

Welcome to the Sixth Grade!

Thomas Jefferson Middle School

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Thomas Jefferson Middle School and the Inspectors Team. We are eager to get started, and are looking forward to a fantastic year! Getting students organized is one of the keys to success, and the right materials will ensure that students get off to a good start. Therefore, students on the Inspectors Team will be required to have the following materials as soon as possible:

Supply List

·  Language Arts – Hartle

o  3 ring binder with paper

o  Colored pencils

o  Highlighters

o  Glue Sticks

o  Pencils and Pens (any color)

·  Math – Morris

o  Spiral Notebook (at least 100-150 pages – can be multi-subject)

o  Graph Paper

o  Sturdy Folder

o  Pencils and Pens

o  Dry Erase Markers (lots)

o  TI-34 MultiView calculator or TI-34 II (optional)

·  Science – Augustine

o  3 ring binder with paper (1 inch)

o  2 composition books (small – marbleized kind)

o  Pencils and Pens

·  Social Studies – Mooney

o  3 ring binder with paper(1 inch)

o  Pencils

Donations of the following materials are needed for the classroom and will be greatly appreciated!

Ø  Candy for incentive rewards

Ø  Paper Towels

Ø  Clorox wipes

Ø  Baggies (all sizes)

Classroom Expectations

We firmly believe that all students can behave appropriately; therefore, we will not tolerate any behavior that will prevent us from teaching and/or the students from learning. We feel strongly that, with a concerted effort, all students can be successful, and we pledge ourselves to help each of our students to achieve to the best of his or her ability.

Our team rules are as follows:

·  Arrive on time

·  Bring all materials

·  Complete all assignments

·  Raise your hand to speak & before leaving your seat

·  Treat school, teachers, other students and personal property with respect

Our discipline procedure includes 7 steps:

·  Warning/conference with teacher

·  Silent lunch/Working lunch

·  Parent contact by phone or note

·  After school detention

·  Parent-teacher conference

·  Office referral

(Note: Any of the above steps may be skipped depending upon the severity or repetition of the offense.)

6th Grade Late Assignment Policy

In order to prepare our students to become productive members of our school and community at large, it is essential they learn to meet expected deadlines. Our curriculum is progressive and each lesson prepares the student for the next skill. Therefore, we feel it is imperative that our students complete their work in a timely manner.

The 6th grade late turn in policy is:

·  All papers are expected to be turned in on the assigned date.

·  Students not turning in work on the assigned day may complete it in silent lunch or during team time.

·  If it is not completed by the date due, students will be expected to finish the assignment at home that night and turn it in the following day with points deducted from their grade.

·  Ten points per day will be deducted from the assignment grade for each day late (up to five days).


When absent, a student is expected to bring a written excuse and make up missed work. Students have the same amount of time to complete work as the amount of time they’re absent. (Example 2 days absent = 2 days to make up work before the work is late.) The exception is when a student is absent on the due date for a major project. The project is due the student’s first day back.

Team Packs

We believe that communication between home and school is vital. We will send home our Team Packs every Wednesday. These packets will include important school information, upcoming events and student work. It is the student’s responsibility to take these packets home to parents and to return these signed each week. Please make sure you see this packet weekly, and sign and return by Friday.

Classroom Guidelines/Behavior Expectations

·  Enter the room quietly and quickly sit down ready to work.

·  Raise your hand before speaking.

·  Respect each other’s personal space.

·  Minimize movement around the room, and ask before moving.

·  Come prepared for class. (Bring all appropriate textbooks, notebooks, and assignments, pencil pouch with writing utensils, colored pencils, markers and tools for math classes.)

·  Follow instructions.

·  Ask questions at appropriate times.

·  Leave your area clean and take all your belongings with you.

Class Discussions

·  One person speaks at a time!

·  Respect one another’s opinions. (Even if you don’t agree with them.)

·  Have an open mind.

·  Stay focused on the topic at hand.


·  Cubbies and floors are not trashcans. Use the trashcans.

·  Do not accumulate trash or food in your cubby. (Roaches quickly make a new home!)

·  Periodically clean out your cubby.

Lunchroom/Hallway Travel

·  Refrain from speaking, making noises or gestures during your walk to and from your classroom to a designated site. [Lunchroom, media center, computer lab, auditorium, gym, etc.] Other classes are in session!

·  Walk single file on the right-hand side of the hall.

·  You may go through the lunchroom lines only once.

·  Once you have obtained your food and drink, remain seated until dismissed.

Language Arts Curriculum

First Quarter

·  Focus on: Literary Elements, Main Idea, Point of View, Narrative writing

·  Writing prompts throughout the year will fulfill the requirements of the writing portfolio.

Second Quarter

·  Literature studies following the CCES will prepare for the End of Grade Reading Test.

·  Novels will be utilized. (Part will be read in class/part will be read at home)

·  Literature will be the core of the Language Arts program.

·  Genre covered will include short stories, dramas, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, mythology and folklore.

·  Comprehension and vocabulary assignments will accompany the literature studies

·  Inferences

Third Quarter

·  Language study will include the following.

·  Basic grammar skills, sentence and paragraph construction will be covered.

·  Grammar Exercises will review and extend concepts as well as build vocabulary.

·  Argumentative text

Fourth Quarter

·  Vocabulary study will include a weekly vocabulary list and activities.

·  Research writing

Math Curriculum

First Quarter

·  Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Fractions

·  Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Decimals

·  Divide multi-digit numbers

·  GCF, LCM, distribution of GCF

Second Quarter

·  Ratios, unit rates, equivalent ratios (proportions), percent of a number, ratios with different measurement units

·  Expressions: evaluate, write, identify parts, equivalencies, create real-world problems

·  Properties

·  Equations and Inequalities: substitution of numbers, variables, solve real-world problems

·  Create tables, graphs, and equations using dependent/independent variables

Third Quarter

·  Measure Volume

·  Describe/categorize geometric shapes based on properties

·  Classify geometric shapes based on hierarchy

·  Find Area of triangles and quadrilaterals

·  Find Volume of right rectangular prisms with fractional edges

·  Create nets of 3-d figures to find Surface Area

·  Distribution of data (center, spread, overall shape)

·  Measure of center and variation

·  Dot plots, histograms, Box and whisker plots

·  Quantitative measures of center

Fourth Quarter

·  Positive and negative values

·  Coordinate plane: ordered pairs, plot points

·  Compare and order rational numbers; absolute value

·  Find distance between points on Coordinate plane

·  Draw polygons in Coordinate plane and find length, width, and area of figures

·  EOG review

Extensions and Enrichment Activities

·  Math Superstars

·  Week by Week Essentials

·  Math Talk

·  Math Counts

Science Curriculum

First Quarter

·  Understand the earth/moon/sun system and the properties, structures and predictable motions of celestial bodies in the Universe.

·  Understand the structure of the earth and how interactions of constructive and destructive forces have resulted in changes in the surface of the Earth over time and the effects of the lithosphere on human.

Second Quarter

·  (Matter: Properties and Change) Understand the structure, classifications and physical properties of matter.

·  Understand the properties of waves and the wavelike property of energy in earthquakes, light and sound.

Third Quarter

·  Energy: Conservation and Transfer and Interactions of matter and energy

Fourth quarter

·  Understand the structures, processes and behaviors of plants that enable them to survive and reproduce.

·  Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (Plants)

·  Ecosystems: Flow of Energy (Biotic and Abiotic Factors)

Social Studies Curriculum

Human Geography & Map Skills Islam & the Muslim Empire

Early Humans & the Rise of Man Culture & Kingdoms of Africa

Ancient China Classical India

Ancient India Imperial China

Ancient Egypt & Middle East Medieval Japan

Ancient Greece Medieval Europe

Ancient Rome

·  Assignments will incorporate a variety of materials.

·  Textbooks

·  Worksheet handouts

As most of the reading selections on the EOG Reading Test are content area (nonfiction) selections, we will be reading many selections in Science and Social Studies with that format in mind.

Tutoring Schedule

Tutoring will be available after school from 2:00-3:00. Students staying for tutoring may ride the activity bus. Pick up time for car riders are no later than 3:15 p.m. Tutoring schedule will be posted on each teacher’s website and will start in September.

Daily Homework Assignments

Your child will have homework nightly. To see if your child has homework you may:

·  Access the teacher’s web page through the TJMS Website or

·  Check your child’s agenda. It is the student’s responsibility to copy homework assignments daily from the board.

Grading Policies

Projects – counts twice

Homework/Classwork/Tests/Other Assignments – count once

Access to your child’s grades:

Your child’s grades may be viewed at any time during the school year through the Parent Assist Module. This program can be accessed through the TJMS website under “Quicklinks” on the main page. Parents must have a login and password (login information from previous school is still valid). You may contact the school’s NCWise Manager, Steve Blair, ( 774.4630) if you need a login and password.