Fish Tales
News and reports from Broad Oak Trout Lakes May 2016
Welcome to spring we hope! Warmer weather is on the way. Those of you braving the arctic air have been well rewarded and we have had some CRACKING fish out.
Have you seen us in Trout Fisherman? You will find a fabulous article about fishing here at Broad Oak in the latest edition. Some brilliant photographs too. Well worth a read.
Our Shepherds Hut is now up and running – so if you fancy a nice weekend/mid-week break then give us a call. Double bed, wood burning stove, all cosy and warm! Take a look at the website for full details…. Soon.
Congratulations to our Trevor Bradford, who ties the knot with Gladys later this month. We enjoyed a lovely ‘stag do’ for him here recently. What more could you ask, than likeminded company, fishing and bacon butties? Best wishes from all here at Broad Oak.
Golden Trout is still teasing you all – the pot stands at £131 today so the competition is hotting up!
Fly of the month – April.
The trusty damsel nymph has topped the leader board again for catch success. Montana, GRHE, Pheasant-tailed nymphs, bloodworms and buzzers all feature heavily. It really is worth a good trawl through the fly box if you are not hitting the right trout-note, as flies for May follow the same pattern (no pun intended!). Mayfly nymphs should come on-line during May and hoppers, too as the thorn bushes blossom, although hatches may be delayed after the arctic blast of recent weeks.
Catch of the Month – April
Some whoppers have been caught during April… Congratulations to Danny Crowe with his beautiful 4lber hooked on a green damsel a couple of weeks ago.
And this brownie on the right was hooked and released safely by Alan Williams, a relative newby to the sport. Well done Alan!
There have been a good number of First Trout lately. This accolade goes to Roger Rix, Alan Williams (the week before the brownie!), Paul Farney and Ann Peck. Well done to all of you, and we hope that you have many more.
Weather Forecast (taken from Met Office website)
Sunshine after the rain…. Let us hope so…..
The forecast for the first half of May is for drier, sunnier, brighter conditions with temperatures a little above average. Phew! Thank goodness. The latter half of the month looks to bring in some rain from the west, but the temperatures will stay at or above average. So yet again you need to be prepared and keep that waterproof coat in the car.
2016 Events
Early Bird Sessions:
July 9th, July 23rd, August 6th, August 20th. 6am start.
Booking essential
Members Event: Summer 2016:
SATURDAY 25TH JUNE 2016 6PM – MIDNIGHT, social and late fishing. Put the date in your diary! I am starting to take bookings for this event. Fishing places will be limited to 20 with members taking priority over guests.
Members Event: Christmas Competition and Social – Date to be confirmed.
Memberships are still available for 2016. Do take advantage of the reduced members’ prices and the free tea and coffee.
See you soon. Tight Lines
Chris and Charlotte
Chris Lee and Charlotte Morgan A home-made publication
Broad Oak Trout Lakes, Gilvers Lane, Hanley Castle, Worcester, WR8 0AT
01684 311499 / 07717 627951