Welcome to Senior English!
Dear Students:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to senior English class. Today marks the beginning of your last few months of high school. It will be up to you to get the most out of this experience and to be accountable for your behavior and your school work so that you can graduate with your peers.
Course Focus:
- Survey of British Literature
- Essays, vocabulary study, and writing conventions
- Senior project and presentation
- 1-2” binder with 4 dividers for vocabulary, grammar and writing, literature, and senior project
- Notecards (4X6, white, lined) for senior project if you choose not to use Noodlebib
- USB drive on which to save work on senior project and other class activities
Grading Procedures:
- The CHS grading scale will be used.
Because of the various components of the senior project, your grade will be calculated differently 1st and 2nd 9 weeks.
1st 9 weeks:2nd 9 weeks:
Senior Project / 25% / 45%Tests, Essays and Projects / 45% / 35%
Quizzes, homework and classwork / 30% / 20%
Attendance and Tardies:
- Students are aware that they only have 5 total absences in this class. Regular attendance is crucial for success in class.
- Students are also aware of the tardy policy at CHS, which will be enforced.
- Excessive tardies or absences pose a threat to your ability to pass this course. Do your best to be here and to be here on time.
Rules and Classroom Environment:
- The classroom environment is the responsibility of both the students and the teacher.
- RESPECT is the rule in any class.
- Any vocalizations or personal attacks or intimidation of students will NOT be tolerated.
- Students are expected to act as respectful, responsible young adults.
- Parents and principals will be involved if behavior becomes an issue.
- Students will be rewarded for good behavior and for exhibiting a positive attitude and a willingness to help others.
Policies and Procedures:
- Late work that has not been checked in class may be accepted at teacher discretion. A penalty of 10 points per day will be deducted from late assignments.
- Please check with me when you return to school from an absence. It is your responsibility to acquire make-up work and complete it in a timely manner. The student handbook suggests 5 days from your return to school.
- You are asked to sign out to use the restroom or get water and you must carry an agenda with you when you leave class for ANY reason. Any student abusing this privilege will find this privilege revoked.
- Homework assignments are intended as practice AT HOME. Students found completing homework assignments in class on the due date will not receive full credit for the assignment.
- The expectation for all assignments is that you try your best. As seniors, I expect that you will take responsibility for your work; I may ask that work not reflecting your best ability be redone for credit.
Your senior year should be a challenging, yet exciting time. If I can ever be of service on an individual basis, I am willing to work with students and parents in a cooperative manner. My late day will be Tuesdays, but I am here by 7:30 in the morning and usually stay in the afternoons until at least 4:00. Please let me know if you need extra help and I will be glad to accommodate. I sincerely hope we have a great semester and that in May we can celebrate your achievements together. Please sign below, indicating your knowledge of my policies and procedures, and return this sheet tomorrow.
Mrs. Holly Hollifield
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______