Welcome to English Composition II
Engl 1302 - Spring 2010
Monday and Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Room 319
3 Credit Hours / 48 hours per semester
Lecture / Core Curriculum
INSTRUCTOR:Robert M. Jeffers
TEXT:Current Issues and Enduring Questions, 9th edition, Sylvan Barnett and Hugo Bedau, eds.
Course Goals:
In English 1302, we seek to provide writing instruction and practice that will help students master critical analysis of reading selections (both fiction and non-fiction) and the research process, as well as to continue to creatively implement persuasive/argumentative writing techniques. All elements of English 1302 require students to apply critical thinking and writing skill introduced in English 1301
Course Description:
A more extensive study of the skills introduced in English 1301 with an emphasis on critical thinking, research, documentation techniques, and literary and rhetorical analysis. Prerequisite: English 1301 or a satisfactory score on the CLEP Exam. Credit: 3 semester hours (3 lecture hours).
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Apply basic principles of rhetorical analysis
- Write essays that classify, explain, and evaluate rhetorical and literary strategies employed in argument, persuasion, and various forms of literature.
- Identify, differentiate, integrate, and synthesize research materials into argumentative and/or analytical essays.
- Employ appropriate documentation style and format across the spectrum of in-class and out-of-class written discourse.
- Demonstrate library literacy.
- Experiment in creative and reflective approaches to writing.
Learning Objectives:
1. Demonstrate the ability to coherently analyze: divide a text into rhetorical parts, name the parts, identify examples that illustrate each part, and evaluate the contribution of each in one or more essays;
2. Apply the basic principles of critical thinking—evaluation, analysis, and synthesis— in written essays that persuade or argue;
3. Distinguish fact from opinion in others’ writings and evaluate whether they prove their points and/or whether they can be appropriately used as sources in documented papers;
4. Research and write documented paper(s) using proper MLA style;
5. Find and evaluate library books, journals, magazines, and/or data-bases to find information on a topic or issue;
6. Expand the scope, confidence, and creativity of written expression
CORE Curriculum Competencies:
This course stresses the HCC CORE Competencies of reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy.
Minimum Writing Requirement:
To be good on a computer, one must spend many hours on it. To be a good short stop, one has to field endless amounts of grounders. To be a good writer, one must . . . . As in any other skill, practice advances mastery: 6,000 words minimum. This course requires more.
Attendance to all classes is expected. Should you anticipate an absence, please notify the instructor in advance. An excessive number of absences will prohibit the successful completion of this course. If you should miss a class, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments from a classmate.
Anyone who has missed SIX hours of class may be dropped from the course or may receive
a final grade of "F" if the final drop day has passed.
If a student misses more than 6 hours of class, excused or non-excused absences, the student may be dropped from the course. Three tardies equal one absence. Leaving early is the same as a tardy. If students stop attending the class, it is their responsibility to formally withdraw.
For all students, if you wish to withdraw, it is recommended that you submit the withdrawal form in the registration office. However, before you withdraw from any class, please consider the following carefully:
The State of Texas has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses excessively. For example, if you take the same course more than two times, you have to pay extra tuition. In 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting new students (those starting college in Fall 2007) to no more than six total course withdrawals throughout their academic career in obtaining a baccalaureate degree. There may be future penalties imposed.
Please ask your instructor or counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal. In consideration of the above law, I will not give “W” as a grade option unless you have submitted the withdrawal form yourself before the deadline for withdrawal. I will only give whatever grades are earned (A, B, C, D, or F) by you. Other instructors may have different rules concerning giving "W" grade. Please read the syllabus for each of your classes to be informed of the rules.
Behave like adults, and you will be treated like adults. Or, if you prefer:
The college classroom is a place for adult men and women to come together with the common purpose of improving their intellectual and academic skills. All students deserve a classroom environment that is free of interruptions or distractions that impede learning. Because active participation in class discussions is essential, it is important that all students are fully prepared for class each day. Any student who arrives unprepared, sleeps in class, or is disruptive will be asked to leave class.
This is a writing class. To learn baking, you have to bake; to learn carpentry, you have to work with wood; to learn writing, you have to write. 5 papers will be assigned, as well as two in-class essay exams and a research paper. All assignments and their respective due dates will be announced in class. Requirements for the papers are listed below. All in-class exams must be submitted in a Blue Book. No exceptions will be allowed.
Research Paper
The research paper will be a documented paper in accordance with all the requirements of the MLA Stylebook. It will be a minimum of 2500 words of text (excluding citations).
Evaluation is based on the satisfactory completion of all assignments in the course. Grades for the course will be based on the five papers, the research paper, and the final exam.. Papers will be assessed on their compliance with the assignment, a showing of understanding of the topic assigned, and analysis of the literary forms or topics covered in class. All papers will be expected to conform to the requirements of the MLA Stylesheet.
All Papers written outside of class must:
- Be Typed
Format for typed papers: double spaced, font no larger than Times New Roman 11, or its equivalent
If you can’t possibly get your paper typed, let me know.
The research paper MUST be typed. NO EXCEPTIONS. (Exceptions for extraordinary circumstances may be made. Ask me if you have an insurmountable problem.)
- Be Stapled
Any out of class paper that is not stapled together when it is turned in will not be accepted. You are responsible for all pages of the paper being present, in proper order, and attached to one another.
A stapler will be provided for papers written in class.
- Include a heading or title page
If a heading, it should be in the upper right hand corner with:
Student’s name
“English 1302”
If a title page, the same information can be simply centered on the page.
All papers requiring citation to sources (please refer to the notes and definitions of “plagiarism” in this syllabus for further clarification) must conform to MLA style. The rule of thumb in this class will be: “When in doubt, cite.”
All assignments are to be completed and submitted to the instructor on the scheduled due date. All papers are due at the beginning of class on the date they are due. No late assignments will be accepted.
There will be two exams, both in the classroom. The mid-term exam will be on Wednesday, October 13, 2010. Exams must be taken on or before the scheduled time and date. Students with special needs or circumstances must contact the instructor BEFORE the scheduled exam in order to make different arrangements.
The following are examples of the types of assignments which will be made over the semester:
Analysis of a Text: One 900 - 1200+ word out-of-class analysis where a student learns to illustrate whether an author effectively proves his point or not.
Midterm Analysis, a 600+ word in-class mid-term where a student analyses an audience based on the author’s use of appeals to logic, emotion, and credibility.
Definition/Issue Paper, a 350+ word informative essay defining an issue and three positions on it, which becomes the focus of research for the Argumentative Paper.
Final, a 750+ word in-class argumentative paper that takes a stand on an issue in a literary text discussed in class and refutes two opposing ideas.
Department Rule on In-Class Essay Exams:
The English department has a long-standing rule regarding the importance of in-class essays. If the average of the midterm and final in-class essays falls below a 70 (C) the course grade will be the average of those two essays, that is, either a “D” or an “F”.
Please note the following requirements:
- All major writing assignments must be completed to pass the course. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All accompanying documentation must be submitted with each major assignment. Make sure you get everything you will need to submit documentation and do a Works Cited page.
- Plagiarism will earn a “0” for that assignment and may not be made up.
- Essays will be returned from one to two weeks after the submission date. Please do not ask me about when papers will be returned.
- Papers not submitted in class should be directed to the English Department secretary. DO NOT GIVE PAPERS TO THE RECEPTIONIST OR LEAVE THEM IN MY MAILBOX. The departmental secretary MUST date, initial and time your envelope. She will forward your paper to me. Your name and class must be on the front of the envelope.
- Keep a hard copy of all assignments you submit.
Grading Policy:
Final grades are determined by averaging the total of each area listed below.
5 Papers / 50%Research Paper / 30%
Mid Term and Final Exam / 10% each
HCC Grading Scale:
A = 100 – 90
B = 89 – 80
C = 79 – 70
D = 69 – 60
F = 59 and below
Grading Criteria:
A – Student demonstrates superior ability, skill and originality. Possesses
thorough knowledge of material and consistently submits high quality work that is
adapted to audience and the rhetorical context.. Exceptional quality.
· B – Student shows above average ability, but nothing distinguished. Usually goes
beyond what is required. Work is largely free of rhetorical and stylistic errors.
Adheres to instructions. Good work.
· C – Average work which adequately treats assignment. Contains some errors,
i.e., mechanical, stylistic, rhetorical, proofreading. Work adheres to instructions
· D – Below average work, but not failing. Inadequate development of assignment,
poorly focused writing indicating writer’s uncertainty of task. Shows little
originality and skill. Student rarely adheres to specified guidelines. Work
frequently contains errors.
· F – Student consistently turns in unacceptable work which is sloppy, poorly
organized, fails to meet requirements and contains excessive errors in style and
logic. Student never meets deadlines and demonstrates no interest and little effort
in work.
HCC Policy Statements:
- Discipline: As your instructor and as a student in this class, our shared responsibility is to develop and maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. I take this responsibility seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it difficult for me to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the learning needs of your classmates and to assist me achieve this critical goal. (See Student Handbook)
- Academic Honesty: A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students. The instructor is responsible for measuring each student’s individual achievements and also for ensuring that all students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading, and enforcing roles. You are expected to be familiar with the HCC’s policy on Academic Honesty found in the catalogue. What that means is that if you are charged with an offense, pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you.
Just so there is no misunderstanding, plagiarism (using another's ideas or words without giving credit), Collusion (unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit), and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated. To be accepted, all papers require proof of their development. Students who plagiarize, collude, or cheat may face disciplinary action including the grade of 0 for the assignment, an F for the course, and/or dismissal from the college. For more on plagiarism, see "Plagiarism" in The New McGraw-Hill Handbook, second edition. (See Student Handbook)
- Special Needs: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. For questions, please contact Donna Price at 713.718.5165 or the Disability Counselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, please visit then click Future students, scroll down the page and click on
the words Disability Information.
Northwest ADA Counselor – Mahnaz Kolaini – 713.718.5422
HCC Student Services Information:
Student Services provides master’s and doctoral-level counseling for the Northwest College student body. Counselors are available at each campus to assist students in creating class schedules, evaluating college transcripts, and completing degree/certificate plans.
Student Services regular business hours are the same at both campuses. Phone numbers:
* 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. M – Th
* 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. F – Sat
* Katy Campus, 713-718-5751
* Spring Branch Campus, 713-718-5669
Additional Information:
Early Alert: HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your professor will “alert” you through counselors of concerns that you might fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performance.
Additional Support:
- Tutoring and WritingCenters
- On-Campus tutors in the KatyCampusWritingCenter, Room 321, which is located across from the third floor Library. Look for posted hours or call 713-718-5841.
- WritingCenter at Spring Branch Campus, South Hall, Room 703. Look for posted hours or call 713-718-5889.
- On-Line Tutors:
Tentative Lecture Outline:
Week Number / Reading Assignment. /
Reference Chapters or text pages
1 / Using SourcesCritical Thinking / Chapter 7Chapter 1
Labor Day Holiday / Critical Reading: Getting Started / Chapter 2
3 / A College Education: What Is Its Purpose? / Chapter 21
4 / Critical Reading: Getting Deeper into Argument / Chapter 3
5 / Obesity: Who is Responsible for our Weight?Developing an Argument of Your Own / Chapter 17
Chapter 6
6 / Testing: What Value Do Tests Have? / Chapter 30
Mid-Term Exam / A Philosopher’s View: The Toulmin Model / Chapter 8
8 / A Lawyer’s View: Steps Toward Civic LiteracyA Moralist’s View: Ways of Thinking Ethically / Chapter 11
Chapter 10
9 / The Death Penalty: Is It Ever Justified? / Chapter 22
10 / A Logician’s View: Deduction, Induction, Fallacies
A Psychologist’s View: Rogerian Argument / Chapter 9
Chapter 12
11 / What is the Ideal Society? / Chapter 32
Week Number / Reading Assignment /
Reference Chapters or text pages
12 / Torture: Is it Ever Justifiable? / Chapter 3113
Thanksgiving Holiday / A Literary Critic’s View: Arguing about Literature / Chapter 13
14 / How Free is the Will of the Individual within Society? / Chapter 33
15 / What is Happiness? / Chapter 34