Welcome to Mission Valley Elementary

12063 FM 236

Victoria, TX 77905

Phone: 788-9514 Fax: 788-9689


Parent Handbook



Blue and White




A Tradition in Excellence


We will be responsible, be respectful, and be safe

Mustang Creed

As a Mission Valley Mustang, I’m committed to giving my best.

I will show respect and never neglect

The work that brings my success

(Followed by the Mustang Clap)

August 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to a new school year at Mission Valley Elementary! Our handbook is designed to be used as a resource for campus information that you and your child will need during the school year. The campus handbook is aligned with the district handbook, but describes routines and procedures that may be specific to our campus. We strongly recommend that parents review both the campus and district handbook with their children and keep them as references during the school year. If you have questions after reviewing the handbook, please feel free to contact the school at (361) 788-9514.

I would like to welcome you and your family to what promises to be another exciting school year. The Mission Valley Staff is dedicated and will continue to work diligently to provide opportunities for all students to achieve academic success. The staff and I look forward to meeting you and the students as we begin this new school year!

Eric Amsler



To empower students to be respectful, responsible, productive citizens.


  • To capitalize on school/community collaboration to better meet the instructional needs of all children.
  • To build a culture of trust, respect, and responsibility conducive for learning.
  • To ensure a more efficient use of resources that enable student success.
  • To engage students in their own learning processes.
  • To ensure that teachers continue professional growth.
  • To maintain 100% parent involvement.
  • To increase ownership and buy-in in developing a strong learning culture for students with support from parents, guardians, and community.


Eric Amsler / Principal
Carol Dippel / Instructional Coach
Misty Kurtz / Secretary
Janie Odem / Counselor
Kristen Duckett / Parent Liaison/teaching assistant
Holly Cantu / Nurse
Ashley Smith / Pre-K
Katie Gohlke / Kindergarten
Lacey Paul / Kindergarten
Libby Baker / 1st grade
Britany Jank / 1st grade
Andrea Rose / 2nd grade
Kelly Rogers / 2nd grade
Melanie Macek / 3rd grade
Crystal Hinojosa / 3rd grade
Angelica Rios / 4th grade
Katy Morris / 4th grade
Joycelyn Drozd / 5th grade
Adrianne Janecek / 5th grade
Tara Payne / Special Ed (Inclusion)
Cindy Flores / Special Ed Assistant
Jacklyn Depine / Pre-K Assistant
Angie Truax / Teaching assistant
Rhonda Goebel / PE
Amanda Tomas / Librarian
Melinda Armadillo / Music
Bridget Jacob / Technology
Adela Garcia / Head Custodian
Tammy Krieger / Custodian
Sue Stevenson / Cafeteria Manager
Myra Benetiz / Cafeteria


Official School Hours




Students may arrive and go directly to the cafeteria beginning at 6:55 am. School breakfast will be served from 6:55-7:25 am. Students will be dismissed to their classroom at 7:20 am. Students will not be allowed to go to classrooms before 7:20 am. The tardy bell rings at 7:30 am. Any students not in their classroom by 7:30 am are considered tardy and must go to the office for a tardy slip.

The school cafeteria will end breakfast service 5 minutes before the tardy bell. Students who receive breakfast during the last 10 minutes of serving time will receive a sack breakfast to be eaten in the cafeteria. Sack and tray breakfasts will have equal nutritional value. All students must be in class by 7:30 or they will be considered tardy.

Tray Breakfast Sack Breakfast

6:55 – 7:15 7:15 – 7:25

Parents dropping children off in the morning are asked to stay to the right when entering the parking lot. Drop off will be directly in front of the two Handicap Parking spaces. Parents are not to release their child from the vehicle until there is a staff member present at 6:55. For safety reasons, please do not travel down the gravel path toward the back of the school.

Parents can walk their students to the cafeteria if you arrive before 7:20. Parents may walk their child to the class between 7:20-7:30. Upon leaving the student at the doorway with the classroom teacher, parents are asked to leave the school. At the tardy bell, staff will scan the hallways to assure that all visitors have left the building so that instruction may begin promptly. Parents may not walk tardy students to class unless permission is given by the principal.


Students will be dismissed at 3:15 pm daily. Staff will escort students to the bus or car each day. Teachers will ensure that all students are picked up before leaving for the afternoon.

Car riders will be waiting in front of the school by the two handicap spaces. Please do not arrive to line up prior to 2:45. A staff member will walk your child to your car.

Adults who are picking up students in the school’s pick-up line must have a readily-identifiable school-issued Mustang car rider pass or displayed at the time of pick-up. Those who do not have the pass will be asked to park and report to the office with photo identification to prove that they have permission to pick up the child.

All bus students will be expected to ride their regular bus in the afternoon unless we have a signed and dated permission form from the parents indicating otherwise.

A written note or personal office visit by the parent will be the only acceptable methods for changing the normal dismissal routine for a student. For instance, if a student normally rides the bus home, and the parent wants the student to be picked up in the car line on a particular day, the parent must submit this information in writing or through a personal visit to the office. Exceptions in extenuating circumstances must be approved by the principal.

Early checkout of students ends at 2:45 each day. No students will be released for early checkout after these times without the permission of the principal.


Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education. In the State of Texas, a student between the ages of six and eighteen must attend school. Once a child is enrolled in Kindergarten, attendance is also required, even if the child is not yet six years of age.

Attendance is taken daily at 9:30 am. In order for your child to be counted present, he/she must be in school at this time. Children leaving school after 9:30 am will be considered present for the day. However, we ask that you only take your child out when medically necessary so that students do not miss valuable instruction time. Students counted absent at 9:30 (due to a doctor’s appointment) will be given credit for attendance if a note is brought from the doctor and school is attended for any part of that school day. We will offer incentives during the year to encourage children’s attendance in school. Students will be rewarded for perfect attendance.

We realize that children will get ill. If your child is ill and must miss school, please call the office by 8:00am each day. Upon returning to school, the student must bring a hand written note signed by a parent or a doctor’s note in order to excuse the absence. This note must be submitted no later than five (5) school days after the student’s absence.

Students are required by law to attend school for at least 90% of the school days in order to be promoted to the next grade level. Because of this, you will receive a letter from the school reminding you of the District’s attendance policy in the event that your child accumulates five or more absences. When a student’s absences exceeds 3 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required in order to excuse the absence.

Campuses are responsible for filing with the court on parents of students who have three (3) unexcused absences in a four week period or ten (10) unexcused absences in a six month period. Parents are subject to fines/penalties of the court.

Students with perfect attendance will be entered into a drawing each nine weeks. There will be several prizes that the student may earn. Our first drawing will be Monday, October 20th. Individual classes will also be recognized and rewarded for attendance.


A student is considered tardy after 7:30 am. It is required that you walk your child/children to the office to obtain an Admission Slip if you arrive after 7:30 am. You will be asked to sign them in before an admission slip is obtained.


Breakfast and lunch are served in the cafeteria daily or students may bring their lunch from home. No food may be shared amongst students at any time.

Parents may wish to pre-pay their child’s meal account. If paying by check please make the check out to Mission Valley Elementary Cafeteria and turn it in to the Cafeteria Manager. You may also manage your child’s account online using PayPams which you can access by selecting “Lunch Account” on the Mission Valley website.

If your child forgets his/her meal money, he/she may charge it to their account. Students who charge will be given a pink reminder slip to let parents know that they owe money. If the charge is not paid in a reasonable amount of time, your child will receive an emergency meal consisting of a cheese sandwich and milk until the account is paid in full.

Elementary / Adult
Breakfast / $1.40/reduced $ .30 / $2.00
Lunch / $2.45/reduced $ .50 / $3.50

NOTE:Parents are strongly encouraged to complete the Free or Reduced Lunch Application form that is sent home at the beginning of the school year. Families who meet the criteria may qualify for free or reduced meal prices. If more than 35% of students qualify for free or reduced meals, Mission Valley could qualify to receive federal Title 1 funds.


The cafeteria serves breakfast from 6:55 to 7:25.


10:45-11:15 / Smith / Pre-K
11:10-11:40 / Gohlke / Kinder
11:15-11:45 / Paul / Kinder
11:20-11:50 / Baker / 1st
11:25-11:55 / Jank / 1st
11:30-12:00 / Rose / 2nd
11:35-12:05 / Rogers / 2nd
11:45-12:15 / Macek / 3rd
11:50-12:20 / Hinojosa / 3rd
11:55-12:25 / Janecek / 4th
12:00-12:30 / Drozd / 4th
12:05-12:35 / Rios / 5th
12:10-12:40 / Morris / 5th

Time Teacher Grade


Please keep the office up to date on change of addresses and phone numbers. This is very important in the event that there is an emergency and we need to make contact with the parent or guardian immediately.

If a student moves out of the Mission Valley zone AFTER the last Friday in September, the parent(s) may apply to the Office of Student Services for continued enrollment prior to the move or within ten school days following a move. If the request is granted, it will be approved for the remainder of the current semester only unless the student is in 5th grade. Continued enrollment applications made on or before the last Friday in September will not be considered.


For safety reasons, district policy allows students to possess cell phones at school. However, they must remain unseen and turned off while on campus. A student who uses a cell phone during the day will have the device confiscated. On the first offense, the parent will be called and asked to pick up the device. On the second offense, a fee of $15 is charged before the device is released to the parent. For the third offense, the device is held until the end of the school year, at which time it is released to the parent after a payment of $15.

Other electronic devices such as MP3 players, cameras, video games, etc. are not allowed at school or on field trips unless prior approval has been obtained by the principal.


Frequent communication between the school and home is very important. Teachers frequently communicate with parents through notes home, e-mail, telephone calls, and school conferences. Teachers are asked to hold at least one parent conference in the fall and you are encouraged to set up additional conferences as you feel necessary. Open communication between you and the teacher is essential in making this a successful year for your child. Teacher conference times are listed below. Please call the school to make an appointment as there are days when teachers will be participating in required meetings during their conference time.

8:20-8:55 / Pre-K
9:00-9:45 / Kindergarten
9:50-10:35 / 1st grade
10:40-11:25 / 2nd grade
12:40-1:25 / 4th grade
1:30- 2:15 / 5th grade
2:20-3:05 / 3rd grade

The school newsletter, The Mane News, will be sent home with your child monthly and will contain important dates and events that will be happening at school. Other important information can also be found on the Mission Valley Website. To get to the website you will need to go to click on campuses, and then click on Mission Valley.


The Community Club, Mission Valley’s PTO, is a support organization for the school that holds several meetings each school year. Membership in the Community Club is free and is an excellent way of showing support for the school. Fundraisers are held during the year to aid in supplying the school with equipment, materials, and programs. The Community Club also sponsors our annual Fall Festival, Christmas Program and Spring Family Night.


President – Meredith Steves

1st Vice President – Amy Waters

2nd Vice President – Angie Rios

Secretary – Jennifer Shannon

Treasurer – Holly Cantu

Communications Specialist – Bridget Jacob

Volunteer Coordinator- Becky Fulenwider

Information on PTO meeting dates will be sent home in the newsletter. Your input is valued and we hope you make plans to attend. Also, be sure to follow the Mission Valley PTO Facebook page that will continue to be updated.


The staff at Mission Valley works with students to provide a safe, orderly, and positive learning environment. School-wide rules for all students are:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Each rule is further explained by certain expectations that are defined by location. For example, students will be taught what it means to be safe in the cafeteria, and what it means to be safe while on the playground. While the three rules will always be the same, expectations will vary depending on where your child is or what activity he/she is engaged in.

Shortly after school begins, your child’s teacher will send home a letter that details what expectations have been set up in the individual classroom using the same three rules.

Mission Valley ElementarySchool-wide rules

Be Safe / Be Respectful / Be Responsible
Arrival / * go straight to
* walk at all times
* use sidewalks
* wait in designated area until dismissed at 7:20 / * keep hands and feet to
* use inside voices
* use your manners
* pick-up after yourself / * arrive on time
* take care of your
* take care of school
* ask for adult help if needed
Breakfast/Lunch / * walk
* sit 4 to a table
* sit facing table with feet on floor
* keep hands and feet to yourself
* raise hand if you need assistance / * Use quiet voices
* Address custodians and cafeteria workers by Mr. or Ms.
* say, “Thank you”, “
Please”, “Yes/No
* Follow adult directions / * Use restroom before and/or after lunch
* Have lunch number and money ready
* collect all trash around tray and floor
* keep lunch tray until dismissed
Sidewalks / * keep hands and feet to yourself
* walk in straight line, facing forward with hands behind back
* stay to the right / * no talking without
* stay on sidewalks
* wait for your turn
patiently at water
fountain 5 sec rule / * go straight to
Picnic tables
Benches / * for sitting only / * use inside voices as
these areas are an
extension of the
classroom / * leave areas as you found it
Office Areas / * wait outside nurse’s office until invited in / * Use quiet voices / * show secretary your pass and let her know why you are there
Restrooms / * 2 in restroom at a time
* wash hands with soap
* soap on hands only
* keep water in sink
* throw paper towels in trash can
* feet on the floor at all times / * knock on stall door
before entering
* respect the privacy of others
* wait patiently for your turn
* silence/ quiet voice / * Go, Flush, Wash, Leave
Recess / * what’s on the ground, stays on the ground
* slide down feet first
* monkey bars and chin up bars are for hands only
* stop swing before
getting off
* touch tag only
* no gymnastics / * play fairly and honestly
* use good sportsmanship
* wait for your turn
* respect the environment
ex: animals, trees, litter / * stay in designated area
* leave area as you found it
Assemblies / * remain seated on your bottom
* hands and feet to
Yourself / * listen to speaker
* laugh and clap when
appropriate (no booing, whistling, yelling)
* value thoughts and
opinions of others
* stay with your group / *raise your hand if you need assistance
Dismissal / * stay with an adult
* walk at all times / * listen and follow adult directions
* use quiet voices
* keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / * buses load near room #20
* Car riders load near library
* If bus is not present, line up behind appropriate cone
Bus / * walk to and from bus
* remain seated at all times
* keep hands/head out of the window
* keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / * use quiet voice
* use your manners
* respect your driver at all times / * keep all belongings with you
* take care of bus


The dress code as approved by the School Board is included in the VISD Student Code of Conduct. Please review this section of the handbook. If students do not conform to the dress code, school personnel will provide substitute clothing for the student to wear. If none is available, the student will be asked to call home and will remain in the office until suitable clothing is available.