Welcome to Room 208
I am very pleased to be your child’s teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. I would like to introduce myself and to familiarize you with my classroom expectations as we begin the year together. My name is Lina Saad and I teach grade at William Ford Elementary.
I have been teaching for 11 years. I have been at the elementary level as well as been a Resource teacher for 2 years.
I will create a positive learning environment for your child. I place high expectation for each child to help them succeed. I understand that every child learns differently and so my teaching is reflected on this.
Classroom expectations
We will form the classroom rules together and students will sign them. I expect students to follow our rules. We are using the card system for our consequences. If a student misbehaves, he/she will flip his card. They will start with a clean slate everyday.
Green: Great Day
Yellow: Warning
Orange: Think sheet
Blue: Parent contact or loss of privilege
Red: Call Home and or Office
We will also use ClassDojo this year as well!!!
Suggested 3rd grade Supply List : The bolded items we are in need for
2 boxes of tissues
1 hand sanitizer
1 Lysol wipes
2 package #2 pencils only (NO mechanical pencils)
1 package black dry erase markers
1 small sharpener
1 plastic pencil box
2 packages post it notes
2 package lined paper
1 binder
Thanks for all your help!!!
It is very important for students to do their homework everyday. We are using planners this year, please look at the planners, make sure your child is doing his/her homework and sign it every day. Also, make sure that they are reading every night for about 25 minutes. This is extremely important for students so that they practice the skills taught.
Arrival and Dismissal:
Students need to come in on time. Our day begins at 8:30 sharp; please do your best to bring in your child on time. I will pick up students from the Ternes doors.
We are dismissed at 3:35 from the new door exit near the Kindergarten doors. If your child walks home, please let me know.
If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, you may call at anytime and leave a message or email me. I will call you back as soon as I can. I cannot discuss your child’s progress outside at dismissal or entry.
Parent Meeting:
Parents are invited to come in and attend our 3rd grade parent meeting next Friday, September 9th at 9:45-10:30. Classroom directions and routine will be discussed.
Our fieldtrips will be coming up soon, if you would like to join us please let me know as soon as possible. You must notify me right away if you would like to join us because there are forms that need to be filled out for the district. If they are not turned in on time you will not be allowed to go with us. To be fair, I cannot let the same parents come on the fieldtrip. All parents need to experience them with their child.
We are in need of volunteers, (two homeroom moms or dadsJ) to help in the classroom, if you’re able to please let me know.
Healthy snack only
Monday: 9:00-9:45 Music
9:50-10:35 Gym
Tuesday: 12:50-1:35 Media
Wednesday: 12:50-1:45 At
Thursday: 9:00-9:45 Enrichment
Friday: 9:50-10:35 Music
Lunch: 12:00-12:30
Contact Information
or visit my blog
I will email or call you back as soon as possible
Thank you,
Mrs. Saad