Welcome to English 8

Mr. Giacche

Mrs. Howell


BE RESPECTFUL—Respect Each Other, Respect the Teacher, Respect Yourself

  • Be polite and cooperative
  • Raise your hand—you will have an opportunity to share your ideas

BE PREPARED—Come Ready to Learn

  • Bring all necessary materials to class with you everyday! This includes homework, binder, notebook, and pen or pencil.
  • Be in your seat and ready when bell rings.

BE RESPONSIBLE—You Control Your Own Destiny

  • Don’t Make Excuses or Blame Others For Your Own Actions
  • Know What is Expected of You
  • Complete ALL Assigned Work

Textbook: Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes

Each student will be provided their own text book. Once provided a text book, student is responsible for their text book throughout the year. A lost or damaged text book is expected to be paid for by the student (approximate cost $35).


You will be required to keep a single subject notebook for notes, examples, and homework, along with a special section in your 3-ring binder for only English papers. You will need a 2-pocket folder to hold quizzes, tests, and other important English papers. You will also need a supply of loose-leaf paper. Pens or pencils will be needed to complete work.


Homework will be assigned routinely. Homework must be on time and completed to the best of your ability. Late assignments will be penalized for each day they are late. It is important to keep track of homework passed back in order to use for future tests and quizzes. Homework will include reading and writing. It will also include work with vocabulary and grammar.


Your performance on homework, class work, quizzes, tests, and any other projects we may work on during the school year will determine your grades. Unannounced quizzes may be given to check on assigned reading and comprehension. All tests will be announced in advance.

Class Absenteeism

If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to find out what material you missed. This can not be stressed enough. Please do not let yourself get behind because it is difficult to catch up. Unless special arrangements are made, 1 extra day will be given to make up a quiz and 2 extra days will be allowed for a test. Homework that was due the day you were absent is due the day you return. You will be given 1 day for each day that you were absent to complete homework that has assigned while you were absent.

Extra Help

I will be available for extra help during my study hall hours. Any questions or concerns may be addressed at this time. I will also be available at other times throughout the day (before or after school) if no other time during the school day works. As per school rules, students should always receive a pre-signed pass to come in for extra help.

Consequences of Disruptive Behavior

I expect respectful and responsible behavior as outlined in the student handbooks. I want everyone to have the opportunity to learn to the best of their ability. Any student who chooses to misbehave or prevent others from learning will be dealt with according to the steps listed in the handbook.

I am very excited to be your teacher this year and look forward to a fantastic year. I expect this year to be a huge success.


I have read and understand the classroom rules and expectations listed above and I am confident I can fulfill these expectations and do my best throughout the year.


Student Signature


I have read and understand what is expected of my child during his/her English class this year. I will encourage him/her to always complete the daily assignments, to come to class prepared, and to ask for help when needed.


Parent Signature