Parents/Guardians and Cadets,

The Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership (JSMAL) is the first public military-themed middle school in the State of Florida. Although academics are the primary purpose of every school, leadership development is the driving force to ensure student success at JSMAL. In every classroom, for every student, and every day, cadets will be exposed to a rigorous core curriculum of Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts. In addition, cadets will have exposure to Military Themed PE, Health, Art, Music or Foreign Language. All JSMAL cadets will take a leadership course that is structured in a traditional military environment that includes development of self-discipline, motivation, and team building activities that will prepare you for success at JSMAL, in high school, in college, in a career, and in life.

Our environment is structured and disciplined, and our faculty and staff expect the best from every cadet.

Jason Bloom


Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership


The Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership is governed by all regulations of the Duval County School Board, and the DCPS Student Code of Conduct.

This handbook does not alter the letter or spirit of Board Policy, but is intended to acquaint cadets with the goals, organization, operations, and expectations of JSMAL. Each cadet is expected to observe the rules and regulations as stated in this manual in order to seek development toward goals of citizenship; excellence; and service to school, community, state and nation.

All cadets have been enrolled at JSMAL at the parent/guardian’s request. Therefore, it is assumed that both the cadet and the parent/guardian desired enrollment based on the expectations that JSMAL will uphold high standards of academic achievement and personal conduct.

The cadet handbook has been developed to acquaint cadets and their parents/guardians with the expectations and requirements of JSMAL. If a cadet feels that he/she is unwilling to abide by the rules and procedures outlined in this handbook, the cadet may request a transfer through the Choice Office to a neighboring school.

PrincipalJason Bloom

Assistant Principal of CurriculumJenifer Raulerson-Campese

Assistant Principal & Military LiaisonTakita Williams

Dean of StudentsMonica Sims


  2. Philosophy
  3. Vision
  4. Mission
  5. Creed
  6. Objectives
  7. Essentials for Success at JSMAL
  8. Honor Code
  2. The Uniform
  3. Uniform Policy
  4. Daily Service Uniform
  5. Physical Training (PT) Uniform
  6. Purchasing the Uniform
  7. Other Uniform Items/Optional
  8. Hairstyles
  9. Jewelry
  10. Personal Appearance
  11. Book Bags
  2. Appropriate Interactions
  3. CHAMPs
  4. Classroom Expectations
  5. Signal for Attention
  6. Discipline Policy
  7. Positive Behavior Interventions
  2. Cadet Review Board
  3. Progress Reports/Report Cards
  4. Grade Portal
  5. Extracurricular Activities
  2. Classroom Responsibilities
  3. Cadet Ranks
  4. Cadet Ranking Eligibility Requirements
  5. Community Service
  2. Attendance
  3. Emergency Cards
  4. Phone Policy
  5. Hall Passes
  6. Medical Care
  7. Chronic Illnesses
  8. Accidents

We believe that learning is a life-long process of growth and development. The process includes both physical and mental activities. As such, we believe that school should provide a variety of experiences aimed to develop responsible, intelligent, self-directed human beings who can function as effective citizens. In life, our cadets will be required to both lead and follow. In concentrating on military leadership strategies, we believe that each cadet will understand what it takes to be an effective leader and team member. Ultimately, we believe if we promote learning in all areas, our cadets will have the foundation for future success and be able to participate fully in life’s great adventure!


Our vision is for JSMAL cadets to be prepared for success in leadership through rigorous instruction, respectful interaction, effective discipline and community service.


To provide an environment that promotes academic excellence, inspires leadership, and strengthens physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.

  1. CREED

As cadets of Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, we commit to excellence by serving with respect, learning with passion and leading with honor and integrity.

  1. To engage cadets in learning experiences/activities that will enable them to show continuous improvement in academic performance.
  2. To expose cadets to real-world and meaningful leadership development and educational experiences through partnerships with the military branches and local leaders that serve our city and our nation.
  3. To ensure a safe, disciplined, orderly, and structured environment to promote academic excellence and maximize instructional time.
  4. To provide an environment that emphasizes that honor is the foundation of cultivating self-respect, integrity and trust.
  5. To provide cadets with a program designed to develop leadership qualities.
  6. To provide cadets a full range of extra-curricular opportunities.
  7. To involve parents/guardians in the total education process and development of the whole cadet.
  1. SELF-CONTROL: The ability to control one’s emotions, actions, language and anger during a crisis, problem, or disagreement. If you cannot control yourself, you cannot lead others.
  2. SELF-DISCIPLINE: The ability to set goals and meet them without the threat of a punishment or the promise of a reward. If you cannot motivate yourself, you cannot motivate others.
  3. SELF-ESTEEM: The internal feeling of pride and confidence to demonstrate in every situation that one has the self-control, knowledge and discipline needed for leadership.
  4. LEADERSHIP: Leadership is earned by service to others and through the understanding that I AM SOMEONE WHO RESPECTS AND IS RESPECTED BY OTHERS. Leadership is not obtained by blaming, bullying, fighting or disrespecting others.

1. I am a cadet at Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, and I will always conduct myself in a manner that will bring honor to myself, my fellow cadets, and my school.

2. I will show respect for all school officials, fellow cadets, and for the property of the school and others. I will treat others as I would like to be treated. I will learn and follow all the JSMAL rituals and routines. I will follow the established rules and regulations, control my actions, and take responsibility for my conduct.

3. I will wear my uniform everyday with pride and dignity. I will work to become physically and mentally fit, and to develop habits of good personal hygiene.

4. I will achieve academic excellence by preparing myself for all assignments and exams. I will rely on my own abilities to succeed and will do my own work. A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. I will not struggle in silence, but I will take the initiative to ask for help or seek assistance.

5. I will be on time and attend school daily. If I am absent, I will seek out each teacher for the assignments I missed and return them promptly.

6. I will come to class prepared every day, bring all the materials required, and actively participate and engage in every lesson. I will maintain a positive attitude by being receptive to new ideas and new ways of learning. I will be respectful of the opinions of my teachers and my fellow cadets.

7. I am a member of the JSMAL team, and I will work to excel in academics, athletics and leadership. I will support and encourage my fellow cadets to do the same.

8. I understand that I represent Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership at school and in my community. I will maintain the same standards of conduct in both settings.


1. The JSMAL uniform is an important element in the morale, pride, discipline and effectiveness of our program. It is important for JSMAL cadets to maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance. The key elements are neatness, cleanliness, safety and military image.

2. Wearing your uniform should be a matter of personal pride. Your dress and conduct shall be such as to reflect credit upon your school, your community, and your country. Shoes will be in good repair. No articles such as pencils, pens, combs, or similar items shall be worn exposed when in uniform.

3. Cadets will not have their hands in the pockets while in uniform.

4. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not part of the uniform. If found in your possession, items will be confiscated.


Cadets MUST be in the prescribed uniform every day. Maintaining the cleanliness of the uniform is the responsibility of the cadet. A dirty uniform is not an excuse to come to school in civilian clothes or in a partial uniform. Civilian articles of clothing shall not be worn with the uniform, and CADETS MAY BE REFUSED ATTENDANCE IF NOT IN UNIFORM. Cadets are also expected to be in complete uniform while traveling to and from JSMAL. Cadets cannot leave or enter the campus in the PT Uniform, unless otherwise directed.


1. Polo dri-fit shirt with an embroidered school logo.

  1. Each grade level will wear a different color polo shirt to distinguish themselves from the other grade levels.
  2. 6th – Red
  3. 7th – Blue
  4. 8th – Black
  5. Polo shirt will be worn tucked into uniform pants and the minimum of the lower two buttons buttoned.

2. Khaki pants.

  1. Pants will be ironed flat (no creases).
  2. Belt will go through all belt loops.
  3. Pants will be worn properly on the hips.
  4. Pants will be worn over the shoes so that the tongue of the shoe is not visible.
  5. Pants will not be worn cuffed.
  6. Pants will not be worn tucked into socks or shoes.

3. Black canvas military belt.

  1. Buckle and tip will be silver, polished, with no dullness.
  2. Belt tip will be within 3 – 6 inches with end of metal buckle. With the tip to the cadet’s left (towards the Stilwell emblem).
  3. There will be no more than 6 inches of excess belt.
  4. Belt buckle will be worn centered on pants button/center seam.

4. Closed-toed black tennis shoes or boots with heels no higher than one inch

  1. Shoes will be laced through all available eyelets with black shoelaces.
  2. Shoes will be clean with no scuffs
  3. If a shoe can be shined, it is encouraged.

5. Black plain knit or rib knit crew socks

6. JSMAL jacket

  1. Winter and cold classrooms – no other outer wear will be permitted

7. Hats

  1. Hats will not be worn in uniform, unless a uniform hat is established.

1. Navy blue dri-fit shirt with the school logo

2. Navy blue shorts with the school logo

3. Black tennis shoes

4. Black crew socks


1. ALL uniform items, with the exception of black shoes/boots, socks and khaki pants, must be purchased through AG’s Tees & Embroidery. (

2. Khaki pants: To ensure uniformity of color, we have partnered with Walmart on Normandy Blvd. They will have a Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership section set up. Parents will need to notify the cashiers that you are purchasing Stilwell Uniform pants to receive a discount. ($11) Please do not purchase the pants from other vendors.

  1. George Khaki Flat Front Pants – Barley Color
  2. Sizes 4-16 for Juniors
  3. Sizes 29/30 up to 48/42

1. Gloves may be worn for warmth during the winter months with any uniform when the cadet jacket is worn. Gloves shall not be worn in the classroom, during inspections, or at any other time when not exposed to the elements. Gloves should be black and full-fingered.

2. Undergarments – A plain white crew neck undershirt may be worn under the polo shirt. No long sleeve shirts may be worn under the polo shirt.


1. Males – Extreme, eccentric, or faddish haircuts, hairstyles or colors are not authorized. Inappropriate styles that result in shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline) or designs cut into the hair are prohibited.

2. Females - Many female hairstyles are acceptable, as long as they are neat and conservative. Extreme or eccentric hairstyles or color are not authorized.

  1. Hair-holding devices are authorized only for the purpose of securing the hair. Female cadets will not place hair-holding devices in the hair for decorative purposes. All hair-holding devices must be plain and of a color as close to the cadet’s hair as is possible or clear.
  2. Cadets are not permitted to wear bows or bandanas.

1. The ONLY body piercings allowed for females are stud/ball earrings, which may only be worn in the lowest piercing in the ear lobe. The stud/ball may be gold, silver, white, or black in color. Earring must match in color, shape, and size. No other earrings are authorized. No hoops or dangling earrings are permitted.

2. Males may not wear earrings while in uniform or representing the school during an activity.

3. Facial piercings of any type, tongue rings, and ear gauges are strictly prohibited.

4. Both males and females may wear necklaces IF they are not visible while in any uniform. No bracelets are allowed while in uniform, except for medical ID.

5. Both males and females may wear one ring per hand and a single wrist watch. These must be conservative and not detract from the appearance of the uniform (no large or colorful rings and watches).


1. Fingernails

  1. Male: Will not extend past the fingertips.
  2. Female: Shall not extend ¼ inch past fingertips. Nail polish color shall complement the skin tone or be clear.

2. Cosmetics

  1. Male: Not authorized.
  2. Female: Applied in good taste and colors blend with natural skin tone. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetics are inappropriate. Lipstick should be conservative.

All cadets may have a book bag to carry their books that is IAW Duval County regulations. Gym bags will be authorized to carry gym clothing, sports clothes, etc., and will be stored away.

  1. Cadets will address all teachers and staff appropriately (Mr., Mrs., or Ms. with the teacher’s last name - for example: “Mr. Smith, Mrs. Jones,” etc.).
  2. Responses such as: “yeah”, “huh”, “okay”, “un huh” or other guttural replies will not be used by cadets in response to teacher inquiries. “Yes, sir/ma’am” or “no, sir/ma’am” or a direct informational response are the only replies that will be accepted.
  3. When addressing an adult or other student, you shall not have any items (gum, sunflower seeds, pens) in your mouth.
  1. CHAMPs

All that we do is governed through a specific set of instructions summed up in the acronym, CHAMPs. For each activity, transition and routine, we specify each of the following conditions:

C = Conversation / Level 0 = no talking; Level 1 = whisper; Level 2 = conversation; Level 3 = presentation; Level 4 = outside voice.
H = Help / This is the ritual for getting the attention of a teacher or other person in charge.
A = Activity / This is the specific set of directions for completing this particular activity or routine.
M = Movement / This identifies the movement that is allowed during this activity.
P = Participation / This is what a person should see if the activity is being completed correctly.
S = Success / If all is followed, then we have success!

The following CHAMPs routines will be followed in every classroom with every teacher. Other rituals and routines for classroom activities and transitions will be established by the individual teacher.

  1. CHAMPs for End of Class Routine/Line Up

C / Level 1
H / Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
A / At the end of class, the teacher will signal the Section Leader with the following command: “Section Leader, Take Charge.” At that point, the Section Leader will lead the inspection of the classroom and line up the cadets in 2 separate lines according to gender: girls on one side of the doorway, boys on the other side. At no time should students be crowding the door.
M / Cadets will clean up their work area, collect their belongings and line up at the door. Cadets WILL NOT LEAVE the classroom or approach the door, until dismissed by the teacher.
P / Cadets will quickly and efficiently prepare for dismissal. This process should take no more than 1 minute.
  1. CHAMPs for Class Dismissal/Hallway Movement

C / Level 0
H / Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
A / At the signal from the teacher, girls walk out in a straight line on the right hand side of the hallway. Boys follow the girls in a straight line. Students remain “on the blue,” when appropriate, one behind the other while moving directly to the next class. The line shall stop at intersections or teacher designated stopping places as directed.
M / All students remain in a straight line. There is no movement within the line – you must stay in your place in line.
P / All students are facing the front of the line and moving to the next class quickly and silently.
  1. CHAMPs for Cafeteria Conduct

C / Level 1
H / Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
A / Cadets walk in a straight line to their assigned table and sit with their feet under the table on the floor, with girls on one side and boys on the other. When signaled, cadets line up to purchase lunch. When finished eating, cadets will sit patiently wait until an adult clears the table.
M / Cadets move to and from the lunch line when signaled to do so. No other movement is authorized. There must be no “skipping” or saving spaces in the lunch line or at the table.
P / Cadets are seated properly, eating and conversing at voice level 1.
  1. CHAMPs for Bathroom Breaks

C / Level 0
H / Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
A / Girls line up on one side of the doorway. Boys line up on the other side of the doorway. At the signal from the teacher, girls walk out in a straight line on the right hand side of the hallway. Boys follow the girls in a straight line. When directed, no more than 4 girls and 4 boys will be sent into the bathroom. As a cadet comes out, another cadet may enter.
M / Cadets must stay in line with the class until it is their turn for the bathroom and then return to the line until everyone is finished. Cadets must stay in their place in line.
P / Cadets are standing silently in line and moving in line from the classroom to the bathrooms and back again. Cadets move quickly and quietly to conduct their business in the bathroom. There is to be no loud horseplay or loitering in the bathroom.

When a teacher or administrator needs the attention of a group of cadets, the same signal for attention will be used in all instances.