Kindergarten Homework
Letter of the Week – ‘Ff’
Word of the Week – ‘for’
Week of January 23 - 26
No School this Friday – Teacher Work Day
Homework Due this Thursday
Language Arts
*Students-please be sure that you have read your Reader’s Workshop book at least once or twice this week. *Parents- we strongly encourage you to read aloud to your child for at least 10 minutes a day. It is beneficial to follow up reading with a discussion that includes story sequence and/or predictions.
1. *Print Ff
- Please be sure to leave one finger space between each letter. Assess your own work by circling your best attempt at making an upper case ‘F’ and lower case ‘f.’ Return in your homework folder on Friday.
*Fifi Fish’s Song (tune: Five Fat Turkeys)
Fifi Fish’s Song
Find Fifi Fish in the sea.
Then count all the
Fishies you see.
Fifi and fish,
Have some fun.
Oh, what a family!
*Count all the ‘Ff’s’ in the above song. How many are there in all? Write the number on your letter page.
- Find as many fantastic flowers as you can. How many did you find? Write the # on your letter page.
-Build a fort at home out of fluffy blankets or sheets and fill it with items that start with ‘F.’
2. *Practice Book Pages 161 - 162
-See directions at the bottom of each page.
-Return completed pages in your homework folder on Friday.
***Mitten Book
-Parents: Last week, we read many versions of the well known story, The Mitten, as well as making our own Mitten book. We will be assessing your child on retelling The Mitten this week. Your child’s book will be in his/her Reader’s Workshop folder. To help your child do his or her best, please practice reading and retelling the story with your child. It is important for your child to recognize what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story. They should be able to add high vocabulary, character speaking, and expression. It is not critical to know the exact order of the animals. It is also important to recognize and understand the problem in the story and whether the story is real or make-believe. Discussing these things with your child each time you read together will help develop strong reading comprehension skills.
*Valentine’s Day
-Parents: On Tuesday, February 14, students will exchange valentines in class. It may be helpful to purchase your cards now in order to have your child sign them and have them ready. DO NOT ADDRESS THE CARDS YET!!!! Your teacher will send home labels with each student’s names to affix to the envelopes next week.
*Flashlight Fun
-This week we will be using our flashlights in class to shine on words and letters on our ceiling. This is a great way to practice words and letters at home as well. Have your child write our sight words large on pieces of copy paper. Tape the words and letters to their bedroom ceiling and or walls. (Use masking or painting tape). Turn off the lights. Say a word and have your child shine the light on the word. Enjoy!!
3. *Shopping List
-We have been working with coins in our classroom Grocery Store.
-Please read the directions at the bottom of the paper and use your pennies from home to solve.
Social Studies/ February Share (Begins Feb. 6)
*Grocery Store Box
-Use a shoebox or other small box for this assignment.
-Decorate your box on the outside and inside to look like a grocery store. Be sure to name your store on the outside and label the areas inside. (ex: Brookside Market on the outside and the labels; deli, bakery, frozen foods, dairy, etc. on the inside. We did this to our classroom grocery store)
-You may use crayons, markers, paint, magazine pictures, Legos, etc., to decorate your grocery store box.
-This is a student project, so please be sure that your child is decorating the box, not you. You would be amazed at how many times our students come and share how their “parents’ made the store. We will be returning “parent” made boxes.
-Check our February Share Calendar for the date you will be sharing your grocery store box with your class. You will find the link to this calendar on our home page on Schoolwires. On your February share day, (DO NOT BRING IN BEFORE!) bring your grocery store box to school with one item inside that you could find at a grocery store. You will be able to give 3 clues about your item and your friends will get 3 guesses. Be sure to practice your share at home in front of your family and friends.
Social Studies
*100th Day Book Drive
-Continue to bring in your books so we may reach our goal of 100 books! The last day is next Friday, February 11th.
*Calling All Gardeners
-Parents; if you are interested in helping with our kindergarten garden, please send a note with your name and phone # to school. Our head gardener will contact you. Mother Nature has taken her toll on our garden and we are in desperate need of parent volunteers to prep it for our students.
*Monday, Feb. 13th – 100th Day of School
*Tuesday, Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Day
*Monday, February 20st – President’s Day - No School
*Wednesday, Feb. 22 – Kindergarten Hero Performance in the MPR @ 11:40.
*Dads Day – Wednesday, Feb. 29th - 8:15 to 9:15
-In May we will be having our annual Mother’s Day Tea. Father’s Day is after school is out. Therefore, we will be celebrating our “Dads” during Dd week.
- Please inform us ASAP if you are unable to attend so we can set up a date with a grandpa, uncle or another dad from our class.
*Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences: March 12– 16. All kindergarteners attend school 8:15–12:15, Tuesday-Friday. MONDAY 8:15-1:15
*No School – Monday, March 19 – Teacher Prep Day
*Jog-a-Thon: Friday, March 23
-Thanks to all of you who have offered to help on this day.
*Great Race – Saturday, March 24
-Register online at
*Spring Break – No School – April 6-13
*Mother’s Day Tea – May 11
-More info. coming soon