Name: Per:

Welcome to Ceramics 2!

Ms.Park ---- Room 209

Contact Info
Room Phone: 830.372.5770 ext. 20209
Remind101: 301.637.8921
(Get text alerts by texting the message “@e3eac8”.)
Website: / Planning Hours:
5th period 12:10 - 12:50
Office/ Open Studio Hours:
Mon-Fri 7:50- 8:20am
Tue & Thurs 4:00- 5:00pm

Materials Needed

·  A pencil to class everyday.

Course Description

Student will focus on planning, design, and ceramic construction techniques and procedures. Students will be able to apply design skills in creating both functional and non-functional pieces.

Goals and Objectives

● The students will explore various aspects of working with clay including design, techniques, processes and materials

● The students will develop skills associated with building and manipulating various tools to create ceramic art

● The students will explore the formulation of a personal voice in the creation of their art and to evaluate and critique art forms

● The student will develop a knowledge base about a variety of Ceramists

·  Respect each other
·  Try our best
·  We are a team
·  Learn from mistakes
·  Create
·  Celebrate each other’s success / Absolutely No
·  Cell phones.
·  Food or drink (Other than water).
·  Free time.
·  No talking while teacher is talking.
·  Outside class homework (90% of the time).
During Class
·  Come in quietly.
·  Leave bags under your table or chair.
·  Read board for class agenda.
·  Have sketchbook or project out.
·  Wait for instructions.
·  Follow Class Expectations at all times. / Leaving Class
·  Always ask Ms. Park before leaving the room.
·  Fill out the yellow hall pass to go to the bathroom.
·  Ask Ms. Park for a pass for special circumstances (i.e. nurse, office, etc.).
·  I dismiss you from class, not the bell.

Tardies & Absences

Don’t be late! It’s annoying. I start class on time and expect you to be here. If you’re late, you need to have a pass signed by a teacher or counselor to be excused. If you’re unexcused, I will not repeat any directions you missed. If you’re more than 15 minutes late, you’re absent.


All assignments are worth 100 points and are expected to meet the following criterions:

Artisanship : Is my work neat and complete? Did I show the skill the way the teacher showed me? Did I show attention to detail? Did I persist?

Creative process : Did I use my sketch paper? Did I plan my artwork? Did I develop a good sketch? Did I refine, practice, create, present, solve, reflect, develop, gather, and sketch?
Expression : Can I demonstrate how I created emotion, message, meaning, or idea in my artwork? Did I create the correct genre (landscape, portrait, abstract, still life, etc)? Did I create using the correct style, subject matter, and/or media?
Structure : Did I use all my space correctly? Did I use the elements of art and principles of design to create a unified and organized artwork?

Artist statements will sometimes be required for long term assignments, as a way for students to process and explain their artwork.

There will be frequent performance check. Students are expected to meet the following criterions:

BE PRESENT -arrives to class before bell, stays in class entire period

BE PREPARED- demonstrates positive & sharing behavior, brings necessary materials

BE POLITE- cooperates with the teacher & other students, abides by school rules, meets expectations

PARTICIPATE- follows directions, on task, does not disrupt class, asks & answers questions during class

Students that are not satisfied with their original grade may redo their work. Redos will be allowed until 5 school days after the initial hand back of work. Students may receive full credit on corrected work. Students who turn work in late will not be allowed to redo the work.

Everything we will do is equally important. What you do in your daily work affects your final project. The process of creating Art is just as important as the finished product. So try, try and try some more.

Turning In Work

Work in progress will be turned in to your period basket everyday. Work will be turned in at the end of class on the due date.

Late & Makeup Work

There is plenty of class and open studio time to work! I will not accept unfinished work. Work that is late will be recorded as “missing” (equal to zero) in the grade book if it is not turned in and complete on the due date. Students will be allowed to turn work in for full credit until 5 days after the initial hand back of graded work. A zero will be recorded for work missing after 5 days.

Students with an excused absence will be given 1 extra day for each class absent to turn in work. When absent, check the website to see what you’re missing. When you return, check the “Extra Copies” bin to pick up missed handouts. It is your responsibility!


If there is a behavioral problem or if a student does not follow the class expectations, parent contact will be made and a detention will be given. Detentions will be served during afternoon open studio time. You must have a parent signature on the detention slip and return it when you serve the detention. Failure to return the signature and serve the detention will result in another detention. Failure to serve both detentions will result in a discipline referral.


Please review this syllabus with your student at home. Please complete letter of commitment and have your student return it to me. I will start collecting the Letter of Commitment on August 23rd. The letter is due Sept. 9th.

Please feel free to contact me about any concerns. If you can think of anything that will help your student succeed, please let me know.

Thank you. Let’s have a great year!

-  Ms. Park