Welcome to the 2nd grade with Mrs. Blevins!

My name is Lisa Blevins and I have been here at AES since 1998. I have taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, each multiple years. I am a graduate of Ohio University in elementary ed, Morehead State in elementary ed and administration. I do live in Russell with my husband and a son headed to 4th grade this year! I did all my college prep work in this school and hold it dear to my heart, as my husband and his family also attended this school. I’m so excited to be back with the little ones this year!!

This packet is to help you be prepared and know what to expect this year. This packet would be good to hold on to for the year to help with questions you may have or to refresh on what is expected. I try my best to keep you informed and I appreciate any cooperation. I am really looking forward to another exciting year and I hope everyone has a wonderful educational experience. J

All academic and current event information will be sent home in the weekly newsletter on Mondays (if you don’t have one by Tuesday evening, call me and I will send another). Check out the web at www.greenup.k12.ky.us/blevins.aspx . I can also be reached through e-mail at . (I get emails, 24/7 on my phone. I suggest this way first.) Go to www.greenup.kyschools.us , click on schools, then AES, then staff, click on any of our names for up to date info! I will also send home a monthly calendar listing all of the special events that I know about at the time. You can use your weekly newsletters to add to the calendar too. I would keep the calendar handy for everyday viewing. Don’t forget to watch for the school’s newsletters once a month too. If you watch for your newsletters and calendars, also check backpacks daily, you should stay well informed of everything going on here at Argillite. Knowing what is going on truly helps your child succeed.

2nd Grade Schedule

7:10 doors open for buses and drop offs, breakfast begins around 7:20; students need to eat as soon as they put up backpacks.

7:45 dismiss from gym and begin morning work (students arriving in the room after 7:55 are marked tardy) we begin work upon entering the room.

7:45-8:45 HOMEROOM- Attendance, morning work- skills review, AR, attendance. RTI, calendar, automaticity

8:45-10:15 Language Arts Block, spelling, language, reading, writing workshop

10:15-10:55 Monday- Library Tuesday- Art Friday- Computer/ 11-11:10 writing

Tuesday/Thursday Math will begin at 10:15-11:10

11:10-11:40 Lunch

11:45-12:05 Recess

12:10-1:30 Math Monday, Wed, Friday 12:10-12:30 Math Tuesday and Thursday

12:35-1:15 Tuesday-Counseling, Thursday-Music

1:30-2:15 Science and Social Studies

2:15-2:55 PL/CS **tentative schedule

2:55-3:10 agendas, review, mail, quiz cards, read aloud, dismissal

Tests- We are going to try to give each subject has been assigned a testing day so multiple tests won’t be assigned for one day. This is not always going to work out exactly, but I will try my best to adhere to this.

Monday- Social Studies

Tuesday- Math

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Practical Living and Arts and Humanity areas

Friday- Spelling, vocabulary, reading

**The day that I have Ms. Bette, I will be evaluating each student on their current Fry word list. The packet should be kept in their binder and I will make notes on it each week to let you know what they need to study. I will know a more precise day of the week later and post it in weekly newsletter and agenda book.

Attendance- there is an attendance/absence policy that will be sent home to be reviewed and signed. It is so important for the students to be here everyday and all day. There is so much that we do that can’t be done at home. Also, it is very important to complete any missed work. You have 1 day to make up work for each day missed. You MUST bring in a DR note or up to 7 notes from home to make up work. This year your child’s grades will be going through the state’s attendance/grade program called Infinite Campus. If your child has an UNEXCUSED absence it will not allow any grades to be put in for that day.

Homework- Homework will generally be given by the week in the homework folders. The language arts will be for the current week’s story. Math will be skills from the previous week. Skills should be a review and nothing new. ALL HOMEWORK FOLDERS WILL BE DUE ON FRIDAY MORNINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Homework will not be given on Fridays unless there are incomplete assignments or long-term projects due. There will be homework Monday through Thursday. There will be spelling and reading tests every Friday. STUDIES SHOW THAT READING JUST 20 MINUTES A DAY GREATLY IMPROVES A STUDENT’S SCHOOL SUCCESS. All students are required to do nightly reading and complete a log. Any homework obviously not completed by the student, incomplete work, or no homework returned will be completed during free time or during Friday Clubs. Homework is important practice the students need to retain a skill. Students will need to focus hard on homework this year as it reinforces skills students need to progress to the next grade level. I just can’t stress how important it will be to work and study very hard this year. PLEASE check the homework folders daily and hang on to weekly newsletters for the homework study skills for the week.

Books- your child has been issued reading, science, social studies, and math books. These books are new or gently used. So, any damage or loss is the responsibility of the student. Reading books or chapter books will be sent home daily and need to be read and returned the next day. They need all their books everyday to complete work. Occasionally other books will be sent home for homework and the same policy applies to them as well.

** Assignment Books- THESE WILL BE VITAL TO KEEP UP AND USE DAILY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Each student will be given an assignment book at the beginning of the year. If it is lost a new may be purchased in the office for $5. We will be writing any homework and books needed and important messages together everyday. There will also be a copy of what is needed to be in the book posted on the board. After a few weeks you should be able to see a pattern in what we do.

DAILY NOTEBOOK Organizers- ALL students must have a 3 ring binder/organizer, as they did last year. IF the students put their work/notes they are given this is the easiest way to get things class to class and home/school. I think they worked great for this last year. We will begin sending home the binders nightly, we will be adding many valuable sections in the notebooks. Calendars, newsletters, sightword lists, communication home/school, etc.

Bus Passes/Pick Ups- You child MUST RIDE THEIR OWN BUS UNLESS YOU SEND A WRITTEN NOTE STATING OTHERWISE. THE LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THE NOTE. Phone calls are generally not accepted for bus changes or pick up changes. If your child will be a pick up and is usually a bus rider please send a note. Please have anyone that may ever pick up your child listed on their emergency card; if they aren’t listed they could be denied. Any changes from normal routing need to be sent in the mornings. Otherwise, your child will be sent home on their regular bus.

Conferences- Sign ups for the first conference day/evening will be available at the 1st open house. We will offer at least one conference opportunity every nine weeks (check spaces on mid-terms and report cards). However, I want anyone with a concern to call me immediately. You may have to leave a message and I will get with you as soon as I have a break. I can be reached at the school 473-7213 or at home, if an emergency email me!!. Conferences need to be scheduled due to my own meetings, classes, appointments, and class time. I need to spend the school day in the class, so please schedule a time. I do want the chance to talk to you; I just can’t talk on the phone during class time.******** I am in the class all day. I’m more likely to know what has happened or assigned in class than someone that wasn’t in the class. (eg- social media, another parent that wasn’t in the school that day) PLEASE, PLEASE ask me!! I’m generally a flexible/approachable person. There’s been times I’ve had to clarify with my child’s teacher. It’s way easier to get the information 1st hand. EMAIL me! It’s very fast response, promise!

School Newsletters- the class newsletter will be sent home weekly. However, the school also has one. The school newsletter is monthly.

Toys- the school and myself prefer they be left at home. If this policy isn’t followed the items may be taken by myself or the principal and the guardian must come in to pick them up. Also, most of these students have been here for 5 full years and know from daily discussions that we don’t buy or sell toys at school either. If that happens money and toys could be taken.

Spelling tests- students will bring home their word lists on Mondays and/or Tuesday. They will bring them in homework folders and newsletters. The list is also on my webpage.

Vocabulary quizzes- students will have reading vocabulary quizzes weekly, Friday. They will come home in homework folders. They will also be listed on the newsletters.

Math skill drill: many times a week they students will take a simple, one digit plus or minus one digit math test to help them perfect simple math facts. Each test must be mastered then they will move on to the next test.

Graded Work- graded work is only sent home as promptly as possible and can be found in the organizers. Please review each paper with your child, keep the work unless it is incomplete, marked redo, or stamped to sign and return. The incomplete papers or redo papers need to be completed and returned for grading.

It takes an 80% or better for a skill to be considered mastered.

100% A+ 99-90 A 89-80B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-0 F

Behavior- being this is most of the students 3rd year of school they know the rules and are expected to follow them and have good behavior. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone trying to learn and have fun if someone can’t behave and disrupts others or makes school an unpleasant experience for others. We are here at school with many goals to work toward and should be too busy for bad behavior. Once in a while when there may be behavior incidents this is what will happen- students are given at the very least 2 warnings then are asked to change their behavior clips. **Every student begins their day on Ready to Learn. During the day they have opportunities to move up to Good Day and Outstanding by showing exemplary behavior/manners/Leader In Me characteristics. Students making less than positive choices will be given multiple warnings and possibly moving their clips down to Make Better Choices, Consequence, Parent Contact as a last resort. A note or phone call will be made with reoccurrences of negative behaviors. Consecutive negative behaviors will require a behavior plan, conference, if there is still no compliance paddling or suspension will be implemented. (GC has a behavior compact sent to each student, handbook.) AES and the county board send home behavior expectations and consequences. I uphold their polices and expect the students to obey them. Good behavior and compliances makes for a good learning environment. We need to be teaching and learning not reprimanding and showing how to behave due to their age and time in school.

Snack- this isn’t something mandated by the state, it is done voluntarily by each teacher. We have a very tough schedule to get through and we don’t put in a snack, but they have opportunities to do this on their own at the end of the day, if they have completed all tasks. You may purchase a snack when going through the lunch line. Students have been here long enough to know that we don’t ask others for snack money. You may bring a snack and or drink from home to have during this time. There may be days when we are too busy that we may not get time. There will also be days that we have a special snack provided by teachers or parents. There will also be plenty of opportunities to visit the water fountain. Students with diabetes or other health problems may eat or drink as needed according to a doctor’s orders, which have been mailed or faxed to the office. I suggest bringing one daily, just in case. WATER is acceptable anytime in class if it isn’t a disruption or mess.

Restroom use- the school has a policy that students shouldn’t be in the hall without an escort. Therefore, I take the students to the restroom regularly throughout the day. Each student is expected to at least try at this time. Leaving during the class means missing valuable information. If there is a health problem and a need to use the restroom more than once every hour please have your doctor fax or mail a note to the office. With short times with each teacher students need to spend every minute they can IN the class. The teachers won’t have time to go back over missed material.

Volunteers and visitors- we love for people to come in and help us learn new things. However, we are on a very tight schedule with a curriculum to follow. If you would like to volunteer I would love it, just schedule a day and time when you can come. I need all of the help I can get. I would love to have at least one person come every week, if anyone can do that. We just need to use the time with you here working to help get projects done, not just hanging out. Volunteers and parents that will want to attend field trips, parities, or visit will need to complete a background check each year. This will be done at the beginning of each year. Volunteer sign up forms are on the district website now. If you will want to volunteer you will need to take part in training with the FRC, Ms. Angie, here at school. This will need to be done so that you are aware of the school rules and laws and confidentiality guidelines to be followed while helping us out and talking in public about the school, students, staff, and teachers. If you complete all the paper work and are approved, we will be delighted to have the help when you can. However, if you are just picking up a student you will need to wait in the office to prevent unnecessary disruptions in the class with the teacher, your child, and others may be trying to get directions, information, or materials for learning or homework. Please do this at the beginning of the year, waiting until time for a field trip, may be too late. Please do this if you think you may ever want to come in to help or to go on a trip, all members of your family (not students) wanting to help out will need to do this too. Please call Ms.Angie with any volunteer information or questions here at the school.*If you can only help afterschool, I’d love that too!