August 16 First day of practice.

August 18 Cyber Course Open House. 3-7 p.m. The Center.

August 20 Open House and

New Student Orientation- 6:30-8:00 pm.

Dual Enrollment Course

Introduction 7 p.m.

August 25 First Day of Class at CHS.

August 26 First Day at Career and Technology Center.

September 2 Bus Evacuation Drill

September 4 First Football Game with Tussey Mt..

September 7 Labor Day-No School.

October 1 Evening Conferences.

October 8-10 Homecoming.

October 16 Picture Day.

October 27 End First 9 Weeks.

October 30 In-Service-No school at CHS or CTC

-Senior Photos Due for

Yearbook. (tentative).


A tentative list of student needs for this school year includes:

First Day Items: Pens/pencils Notebooks/paper

Book covers

Check teacher websites and/or first day course syllabuses. to ensure what is actually needed for each class.


Stephanie Thompson- Assistant Principal and Athletic Director.

Andrew Kuntz-Building Trades.

Joe Ryan- English.

Heather Perry-Phys. Ed.

Dan Drumm- Marching Band.

Zachery Wozniak-Phys. Ed.

Family Consumer -TBA

Dawn Dillon-Emotional Support.

Carrol Hughes-Cafeteria

Spanish/ELA TBA

Keystone Exam Results

Individual Keystone Exam results in Algebra I, Biology and Literature will be distributed as soon as possible.

Congratulations to the 39.7% Algebra I, 46.5% Biology and 62% Literature students who scored “proficient” or “advanced” on the tests and met the graduation requirement!

ALL of those passing percentages are AT or ABOVE the state averages!

Students who did NOT score at that level will be assigned some level of remediation to prepare for another attempt at the Exam or the Project Based Assessment either this winter or spring.


--Yearbooks for 2014/15 are expected to arrive shortly! Watch the school website and the Morrisons Cove Herald for announcements.

-- A schedule for the distribution of Chromebooks will be announced shortly.


Mark your calendars for the 8th Annual Spring Cove Education Association and CHS Alumni Association Homecoming!

Oct. 8th - Parade, Powder Puff Game & Bonfire.

Oct. 9th - Football Game.

Oct. 10th - High School Semi-



The CHS Newsletter is distributed at the beginning of each new marking period.

The preferred method of distribution is by e-mail, so as you check your first day contact information, -please make sure your e-mail address is current!

The newsletter will also be available on the CHS website, and hard copies are available upon request.


Please remember that all students planning to participate in athletics MUST have paid the $25 participation fee BEFORE they are eligible.


Through an on-line partnership with Driving-Test.org, Central students preparing for their permit test can take practice tests by logging on to the their site at http://scsd.driving-tests.org .

A message from Food Service!

School Lunch Meal Requirements

Cafeteria Prices for 2015/16

Breakfast Lunch

Students 1.15 2.15

Adults 1.65 2.90

Reduced .30 .40

Reimbursable Meal Description

·  A reimbursable BREAKFAST consists of four components, milk, fruit/vegetable, and 2-grain/bread.

·  For breakfast, students need at least three of the four components to qualify as a reimbursable meal, with one of the components having to be a fruit or vegetable.

·  A reimbursable LUNCH consists of five components, milk, fruit, vegetable, grain/bread, meat/meat alternate (protein).

·  For lunch, students need at least three of the five components to qualify as a reimbursable meal, with one of the components having to be a fruit or vegetable.

·  Students may choose up to two fruits and two vegetables.

·  If your child chooses a beverage other than milk, or does not have a reimbursable meal, they will be charged the a la carte price for each item.

·  Our cooks will inform students if they do not have what they need for a reimbursable meal.

·  If your child receives free or reduced meals, and chooses any extra items or drink other than milk, they will be charged the a la carte price for that item.

Managing your account

·  You are responsible for keeping your child’s account up to date.

·  We will begin sending notices by phone, e-mail and letter when your child reaches a $20 deficit.

·  If you want to be notified prior to your child reaching the $20 deficit, you may call MY SCHOOL BUCKS at 1-855-832-5226 and request to receive a notice at whatever amount you choose.

·  Middle School and High School students will NOT RECEIVE A MEAL until the account is paid.

·  Students need to have money in their account or cash in hand if they want to purchase any extras or a la Carte items.

·  Remember that free and reduced students pay full price for any extras or a la Carte items and will need money in their account or cash in hand to purchase such items.