Welcome to Economics

Mrs. Andrews

860.350.6647 x2322


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Homework updates, project dates and documents will be posted

Course Description:

This semester course will change the way you think about the world in which you live. Our goal is to examine how, why, and what causes economic phenomena that influence everyday events and choices. What makes prices go up and down? Why is unemployment so high? How is international trade and foreign policy connected? Key concepts will include supply and demand, scarcity, uncertainty, inflation, and unemployment. In addition to learning the theoretical meaning of these concepts, they will be studied with real world application. Students will be exposed to the many variables of living in a global economy. With a teacher’s recommendation and approval, students can request the honors option.


There is no textbook for this course which will allow us to keep current with information provided to you.

I do not require any specific materials for the course. Use what is most comfortable for you. I just ask that you stay organized.

Turnitin.com : All formal writing will be submitted through turnitin. I will be giving you the class number and password.

Assignments: Successful completion of this course requires you as students to complete reading and written assignments. Assignments will also include various types of written and visual projects. You will also be engaged in group activities.

Homeworkis essential for success in this class. If you fail to bring homework to class on the due date, the assignment cannot be made up unless by reason of approved absence.

Attendance: Part of your success in the classroom is good attendance. Please be sure to review attendance policy in the student handbook. Tardies will be dealt with according to school policy.

Class Participation. You are expected to participate in the daily activities in the class. Not only does this include discussions on content or homework, but also coming to class prepared with notebook, assignments and a pen or pencil.

Make Up/Late Work: Nightly homework cannot be made up for credit unless absent. In that case you should turn it in the next day. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, per the attendance policy, you have two days to make that up if the absence was approved. You are responsible to come and see me if you are absent to set a time for the make-up work.

Extra Help: I am available after school or during designated periods during the day. Please see me to arrange for extra help. I am dedicated to your success and happy to help you achieve our goals in this class. Please keep the lines of communication open.

Conduct: It is expected that there be appropriate language and mutual respect in the classroom. Please review school policy in your student handbook.

Grading Criteria:





Units of Study:

The Study of Economics

Economic Systems and the Global Economy

Free Enterprise

Demand and Supply Curves

Price Determination

Business Operation, Competition and Markets


Fiscal Policy