Grade 8 Course Selection Instruction Sheet
Students select courses for Grade 9 using “Career Cruising”. This internet-based career exploration and planning tool can be used to explore career and education options, prepare a resume, select courses and to complete the Individual Pathway Plan (IPP).
1.Go to and follow the Grade 8 Information Link or visit . View the “ccPathfinder” video for a demonstration on selecting courses. The Richardson Course Guide may be viewed from this page on the pull down menu on the left side of the page.
2. Login in by entering your username and password. Your username is the prefix “ddsb” followed by your student ID number. When logging in for the first time, your password will be your birth date using the format mmddyyyy.
4. To enter your course selections for the next school year, click on Choose My Courses from the list of options on the left under the question, What do you want to do?Click on the blue book icon at the top right to see the full Richardson Collegiate Course Guide. Remember you can add and change courses as many times as you like UNTIL you submit.When you SUBMIT your course selections are locked.
Step 1: Select SixCompulsory Courses. To choose a compulsory course, click on the plus '+' icon of any course slot with a name in the “Year 9” column. (English 9, Math 9, Science 9, Geography 9, PhysEd 9, and French 9)
- You will be presented with a list of courses to choose from.
- Click on the course name to see the full description, advisor notes, and prerequisite and successor relationships of this course.
- To add a course, click Add Courses. You will return to your course plan and the course you have chosen will appear. To remove a course from your course plan, click on the course name and select “Delete Course”.
- Continue until you have selected all your compulsory courses.
Step 2: Select Two Elective Courses. To choose an elective courseclick on the plus '+' icon of any white course slot.
- A drop down menu will appear with all subject areas available at Richardson Collegiate. By choosing one subject area, all the available courses will appear in that area. A search parameter for grade level electives is also available titled9th Grade ElectiveCourses.This is the preferred search parameter.
- Once you have made a selection, you will be presented with a list off courses to choose from.
- Click on the course name to see the full description, advisor notes, and prerequisite and successor relationships of this course.
- To add a course, click Add Courses. You will return to your course plan and the course you have chosen will appear. To remove a course from your course plan, click on the course name and select “Delete Course”.
- Continue until you have selected all your elective courses.
The blue symbol means there is an Advisor Note or Warning for that course that you must read.
The red symbol means there is an Alert for that course that you must read. You are not able to submit your course selections when there is a red alert.
Step 3: Select one Alternate Course. This course will be used in the event that your first two Elective Courses cannot
be scheduled.
Step 4:When you have selected all courses for the next school year and completed a review, click on the SUBMIT button.Your course selections will be locked. Warning: This step cannot be undone.
Step 5:Print a copy of the Course Request Signoff Sheet. This is a list of your course selections. It must be signed by your parent/guardian and submitted to your Grade 8 teacher byFebruary 18, 2014.