Welcome to the 2013 Top NU Chef Competition!

First, you and your team will submit a registration and recipe. On a separate document you need to list the ingredients you will need to be provided, any equipment you will need, and any equipment you are bringing yourself. (Some competitors like to bring their own ingredients because of quality control or because it is a specialty ingredient) We will not be providing any equipment or ingredients that have not been requested.

On March 28, 2012, you and your team will meet in the City Campus Ballroom at 7:15 PM to go over rules and go over any other questions or concerns you may have. This is also a good time for you to check out the area you will be cooking in and strategize.

All competitors will start cooking at 8:00 PM sharp whether you are ready or not. You will have 10 minutes to set up your equipment before your time starts but you will not be allowed to touch or gather any ingredients at this time. This portion of the competition will begin promptly at 7:50 PM. There will be an equipment table set up for you to retrieve any pieces of equipment you need at this time.

When the competition begins, you will be given a bag of the ingredients that we pre-purchased for you to use specifically for the recipe you submit. Ingredients will not be pre-measured, pre-cut, or prepped beforehand and you are not allowed to prep, cut, cook, or measure any ingredients beforehand. At this time, your 45 minutes will begin.

There will be volunteers to clean your utensils and help you clean as you cook your dish. As soon as you are done with any equipment we provide, you will put them in a “wash tub” where our volunteers will clean it and put it back on the equipment table for you to retrieve again at any time. This will also give you more space to work. Towels and washing stations will also be available to you at any point in the competition.

After your 45 minutes is up, you will be required to serve your dish to the judges, no matter if it is completed or not. You may complete your dish anytime before the 45 minutes is up, but will not get more than 45 minutes. There will be a timer on display so that you will know how much time you have left throughout the competition.

You will be serving the judges one plate, with no more than two cups of food. The rest of the food will be taken to a tasting station for audience members to sample because they will also be voting on the winner of the People’s Choice Award. You will be required to dish out the samples in 2 ounce portion cups after you have submitted your plate to the judges. The more samples you have the greater the chance you have at winning people’s choice so keep that in consideration when thinking about the quantity of food to make. At this time you will be given time to clean your area.

After completing your dish and cleaning your area, you will be provided a washing table that will have tubs of hot water and soap to clean any of the utensils/equipment that you brought yourself. Once the judges have tasted all of the dishes and deliberated, the winners will be announced and you will be free to go home.

Feel free to contact East Campus Student Involvement with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Phone Number 402-617-6450

Good Luck Cooking!