Welcome to the Compass Independent LivingPayroll Service
This checklist is designed to help you make sure that there are no delays or errors with your payroll. Please keep this safe and refer to it whenever you have an employee starting or finishing employment with you, if there is a change in your employee’s circumstances or if you are considering not using the payroll service in the future. If you are uncertain about anything please ask your Independent Living Advisor (ILA) or the payroll department.
It is your responsibility to inform the payroll department of the hours your employees work (or periods of sickness/holiday taken) in good time. You will receive payslips for your employees and P32 detailing the payment to be made to the HMRC. You will be required to complete the relevant forms below when you set up as an employer and when you take on a new employee.Please note that if you are using the Managed Account Service, payments will be made directly to your employees and the HMRC by Compass Independent Living.
What needs to be done / WhenWhen you first join the payroll / We willregister you as an employer with the Inland Revenue. You need to complete the ‘New Employer’ form and ‘64-8 Authorising your agent’ HMRC form. Your ILA will provide you with these documents.These need to be sent to our payroll department. / Immediately
When you have a new employee starting / Complete a new employee starter form and send to the payroll department. / As soon as your new employee starts
Ask your employee for a P45 and send to the payroll department. / As soon as your new employee starts
If your employee does not have a P45 ask them to complete a P46, complete the employers section and send this to the payroll department. / As soon as your new employee starts
Keep a record of the hours the employee works on the timesheet provided by your ILA or use your own system. / As soon as your new employee starts
Phone, email, post or fax your hours in to the payroll department at the end of the weekly, four weekly or monthly pay period. The payroll department will calculate how much the employee’s net pay is and send you a payslip by your preferred method (post or email). You and the employee keep a copy of the payslip. / At the end of the first pay period.
The payroll department will send you a breakdown of the amount (if any) owed to the Inland Revenue on a document called a P32. / When the P32 is received.
When an employee is leaving / Inform the payroll department of your employee’s last working day and request a P45 / As soon as possible
Discuss with payroll whether there might be unpaid holiday or redundancy. / When informing payroll
When you make a change to the hourly/period rate that you pay an employee / Complete a change of salary notification form and send to payroll (these can be obtained from the payroll department). / As soon as you know
If you no longer wish to use the payroll service (but are still an employer) / Contact the payroll department and they will send you what you need to continue with your own payroll or for someone else to do it. / As soon as possible
When you cease to be an employer (including if you are the representative of a service user who has died) / The payroll department will send you an ‘employer ceasing’ form. This can be completed over the phone if wished. / As soon as possible
If you are have any questions, contact our payroll department. They will be pleased to explain anything to you:
Tel: 0330 3330089 or 01823 282823
Fax: 01823 351790
Post: Compass Independent Living
Units 11-12 Belvedere Trading Estate
Taunton, TA1 1BH
Date updated: 02/01/2013 / By whom: Nikki / Version number: 1Location: Z:\Compass Files\Template Forms\Payroll\Compass Independent Living Payroll\CIL Payroll Service New Employer Helpsheet.doc