Welcome to the Department of Natural and Physical Sciences at the College of Western Idaho! We serve greater than 4000 students each semester in eight disciplines and degree programs and do our very best to support each one of you. One of the ways we try to support you is to save you money. By working closely with Pearson Learning Solutions to create custom textbooks, we are able to save students up to 60% in some cases over the full price of the nationally distributed textbook.

Though customized textbooks cannot be sold back, the average price of buy-back is approximately 50% of the full sale price – if it’s even available for buy-back – making the buy-back a wash and allowing you to keep this valuable resource for future reference. In addition, $2 of every textbook purchase in over 20 courses in the Natural and Physical Sciences will go towards student academic enrichment projects and events.

Our programs in science will challenge you to analyze data, entertain new ideas, think critically, communicate effectively, manage your time, and solve real-world problems… and custom texts from Pearson Learning Solutions will help. We are committed at CWI to education, to teaching and life-long learning, and to science. We’re committed to your success!

I wish you the very best of luck for a successful term!

Steven J. Lysne

Chair – Department of Natural & Physical Sciences

College of Western Idaho