Welcome to Saluda Trail
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Dr. Terrence R. Chisolm, your student’s teacher this year. I am a Certified Behavior Group Therapist that is trained in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. As part of my classroom instruction, I teach a general systematic approach I developed “Facts vs Feelings”. This approach can be applied to any problem or any concern that the student might encounter.
It is also a pleasure to have Mrs. Waters as my assistant again this year. Some of you are new to our school and we welcome you. Others will be back for another great year and we look forward to a successful year. Attached, you will find some forms that we will be using in our classroom.
Each day when your child arrives at school they are required to turn in their signed behavior point sheet from the day before. This allows us to communicate with you on a daily basis about their progress in our class. When it is returned and signed we know you are up to date on your child’s progress along with school and district information. Sometimes they will be given an assignment to complete and they are expected to make a good faith effort in completing the homework assignment. They are expected every day to come into class and get right to work on their journals. This is a positive tool used to sharpen their writing skills and help them express their thoughts, ideas and imagination. They are given the option of writing on their own or using the daily journal starter from the board. Each student will have the chance to participate in the Community-Based Instruction (CBI) program. Additional information will be sent home describing the CBI program.
Class participation points will be given with their journals, returning homework, bringing in signed point sheets from the night before. It is easy to fall behind, so please remember to sign the daily point sheets and encourage your child to put forth their best attitude and effort in all he or she does. You may also visit me on the following social media outlets; and @DrChisolmPlace. When visiting my website, look under the classroom tab to receive information about my classroom.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Terrence R. Chisolm, CBGT, OFS, PhD
SaludaTrailMiddle School
803-981-1848(school number)