Welcome to The D.R.E.A.M. Team!

Sandy Hoffman, Melanie Marimberga,

Jared Meads, & Josh Warren

Expectations: We are called The D.R.E.A.M. Team because we believe that with Discipline, Respect, and Encouragement, we will become Academic Masters. We expect students to come to each class ready to be engaged in meaningful learning experiences. Our goal is that when students leave our classes, they will be prepared to meet the challenges of high school and life.

Team / Parent Meeting: All 8th grade teams will be meeting with parents on Tuesday, September 13th at 6:00 P.M.

Classroom Rules:

Come to class prepared.

Leave your seat only when the teacher

dismisses you.

Always be in your seat and ready to learn

when the bell rings.

Show respect for yourself, others, and

anyone’s stuff.

Stick to all rules and classroom procedures.

Late Work/Missing Assignments:

Students will receive a “1” for any missing work. If missing work is not completed by the following Friday, the student will receive a zero and the assignment cannot be made up. Once a student receives a “1”, he/she can only earn up to a 70% when the assignment is turned in. Fourth quarter no late work will be accepted.

9 Weeks’ Assessment: Teachers will give a nine weeks’ assessment. Check with each teacher before discarding any study materials.

Absences: When students are absent, it is Their responsibility to get their make-up work AND TURN IT IN.

Discipline: Rules are to encourage and enhance learning. Each time a rule is broken, students will

be written up on a classroom management form.

After the second offense, a phone call will be made home to ask for assistance. After an additional offense, the form will be sent to an administrator.


Please fill out the strip below and return tomorrow. We will send out a newsletter every Friday through our email list. If you have not already joined, please go to Coach Meads’ school web-site to sign up.

Our e-mail addresses are the following:

M- Hoffman

S- Meads

E- Marimberga

SS- Warren

We are excited to have each and every one of you in our classes, and we hope that this year will be challenging and rewarding.


Detach and return:

I have read the above policies and procedures for The D.R.E.A.M. Team and agree to assist my child in preparing for class.


(Student’s Name) (Parent’s Signature) (Date)