MahopacCentralSchool District Curriculum 2003-04

Welcome To Foundations Through Theatre

  • Theatre and The New York state Standards –

The State Standard for teaching language arts requires English instruction to include reading, writing, speaking and listening for information, critical thinking, expression and social interaction. This standard is the foundation of all New YorkState high school English programs. The literature and assignments used to achieve this standard are left to the teacher’s discretion. This class will employ the literature of the theater and the methods artists and actors use to read critically and communicate effectively.

  • MahopacHigh School’s Theatre Curriculum –

Our theatre curriculum is divided into four components:

  1. Performance
  2. Critical Theory and History
  3. Design/Production
  4. Creative Writing

All assignments and projects will relate to at least one of these four

disciplines. Students will study literature in the same way directors and

actors approach a script in performance. It is our belief that the theatre

brings text to life, so students will be confronting plays in a very powerful

way. These techniques will reinforce the necessary language arts skills.

Students will also learn the art of collaboration because the theatre is an

integration of these four components.

  • Theatre and the current ninth grade curriculum –

This program includes the material covered in the current ninth grade curriculum. Students will also be required to read additional works of literature. We will be studying plays and essays that are not part of the regular freshman survey. It is important to note that students will be required to complete summer and independentreading assignments.

  • Course Outline –

The western tradition in literature begins with story, poetry and theatre. We will explore the mythology that gave birth to the theatre and we will trace its lineage through the Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Periods. This will reinforce the curriculum covered in freshman Global Studies classes.

  • Our Goals –

We are striving for the following:

  1. We hope to not only create better readers and writers, but to inspire students to be lovers of literature and culture.
  2. We hope to contribute to the growing literary community at Mahopac high School.
  3. We hope to develop an aesthetic sense in each of our students.
  4. We hope to accelerate the study of English at the high school level so that students can take the State exam earlier, allowing them more choices for studying the language arts in their junior year.
  5. We hope to integrate literature, art and history through the study of theatre.
  6. We hope to build self-esteem, critical thinking skills, educated audiences and young people who understand collaboration. The theatre is an excellent medium for reaching all these goals.
  7. We hope that students will receive college credit in literature and the theatre by the time they graduate.