The Lord’s Day – August 6, 2017

Ben Wiersma

Welcome to the Sibley Christian Reformed Church …

A place to gather, worship, and praise the Lord!

Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.




*Responsive Call to Worship: Psalm 66:1-4

Pastor: Shout for joy to God, all the earth!

People: Sing the glory of his name;

make his praise glorious.

Pastor: Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

People: So great is your power that your enemies

cringe before you.

Pastor: All the earth bows down to you;

People: they sing praise to you, they sing the praises

of your name.”

*Opening Prayer

*God’s Greeting: Philippians 1:2

*We Greet One Another

*Song of Praise: “May Jesus Christ Be Praised”

Red #87:1-6


God’s Will for Our Lives: Matthew 5:38-48

Call to Confession:

Prayer of Confession

Pastor: Wondrous God, who sets suns and moons above us, mountains and valleys beneath us, and friends and strangers among us: how often have we tried to hide from your presence, how seldom have we looked for your creating face and your fashioning hand!

People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

Pastor: Wondrous God, who took upon yourself flesh of our flesh in Jesus our brother, and being found in human form made the ultimate disclosure of yourself in the face of Jesus Christ: how often we have forgotten you, how seldom have we really loved and followed you!

People: Christ, have mercy upon us.

Pastor: Wondrous God, who pours out freely the Holy Spirit: how often have we ignored your promptings, how seldom have we asked for your help or accepted your gifts!

People: Lord, have mercy upon us. Amen.

Words of Assurance Psalm 66:17-20 (in unison)

I cried out to him with my mouth;his praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart,the Lord would not have listened;but God has surely listenedand has heard my prayer. Praise be to God,who has not rejected my prayeror withheld his love from me!

Song of Praise: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”

Red #97:1-4


Pastoral Prayer

Offering 1st blue bag – General Budget

2nd red bag – Christian Education –

Esther School


*Song of Preparation: “Beautiful Savior” Blue #373:1-3

*Prayer for Illumination

Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 (page 1827)

Pastor: To us, this is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God!

Sermon: “Jesus: both God and Man”

Prayer of Application

*Song of Application: “At the Name of Jesus” Red #235:1-5

(to the tune of Red #494 without the chorus)


*Benediction: Philippians 4:23

*Doxology: “Majesty” Red #74

*Moment of Reflection


*please stand if able

Welcome friends in Christ! We are happy to include you in our worship today to celebrate the love of God in Jesus Christ. We extend a warm greeting of Christian fellowship to you. If you are visiting with us, please be so kind as to sign our guest book and introduce yourself to someone as you leave.

We welcome our student pastor Ben Wiersma as he leads us in our worship services. May the Lord bless the proclamation of His Holy Word.

This morning you are asked to give your offering for Missions in a marked envelope.

Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.



Responsive Call to Worship: Psalm 66:5-9

Pastor: Come and see what God has done, his awesome

deeds for mankind!

People: He turned the sea into dry land,they passed

through the waters on foot—come,

let us rejoice in him.

Pastor: He rules forever by his power,his eyes watch the

nations—let not the rebellious rise up against him.

People: Praise our God, all peoples,let the sound of

his praise be heard;

Pastor: he has preserved our livesand kept our feet

from slipping.

God’s Greeting

Song of Praise: “Children of the Heavenly Father”

Red #44:1-5

Profession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed

Songs of Faith: “Day by Day” Red #56:1-3

“O God, Our Help in Ages Past” Red #52:1-6

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture: Job 2:1-13

Sermon: “Comfort for the Hurting”

Prayer of Application

Hymn of Application: “The Servant Song” LUYH #309:1-5

Pastoral Prayer (requests welcome)

Offering: Christian Education – Esther School

Offertory Hymn: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

Red #435:1-3


*Closing Hymn: “God Be with You” Red #602:1-2

*Moment of Reverence

*please stand if able

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Next Sunday our student pastor Ben Wiersma will lead our morning worship service. Rev. Jack Van Dyken from Spirit Lake will lead our evening worship service.

Everyone is invited to stay for coffee fellowship following the morning service.

Coffee servers will be Mike & Carol Ling,

Lee & Elaine Ten Napel

Next Sunday coffee servers will be Loren & Lori Bosma,

Lois Haverkamp

PRAYER LIST of our servicemen:

Dylan Johnson (nephew of Lori and Loren Bosma)

Patrick Kyle Whitley (grandson of Irene Timmerman)

Preston Smidt (grandson of Ed and Mary Ellen Smidt)

Dan Fisher (nephew of Cliff & Karen Wynia)

Luke Bootsma (grandson of Garrold Bootsma)

Nathan Grave (grandson of Donna Grave)


TODAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service

5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service

NEXT SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service

5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service

6:00 p.m. Council meets. Devotions-

Henry Eekhoff

Offerings next Sunday will be for General Budget Library Fund

All articles for The Messenger should be given to the editor or put in The Messenger box by Sunday, August 20th.


Remember our shut ins in your prayers and with your visits:

Sibley Specialty Care: Judy Eekhoff

Sheldon Sanford Senior Care: Bob Zonnefeld

Prairie View Home: Garrold Bootsma

In her own home: Alice Offringa

Council News:

The council submits that in the first Lot for Elder the following nominations: Arnie Braaksma, Darrell Teerink, and Jeff Vande Griend one of which will be chosen for Elder. In the second Lot the two who do not get chosen will be put in for Deacon along with Scott Arneson of which one name will be drawn for Deacon. A drawing to extend either Henry Eekhoff or Clarence Jilderda for one more year will also be held. Selection will be made as part of the August 20th morning service by casting of lots.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Our church is responsible for helping with BINGO at Sibley Specialty Care on Fridays during the month of August at 2:00 p.m. We will need 3 volunteers for each Friday. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the mailbox ledge to indicate which Friday you can help. Thank you!

Free Food Available: The Food Bank of Iowa mobile pantry will be distributing food on Tuesday, August 8th from 4-6 p.m. at the Sibley Christian Reformed Church. If you or anyone you know could use some help with food, please come. Please bring your own bags, baskets, or boxes to carry your food.

If you would like to help with the mobile food pantry on Tuesday, August 8th, we would appreciate it. You can let us know by signing the sheet on the mailbox ledge or by talking to Keith or Lois Boersma.

Volunteers needed: The Clay County Fair is fast approaching. We again need volunteers to work in the Bible League Volunteer booth. Ocheyedan and Sibley CRC’s are scheduled to work on September 9, 11, 13, 15 & 17 shifts 12-4 and 4-8 pm. If you are able to help please sign the signup sheet on the mailbox ledge which day & shift that works for you before August 20. Please make this a matter of prayer.

The 26th annual Western Christian Booster Club golf tournament will be held on Friday, August 11, at noon at the Ridge Golf Course in Sioux Center. The cost to golf is $90 per person and that includes 18 holes of golf, cart, supper, and the chance to win prizes. Mulligans will also be sold at registration. To register or if you have any questions feel free to call Mike Broek at (712) 395-0699 or Mike Roetman at (712) 449-5199.


Bible for Missions Thrift Store are having their fall change-over of summer items to winter items on Monday and Tuesday, August 14 & 15. They invited all who are willing to help to come one day. They plan to start at 9:00 AM and work until 3:00 PM. Donuts and coffee will be furnished.

SIBLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION will be held Thursday, August 17 at 5:30pm. Our celebratory program and Centennial Garden dedication will be held at the 9th Street Centre (east of the library) and on the library grounds. Grilled hot dogs, chips, cookies and beverages will be served following the program. Please join us to celebrate changing lives and transforming the community for 100 years.

Justice for All will be hosting our first Foundation Event on August 18th at Calico Skies Winery. The doors will open at 5:30pm with a catered meal starting at 6pm. Entertainment will be provided by Nick Engbers. This event is for those who are a part of our Foundation or would like to become a part of it. If you’re interested in learning more about this fabulous evening, feel free to contact Joel DeWit at (712)476-2804 or .

Kendra comes to us from central Illinois and hosts a daily radio show while authoring ten books. Kendra Smiley is our featured speaker at the retreat at the First Reformed Church in Sioux Center, IA on September 12 hosted by Bible League International Volunteers. Jos Snoep, Bible League International’s President and CEO, will also share the urgency to provide God’s Word to a world in need. Invited some friends, and send in your registrations today. Be sure to invite some men! Don’t forget to plan on staying for the dinner and concert later in the day which are open to everyone. You are encouraged to hear the talented Valley Male Chorus. You can make an eternal difference in the lives of people in Africa, by taking part in this retreat and providing Bibles through the special offering. This unique event is designed to glorify God through great music and speakers, and to renew and uplift all who attend. Check the mailbox ledge for brochures or more information. The deadline for registering is August 25, and there is a late fee if booking after this date. Don’t wait—register now!

Cornerstone Prison Church Faith Fellowship Weekend, Friday, Sept. 22 – 6:00-8:00pm and Sept. 23 & 24 – 7:15am-4:00pm each day. The theme for the weekend is “Formula for Successful Living.” We will be digging into God’s Word to look at Jeremiah 29:11-14, 1 John 2:9-11 and others. Join us for worship, large group talks and small group discussions. Let us know if you can attend the whole weekend or just a portion of it. If you would like more information or to sign up, please contact us r call 605-496-8152. Thank you for considering this wonderful ministry opportunity!

Ride for Tim for the month of August is Darrell Teerink

POWER POINT TODAY: Jeff Vande Griend

Next Sunday: Jenny Cuadros

USHERS TODAY Henry Davelaar

Next Sunday Duane Runia, Scott Arneson


Next Sunday Pearl Vander Pol

NURSERY TODAY A.M. Missi Runia & Nate Runia

Next Sunday A.M. Larry & Lavonne Andringa