present scripture passages are covering the days of our Savior’s Passion--so appropriate, for these months leading to our celebration of Easter. Everyone is welcome to meet with us. Read Matthew 27:27-56 (that’s Lesson 8, Episode 1) to be prepared for discussion. See you there!

FAITH PROMISE: Please check the Faith Promise Bulletin Board for updated photos of most of the missionaries we support!
NEW CITY KIDS VOLUNTEER WORK DAY - Saturday, January 31st - See the brochure on our bulletin board to see how and where you can help. Questions? Call Tia at 201-915-9896 or email .

THE JANUARY SERIES FOR 2015 HAS BEGUN. For more information, see the brochure in the Narthex hallway.



February 21 – Annual Spaghetti Dinner. Mark your calendar to join us for a delicious pasta dinner with homemade sauce, garden salad, fresh bread and a delicious dessert. Watch the bulletin for more details.

April 1 – The Annual Fish n’ Chip Dinner

May 2 – Mother’s Day High Tea


LinC - Sunday, January 25th – 6-8:30 PM at Faith Community CRC in the barn. Come for dinner, games and worship and great conversation!

Heirborne Regular Meeting on Wednesday January 28th – 7-9 PM at Cedar Hill CRC. Come play games, worship and have snack. We will have a special guest share a message that night.

Hoagie Sale: See order forms in the Narthex to order hoagies for yourself or for the patrons of New Hope Food pantry. Students should arrive at Cedar Hill CRC on Saturday, January 31st at 7:30 AM.

Questions? Go to www.go2yq.org or call Denise Banaag at 862-221-2014 or email .

Eastern Christian Schools participate in a program called TRIP. It stands for “Tuition Reduction Incentive Program.” It is easy to use and very effective to reduce tuition costs. If you shop at the stores that participate (this list and envelopes are available at the welcome center), or order gift cards for many stores including grocery stores from the EC TRIP store, a percentage of what you spend will be donated to EC and to those who participate in the TRIP program. It costs you nothing out of your pocket, and the benefits for EC and tuition aid recipients is tremendous. The trip number for our MPCRC Tuition Aid Program is 1065. For more information, see Luann Abma.

THANK YOU: Jim & Cindy Mierop would like to thank everyone for your prayers, cards and calls during Jim’s treatments. Thank the good Lord all is well.

POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD – Kyle Streelman. PROJECT – Calvin Gorter. NEXT WEEK: BUILD –William Golden. PROJECT – Aaron De Rosa.

DEACON’S PRAYER: TODAY: Michael Holmes. NEXT WEEK: Keith Spoelstra.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP – TODAY: Teacher – Alissa Leegwater. Helper – Tara Leegwater. NEXT WEEK: Teacher – Alissa Leegwater. Helper – Tara Leegwater.

USHERS: TODAY: 9:30 AM – Bernie Kuipers, Frank Spoelstra, Keith Spoelstra. (Alternate: John Steen). NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM – George Hoogenhuis, Al Laauwe, Kevin Shea. (Alternate: Bill Sytsma).





NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: 9:30 AM – Jayne Spoelstra, Morgan Abma. NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM – Joan & Christian Haak, Katie Hefty.

GREETERS: TODAY: Sam & Lorraine Steen (North), Steve & Laura Gorter (Center), Eunice Broersma & Brian Schaaf (South). NEXT WEEK: Art & Pat Hoogmoed (North), Al & Jan Laauwe (Center), Vicki & Bernie Holst (South).


9:30 AM – Morning Worship Service

11:15 AM – Sunday School, Catechism & Adult Education

6:00 PM – Combined Evening Worship Service at Cedar Hill CRC


9:15 AM – Community Bible Study Leaders

6:00 PM – Men’s Sheltering Program

7:30 PM - NJHSA Mtg.

7:30 PM - Faith Promise Committee Meeting


1:30 PM - Ruth Circle

6:15 PM – Cadet Supper

7:00 PM – Cadets

7:00 PM – Ladies’ Evening Bible Study


9:15 AM – Community Bible Study

7:00 PM – Youth Hangout Night in the Youth House

7:30 PM - Handbell Choir Rehearsal


8:00 AM – Quilters

7:30 PM – Senior Choir Rehearsal

7:30 PM – Friendship Ministries




Preludes on Hymn Tunes Larkin

All Creatures of our God and King

Ubi Caritas and Adoro Te Devote

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Simple Gifts


We Focus Our Hearts…“Be still and know that I am God.”

(Psalm 46:10)

*Call to Worship

Leader: Hear the Word of our Lord--Come, bow down and worship,

kneel to the Lord, our Maker.

Congregation: This is our God, our shepherd; we are the flock led

with care.

*Opening Songs of Praise

10,000 Reasons

Days of Elijah

*The Lord Greets Us~~We Greet Each Other

Children's Message (Sanctity of Life)

(Children are then dismissed for Children’s Worship)

*Song of Preparation: LUYH 762

Ancient Words

Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14 (p. 104)


A Story within THE Story

*Song of Response: CH 308: 1, 2, 3

There Is a Redeemer

Congregational Prayer


1st Offering - General Ministries of MPCRC

2nd Offering - Faith Promise

(While the offering is received, please sign the maroon fellowship booklet)

Offertory - The God of Abraham Praise Proulx

Offertory Prayer


*Closing Song: LUYH 761: 1

I Will Hide Your Word Inside My Heart


Lord, Speak to Me Unfreid

*Please stand as you are able.

AM Worship:

Minister: Pastor Rod Gorter

Organist: Carolyn Steen

Music: Worship Team

Directed by Sandy Westra

Children's Message: Polly Baker

Scripture: Pastor Kevin Boss

Congregational Prayer: Jim Trommelen

PM Worship:

Combined Worship at Cedar Hill CRC in Wyckoff