Social Change and the Criminal Justice System
A Case Study of the Howard University Campus Police Department
By Dr. Amos M.D.Sirleaf (Ph.D.)
Howard University was established on March 2, 1867. It is a school with deep roots in African American culture and civil rights history. It is a popularly well-known and highly respected institution nationally and internationally. The school may not look very diverse, but if you take a walk around the campus, and listen to all the different accents and regional inflections, you will realize that everybody comes from a diverse background. Indeed, there is so much more to Howard University than any number of books could ever hope to cover. In order to know what the University is all about, you have to experience it for yourself in all its radiance, but this research paper is a start in helping to understand the importance of the institution and its great impact in the lives of many.
Disciplines and Fields of Study
Overlooking downtown Washington, D.C., Howard University has grown from a single-frame building to property and facilities including 258 acres with 115 buildings, representing several disciplines and fields of study. To study at Howard University is choosing an institution that is experienced, dynamic, and diverse with a tradition of quality education since 1867, provided by the constant engagement of its faculty toward the students and their needs, and by its rich campus social and cultural life. Taken together, the institution’s varied campus life and extracurricular activities serve as outlets for leadership, creativity, fellowship, social outreach-and sheer fun. While many Washington D.C. colleges provide opportunities for students to earn credit for projects in such areas as business, technology, education, health, and social services, Howard University also places great emphasis on community engagement, civic responsibility safety and security of its student population.
Location of Howard UniversityCampus Police Department
The Campus Police Department of Howard University is located in the Howard University Service Center, 2nd Floor of the Building. It is at 2244 10th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20059. The main telephone number is: (202) 806-1100. The Department
It is essential to point out some of the primary objectives of the officers of CPD. They are as follows: (1) to ensure the enforcement of applicable District of Columbia Codes and Municipal Regulations within its jurisdiction, as well as, Howard University regulations and policies adopted by the Howard University Board of Trustees. (2) To protect life, (3) and Properties,
Classifications of Howard University Campus Police Officers. All Campus Police Officers are either (1) armed Special Police Officers or (2) unarmed Security Officers. The Howard University Campus Police Officers have been commissioned, or licensed, by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, Security Officers Management Branch, and operate under their guidelines and local and Federal Laws. Howard University Campus officers and investigators have developed and maintain extremely close working relations with MPD. This is visibly evident when special traditional events are held on campus, such as commencement and homecoming. This is also evident when very large crowds of people participate in activities on campus. Both CPD and MPD work together to reach out to the University community and the diverse urban surrounding communities to combat crime with crime alerts, citizen meetings and provision of other information. When requested, CPD works closely with MPD to solve pattern crimes.
There have been many occasions when foreign and/or domestic dignitaries have visited Howard University to attend special programs. These visits generally require Campus Police to work closely with protection and security services of the U.S. Department of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Justice Department, U.S. Postal Service, Metropolitan Police Department and other law enforcement agencies.
Howard University Campus Police Power of Arrest
Powers of arrest are limited to the properties and facilities owned and operated by Howard University with limited exceptions. When reports of criminal offenses are involved and Campus Police is the first to arrive, the complainants are asked if they want the services of the Metropolitan Police Department. It is always and entirely the complainant’s choice to make reports to the CPD, MPD or both agencies.
Composition of Campus Police Departmental
Howard University Campus Police Department is composed of five cohesive sections: (1) Field Services Bureau, (2) Physical Security Bureau, (3) Personnel Development and Training Section, (4) Investigations Section and (5) Operations Section. Information Services and Crime Analysis functions are also performed by CPD. Howard University has the unique circumstances of being an Education Facility for Undergraduate Degrees, Graduate Degrees, and Professional degrees. Howard University Campuses permeate the fabric of Washington DC and its metropolitan locations. For instance, (1) Howard University Hospital (2) West Campus (the Law School), (2) East Campus, (the Divinity School), as well as Continuing education Center and Research facility in Beltsville, Maryland. This unique layout of Howard’s property creates its extraordinary Joint Police Sub-Station Located at 2200 Georgia Avenue, NW, (intersection of “W” Street and Georgia Avenue) Washington, D.C. 20059. This Sub-Station facilitates a direct-working relationship between the Howard University Campus Police and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of the District of Columbia. This Sub-Station is the first of its kind in the District of Columbia where MPD shares a facility with a private university.
The Howard University Hospital is located on the Main Campus at 2041 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20060, [main number: (202) 865-6100]. The Howard University Hospital (HUH) Security Division fulfills all of the training requirements mandated by the Joint Commission Accreditation Health Care Organization (JCAHO), also initiated and maintained a challenging and continuing education and refresher training program on a variety of classes, seminars, drills and briefings, including but not limited to: (1) Awareness Training, (2) Compliance Training, (3) Emergency Medical Treatment, (4) Labor Act (EMTLA), (5) Training Emergency Preparedness Briefing , (6) Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) , (7) Sexual Harassment/Americans With Disability Act (ADA) Training, (8) Smallpox Education Seminar and (9) Weapons of Mass Destruction Drills
It is save to say that from its early days in 1862 when Howard University Hospital was founded by the Federal Government, after the Civil War, it was originally named [1]“Freedman’s Hospital” and was renamed in 1975 to the Howard University Hospital. For many years, this institution has been a provider of quality healthcare and service to the Washington, D. C. community at large. It has also pioneered many distinguished treatment techniques of notable mention in this teaching hospital.
In line with this level of hospital service and care. Howard University Campus Police Department works continuously to provide comprehensive security coverage. In facilitating security coverage or police protection, an Emergency Call Box System was installed in the Hospital’s parking garages. Proposals are in place to further enhance the closed circuit television (CCTV) system throughout the Hospital by installing cameras and access control to the adjoining Towers Building and the existing bridge walkways between other buildings to the Main Hospital. The Howard University Hospital Security Division supports a vast assortment of non-stop security services every week to thousands of patients, visitors, students, vendors and nearly 2,000 employees 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Howard University Campus Police Communication Dispatch Center is located in the joint Campus Police/Metropolitan Police Sub-Station located at 2200 Georgia Avenue, NW. This Center receives incoming calls for police service, emergency calls for assistance, opening and closing of buildings, alarms of security breach, radio communications and dispatch functions. Where possible, safety tips are announced and transmitted through the Alert page, the University’s email, and the student newspaper, The Hilltop. The intent is to instruct the University community on steps to take to reduce instances of becoming a victim of crime, and to notify about safety issues.
Crime Prevention Outreach is a program that provides dissemination of crime prevention pamphlets and other literature to students at safety campaigns. These sessions are held during the spring and fall registration, orientation periods at seminars, at workshops held in residence halls and dormitories. There is also a Safety Fair before Homecoming in November.
An Escort Service is provided to students, faculty and staff when they have to travel alone on campus in isolated areas after dark, where there is low activity on campus, or anytime someone requests this service who is concerned for their personal safety.
Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Classes.
RAD classes for female students are provided by the Campus Police Department. This comprehensive course begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance. This class then progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training. Certified RAD instructors teach this course shortly after registration and upon special request. WASHINGTON, D.C. – There are security concerns at Howard University after a spike in crimes has been reported on campus, and to make matters worse, some of the college’s emergency phones aren’t working. A total of 14 students have been attacked since last month, and some of those attacks have happened right on campus.Emergency blue phones are in place all over the campus for students to use in case there’s an emergency. Pushing the button is supposed to connect them to police, but the problem is they’re not working.
Anyone with information on this case or with additional information should contact the Howard University Police Department at 202-806-1100, or ext 6-4747, or 911 for the Metropolitan Police Department.
Safety Tips: Walk in groups whenever possible and look out for one another.
Avoid isolated and dark areas.
Carry your cell phone and keep it accessible.
If you are approached, take note of the person’s appearance, clothing, and anything that will help to identify the subject.
General Tips:
Immediately report any suspicious activity or suspicious individuals to the HU Police Department at 202-806-1100; and program this number into your cell phone for quick access.
Use the Shuttle Service or the Campus Escort Service to avoid traveling on foot across campus during the hours of darkness
The Howard University Police Department
The Howard University Police Department (HUPD) is the primary
Agency responsible for the safety and security of the students, faculty,
Staff, and visitors on the various campuses of the university. The
Police Department’s headquarters is located at 2244 10PthP Street,
NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20059, the main telephone
Number is: (202) 806-1100. The Department operates on a twenty-four
Hour basis. Howard University/ Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Joint Security Station. This is the first of its kind in the District of Columbia where the Metropolitan Police Department shares a facility with a private entity. The station facilitates a direct working relationship between the MPD and University Security, and provides logistical support to the officers assigned to the area. The facility, located at Georgia Avenue and W Street, NW, is staffed 24 hours a day by University Campus Police, using the station as a second command post. The MPD staffs the facility for 16 hours a day. Howard belongs to the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, both academically and police Training, which includes George Mason, Georgetown, George Washington, Catholic, American and Gallaudet Universities, Mount Vernon, Mary mount, and Trinity Colleges, the University of the District of Columbia and the University of Maryland, College Park. The consortium members cooperate to share their facilities and give students at any of the member universities the opportunity to take courses not offered by their own college or university.
Safety Alert
On Monday August 18, 2008, at approximately 1:20 a.m., a Howard University student was walking in the vicinity of Harvard Street and Sherman Avenue, when at least one-armed suspect in a vehicle confronted her and a friend.
The suspect produced a BB. Gun and for an unknown reason fired at the victim striking her on the back of one of her thighs. The suspect vehicle then fled the scene in an unknown direction. NOTE: The victims injury was not life threatening.
No vehicle or suspect information is available at this time. The only available information indicates that at least one person in the vehicle was armed with a BB Pistol/No further description (NFD).
THE HUPD Investigative Section will conduct a follow-up investigation. Anyone with information on this case or with additional information should contact the Howard University Police Department at 202-806-1100.
Office Safety
Protect your valuables.
Sometimes, the comfort of an office environment can lead to complacency. Don’t let your guard down just because you’re at work. Office thefts make up over half of the crimes that occur in the work area. “These crimes frequently occur during regular business hours. ‘Thieves often enter an office building under the pretext of legitimate business to perpetrate such crimes. They can enter a building disguised as a courier, contactor, tourist, or visitor student, and comfortably roam the halls and enter rooms.
Office personnel and building security should be alert and aware of people entering building at all times. To help office resident prevent crime and reduce these types of thefts, follow these suggestions.
Employees should be sure to secure their own workspaces at all times. A thief only needs a few minutes alone to find valuables that are not safely stored. Here ere are some tips to help protect yourself and your valuables:
1. Purses and other items of value should be stored in a secured area at all times. Hiding a handbag under the desk or in a drawer isn’t always enough — most thieves know these common hiding spaces.
2. Do not leave laptop computers unattended in your office, at a meeting, or in your car.
3. If possible, laptop computers should be locked to the desk; handheld devices should be stored properly. Serial numbers for any portable electronic devices should he recorded.
4. Have all your office equipment engraved with an identifier; this may make it easier to retrieve property if it is stolen.
5. Store petty cash in a locked space at all times, Keep detailed records of
Who has access to the petty cash?
Monitoring Security in Parking Lots and Garages
When going to the parking lot or gar area, try to use the buddy system. A carpool is a great example of a buddy system that will also help you save on gas expenses. Carpooling isn’t an option; take other precautions. Don’t walk alone if you feel unsafe in an area. Ask a member of your staff or security to assist you to your car Have your keys ready so you can quickly unlock your car door.
Monitoring Security in Parking Lots and Garages
When going to the parking lot or garage area, try to use the buddy system. A carpool is a great example of a buddy system that will also help you save on gas expenses. Carpooling isn’t an option; take other pr [ions. Don’t walk alone if you feel unsafe in an area. Ask a member of your staff or the Campus Police Department to assist you to your car Have your keys ready so you can quickly unlock you car door
1. Travel in well lighted areas whenever possible
2. Avoid dark isolated streets and alleyway areas
3. Travel in groups of two or more persons when feasible
4. Contact Campus Police at 202-806-1100 if you need a ride to participate in the Escort Service, after 12:00 at night.
5. Report suspicious activity to Campus Police or MPD at: Emergencies: 911, or 202-806-7777. Non-Emergencies: 202-806-1100.
202-806-4444 MPD’s ASSISTANCE
911“REMEMBER SAFETY & SECURITY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS”CRIME ALERT #2 On Saturday August 16, 2008, at approximately 9:25 pm a Howard University student was walking in the vicinity of the 500 block of Bryant Street, when he was approached by a suspect who stated “give me your wallet”. The victim gave the suspect his wallet, and the suspect fled eastbound on Bryant Street.
The suspect is described as a Black Malel/No further description (NFD).
THE HUPD Investigative Section will conduct a follow-up investigation. Anyone with information on this case or with additional information should contact the Howard University Police Department at 202-806-1100.