Welcome to First Grade Continued!
Spelling-We use the Rebecca Sitton spelling series which is a program designed around the philosophy of teaching children how to spell, not just to memorize words for a test. Each unit consist of five words-many may think the words seem “easy” however, please know that these five words are grouped together to teach specific spelling patterns and rules. The goal is for the students to use this knowledge in their everyday spelling by teaching spelling patterns that apply to many words-not just memorized lists of words. The spelling lists will not begin coming home until the second week of December. Along with spelling words, students will also have a list of five sight words sent home a week. To help at home, please work with your child to be able to read and recognize these words. The words are high frequency words and will be seen often in their reading and used often in their writing. Students do not need to know how to spell these words, but rather, should be able to recognize them and read them automatically. These words will begin to be sent home the first week of December.
Math-This year the district implemented a new math curriculum titled: “Math in Focus”. This program is based on the “Singapore Math Approach”. This research based approach aligns with the common core and focuses on number sense by providing a precise framework of concepts and skills that are taught in depth to allow for mastery. This program uses a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract development of concepts using model drawings to connect visual representation to problem solving and algebra.
We will spend a lot of time on the “thinking” parts of math, not just the computation parts of math. The goal is to have students understand the concepts, not just the process. This means a lot of hands on discovery, problem solving, and strategizing. We use a lot of manipulatives to help build number sense as well as to help math be more concrete for students. Major math concepts covered this year will include counting and writing numbers through 120, recognizing and being able complete both growing and shrinking patterns, addition, subtraction, mental math, and number sense. We will also work with money recognition, measurement, and solving story problems. Problem solving homework will be sent home 1x a week beginning in November. You can help at home, by working with your student on this. When math work comes home, please talk with your child about HOW they got the answer, not just whether or not the answer is correct.
Science, Social Studies, and Health- Our Science, Social Studies, and Health curriculum are integrated into our reading, writing, and math curriculum. We have some time blocked out for focused lessons on these topics, but often these lessons will be integrated into our Reading and Writing workshops. Some topics covered will include History, Geography, Civics, Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth Science. We will also study safety, feelings, decision making and problem solving, and healthy lifestyles for health.
How Can You Help?
Here are a few ways you can help out in our classroom.
Volunteering – If you would like to help out in our classroom, either on a regular basis or just once in a while, please let me know with a note in the agenda, a phone call (775-2270 ext 115), or an e-mail (). An extra pair of hands is always welcome in the classroom.
Chaperoning – We hope to take several field trips this year (budgets permitting) and we will need chaperones. The important thing to remember about this is Mt. Pleasant Public schools requires a background check on ALL chaperones annually. That means even if you filled out the paperwork last year, it needs to be completed again this year. It takes about a week to process the paperwork, so I need to know well in advance if you are interested in chaperoning. Look for notes in the agenda announcing field trips and a need for chaperones. Also, because of limited space, siblings are not allowed to attend field trips. IMPORTANT: Chaperones are NOT permitted to bring siblings on any first grade field trips.
Soup Labels and Box Tops – By sending in soup can labels and Box Tops for Education, you can help our whole school. PTO uses these for many fabulous things such as playground equipment.