Welcome to Sixth Grade Literature

Mrs. Thomas

This year in Literature we will be readingat least six novels. Some will be class novels that we all read and listen to in class. There will be other books which will be read at home and then discussed in class in a small group format. The following is a quick overview of information that will be covered this year. If you ever have any questions, you can contact me at .

In Literature, we are beginning our studies with mythology. We will follow that with a novel and then various units such as plays, poetry, and short stories. The novels that will be read in class are: The Red Pony by John Steinbeck; White Fang by Jack London; Monsters of Greek Myths by Evslin, Evslin & Hoopes; and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. In addition to these books, we will also use the 6th grade textbook that has a wonderful array of short stories and poems.

In addition to in class reading, the students will be engaged in Literature Circlesthroughout the year. Independent reading books will also be assigned and students will take an AR quiz afterwards. These books will be choice books, which meansthat students can pick a book of their choice to read, as long as it is from the AR list.

Class Work/Homework

There may not always be homework every night. When it is assigned, we expect it to be completed in a neat and appropriate manner. If homework is late,the student will lose 10 points for each day it is late. Homework is a review of information we have studied that day. As a result it is important for assignments to be completed on time. If the work is not completed neatly, using correct punctuation and spelling,the student may be asked to redo it.

If the homework for that unit of study is not completed by the time of the test students will earn a ZERO for any assignments from that unit they have missing. If a student misses three or more homework assignments, they will receive an after school detention so that they can catch up. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all missing or late work is handed in.

Tests and Quizzes

  • Before a test we will have a review session and we will hand out a study guide.
  • Quizzes will be assigned after smaller units of study within these chapters. There will be content and vocabulary quizzes on the reading.
  • Quizzes can be announced or unannounced.
  • Tests/projects may be assigned after novels or as part of the unit of study.


  • Tests/Projects-40%
  • Homework- 25%
  • Quizzes-25%
  • Participation-10%

Parent Tools

  • Parent Portal (view your child’s posted grades as well as current and past assignments)
  • Renaissance Home Connect (access your child’s AR progress)